Kan-Kerai said:
Idiot. Please, shut up about things you don't understand.
Oooh, an internet tough guy. I see I'll have to dumb this down a bit.
You're missing the point. Swift Learner is not a perk that gives you an extra level: that's Here And Now. Swift Learner is a gradual bonus: it gets you to any given level 5%
earlier than normal. That's an important difference, since the worth of any level is inversely proportional to how late in the game you get it: level five in Klamath is awesome, level five in NCR is pure shit. To think of SL as a HAN that gets delayed for twenty levels is a fallacy. Rather, it's a perk that makes getting to level 5 cost only 9524 xp instead of 10k, level 6 14286 xp instead of 15k and so on, until the end of the game.
Seeing as you had to WAIT 3 levels to gain SL (which gives you an extra 1 (but takes until the end of the game to do it), it's not a fair trade.
You do not need to "wait" at all to get the SL: you get it for free, on the way to level nine, where you get your first really good perk. You do not SPEND levels or time to get it, you "spend" either Quick Pockets or Toughness, whichever you like less (because you're most probably going to get the other one at lev 6, because, again, you have few options because the
early perks suck).
You see? To claim that SL would need to give you three levels to be any good is sheer idiocy. If it gave you three levels during the game, it would be broken right in half, easily the most powerful perk in the game. What it does now is ensure that you're always five percent closer to the next level, the next
good perk, than you'd be without it, which isn't
that bad a deal when, once more, the
only thing you "pay" for it is your sucky level 3 perk. Got it?