Fallout 2 + <3 int


First time out of the vault
Me and a friend have been discussing this for hours.
He claims that in fallout 2 you COULD NOT complete the game with 3 or less Intelligence in the retail version of the game (completely unpatched).

Allegedly, it is impossible to drop off the vertibird plans due to being too stupid or something and you could therefore not finish the game.

I think he's wrong!

What sayeth you!?

He's wrong;

per's guide said:
If your IN is less than 4 when you deliver the plans, the Brotherhood will fix the tanker so that it's ready to leave, which means you bypass the fuel, NavComp and Fob quests. You get the 5000 xp for getting the fuel as well, even if you already got it. (You can still get the xp for using the Tanker Fob and NavCom Parts if you want.)
I have actually shown him that link, but he insists that interplay must have implemented that in a patch. :D

The guide which you refer to states in the introduction that he has played the game through using version 1.02, so I am afraid that I can't convince him using that. :(

Thanks for the quick assistance though!
olay said:
I have actually shown him that link, but he insists that interplay must have implemented that in a patch. :D
He can insist all he wants, he's wrong.

The guide which you refer to states in the introduction that he has played the game through using version 1.02, so I am afraid that I can't convince him using that. :(

Thanks for the quick assistance though!
Hey, if your friend won't believe you, that's his problem.

There's a quick way to test it, though: create a 2 IN character and walk a straight line to San Francisco.
Your friend obviously has an electric wrongness machine installed in his basement.
Am I the only one who thinks the "friend" is him and he's just trying to avoid looking dumb?

No offense...if that were true I'd say it's pretty funny.

The Vault Dweller