Fallout 1: Which is harder, Master's Vault or Military Base?


Creator of Fallout Fixt
Just wondering what is the consensus on which is a harder to finish, specifically in combat but just overall difficulty as well.

Personally, I find the Military Base rather hard to make through alive than the Master's Vault. Can't sneak through it for example, shitload of hard to kill mutants if one does not have good enough gear and in general a rather irritating thing is that the Brotherhood refuse to enter the damn complex when you go there with them to wreck the place.
Military Base for reasons I always wanted to keep my companions alive specially dog meat and darn those red force field and also many Mutants are packing 1(Usually) hit rocket launchers.
Qwee said:
Military Base for reasons I always wanted to keep my companions alive specially dog meat and darn those red force field and also many Mutants are packing 1(Usually) hit rocket launchers.
Cool avatar.

And you can tell your companions to wait, as long as you have NPC Mod from TeamX, or FIXT mod from me. Why you not using those?!
Eh....Base Cochise?
just kidding.
I didn't though beating Master or Lou is hard.
but I think Master is little bit harder because entrance to
Master's vault is hidden and there's time limit to get out of there plus nightkins are annoying enemy unlike SMs who kill themselves.
Military Base. I'm a completionist, so the second floor sucks just based on volume alone. It helps when mutants keep using burst though, saves a lot of trouble for you.
BarackSays said:
Military Base. I'm a completionist, so the second floor sucks just based on volume alone. It helps when mutants keep using burst though, saves a lot of trouble for you.
My favorite is when the rocket launcher ones miss and kill their buddy (or buddies).

Actually, my real favorite is when the rocket launcher mutant gets a critical fail, blowing up him AND the one next to him.
To me it was the military base. The Master was the only true challenge in the vault but i think the military base was more difficult because it has considerably more mutants, traps, force fields and also it had the lieutenant.
If you have robes, can't you get through the Master's Vault without fighting anything?
Military base was harder for me, too. The forcefields, the traps, the rocket-launcher-packing super mutants...
Still, I usually finish the base before fighting the Master.
Matthews said:
Yes, with the robes you can get through without fighting anything, Sduibek.
Damn, thought so. It's been a while since I played beginning to end. I can't decide whether that's cool or totally cheap and lame. I suppose you still have to pass the bluff check at the door mutants and set the bomb without those mutants noticing (or talk the Master into blowing himself).

Then again if we're being fair you can do Military Base without fighting either: robes down to the Vats control computer, make Mr Handy blow the forcefield, and then set the timer using one of the silent modes. If mutants bug you, you just need to pass the bluff check saying you're on a special mission.
Well usually it's better to use the Cathedral robe, but without it I would say the Master's Vault just because of the boss himself. Also with the Master's Vault you have to fight a horde of Mutants on the very level he's on so that means more chances of B.S. crits which leads to that moment of blistering nerd rage. Over 100 damage criticals.......FUCKIN' BULLSHIT I SAY :violent:
I usually do the base first and then the church. As a result when I start the base I have worse gear and it makes things harder. I can go into the church later with a turbo plasma rifle. But neither is exactly easy, I find that whichever I do first is harder.
If going for aggresive route, same difficulty.

From my AAR as low-health brawler:
I died 4 times in Military Base but in Cathedral too.

I mean, just look at ss from battle with Lou:


On other hand, those officers from Vault are kinda hard (A LOT of hp as for mutants)


But why same difficulty? Most deaths are caused by critic hits of enemies.
The military base was a huge pain in the ass for me on my first playthrough.I walk in there, thinking I'm a huge badass after just gotten my power armor, and then combat initiates: BAM!, a super mutant with a rocket launcher scored a critical hit on me with Ian standing right next to me, and blew both of us right the fuck up.I walk in there again after having been more prepared, and after what seemed like an extremely harsh fight working my way through the first and second levels of the Military Base, I somehow got stuck because of those damned force fields.Ok third time, I decide to go to the BOS base to see if I can dig around for anything to help me in the military base. I find out that they can send BOS Paladins to help you at the Military Base. Great. So I head to the military base, the BOS pally's are there with me. Lets do this. I walk into the base, and... I'm the only one coming in. I leave and reenter several times, they still aren't coming in. I go outside to find them, and they are just running around like idiots, with floating texts like "Lets do this!" (or something like that) when I try to talk to them. I thought it was a bug (well the fact that they never left when we hit the door was, thus I was confused because they never told me they were leaving, they just kept saying "Lets Do This" but wouldn't enter the goddamn base), but it turns out the assholes just kill the mutants outside the base, and then realizing there will be a ton more the pat you on the back and say "well, we got a uh... secret mission. So we gotta get back to the base, bye! Kick some ass for me!". Finally I found out you could use the radios to open the gates, but there have to be certain circumstances.Anyways that whole place was a huge bitch on my first playthrough. Master was EZ. I just walked in there with robes, convinced him to kill himself, and the Unity acolytes were even kind enough to escort me back outside after the master set the bomb to go off!

But Lou pissed me off. I would fire rocket after rocket at that bastard, 30 dmg, 25 dmg, 40 dmg. With a Big Guns skill of 110 too no less. When I actually did score a hit of 50 or more or a critical, a little smile would come to my face. So I would get him down to like 40 hp. Alright, this next shot is going to kill this bastard, then I can focus on his damn guards.

Then I see this:

• Lieutenant Uses Stimpak
• Lieutenant Uses Stimpak
• Lieutenant Uses Stimpak
• Mutant Guard Scores Critical Hit of 140 Damage, Killing Damen

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It really depends on what path you take.

You can infiltrate and destroy both very easily with Children of the Cathedral robes.

For straight up combat, I'd say the Military base.