Fallout 2; new critters

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
In a pretty neat project, Sirren67 has been working on some new Fallout 2 critters that future modders can put into Fallout 2 mods. While not yet implemented anywhere, they're cool enough to post about anyway. The first one is Freewheeling Andy:



The second, that he did with Wild_qwerty, is Hammering Richard, screenshot here.
well, it looks nice to me.

maybe that robot might be less shiny and more coroded ... or just less shiny ;)

As we managed to recruit Sirren 67 for out mod (he is working right now on one very special critter), you might be able to see more of his work in Fallout: Between Good & Evil.

NMA thread

Our web page

*End of advertisement* ( :spamfromabove: :sorry: )
Good Lord, the front page... I really didn't expect that :D
O.k, let's see:
First of all thanks for all your compliment, folks.
For Vox
I do know of Futurama, but I didn't know of Clamps. I really like that cartoon, one of the few things I can watch on TV.
For Frissy and DirtyDreamDesigner: the point is texturing. I tried to do some "paint and rust" textures, but that requires to learn two more tools: I'm still to master Anim8or. I made a few experiments with ready ones, and even if I must say the result is worth the effort I must admit that 2d really is my weak spot. If a skilled texturer feels like cohoperating (not during the next month, sorry)...
For Davaris and Grotesque: I really agree with you.
Let's be honest, making 2d graphics is harder and trickier than 3d: you still need 3d and *then* a ton of work to implement everything... It's also harder to make 2d engines, if I got the thing correctly... The point is I get more satisfaction in assembling the frames and putting them in game than making the model and the animation sequences... It must be the cartoon like process, or the fact that you see the thing grow in your hands.
I also don't like 3d at all (when playing): it always tends to photo-realism. No room for imagination.
Anyway, as Karel pointed out there will be more. First with BG&E and then with Wild_Qwerty and Continuum.
That's all folks.
See you.
Futurama is heavily inspired by retro futurism. Same with Fallout. That's why there are similarities. Again, cheers bro! Excellent work!
Sirren67 said:
Let's be honest, making 2d graphics is harder and trickier than 3d: you still need 3d and *then* a ton of work to implement everything...
Yeah, I fully agree, especially when you're limited to 640x480 and 256 colors ;) It requires large number of in game tests, changing model shape, resizing, moving even single vertex, etc. when you're trying to replace existing critters with the new ones. But when you figure out everything, work becomes much more easier and faster and you can use "automatic" process of making human critters. Also death animations needs additional work like blood flying around, holes in the body.

I will say it one more time - Sirren67 did an awesome job with robots - especially with Freewheeling Andy :)
I also don't like 3d at all (when playing): it always tends to photo-realism. No room for imagination.

I don't like real time 3D because I can see the polygons and the stretched textures and the first person view gives me a splitting headache.

The other thing I like about iso 2D is it reminds me of the metal figures I used to buy for D&D when I was a kid. :)
I saw the house with the radar dish and the car leaning on the wall on your website. Dude. You're genius.
