Fallout 2 official guide

Thanks to Kanhef I have built a hi-res cleaner version of the Fallout 2 Strategies & Secrets guide (PDF). The smallest version is 22mb, then 39mb, and 56mb (the larger the file the clear the text and imagines). The images where improved by batching them in Photoshop and I removed the hand written notes in the scans. Can anyone suggest a “free” site I can host this at so the fans can download it.
anyone have copies of Fallout 1 guide or Tactics or BOS?

I am interested in getting copies of them for the items and art not the actual game play.

WillisPDunlevey said:
anyone have copies of Fallout 1 guide or Tactics or BOS?

I am interested in getting copies of them for the items and art not the actual game play.


Just ordered the original Fallout Guide online from state side, it says its in good condition but how do you know for sure...

Anyhow when it arrives i'll be sure to upload scans ect.
Radman said:
Anyhow when it arrives i'll be sure to upload scans etc.
@Radman – If you can get a high quality (300 dpi) scan done of the Fallout 1 Guide (grayscale for black and white, and color for the covers) FTP it somewhere – I will build a nice clear PDF for the fans. Beware scanning the book could harm the spine of the book, and make sure you align the book correctly. Kanhef did the Fallout 2 guide book and the final size was approximately 900mb, so understand what you might be in for. I think everyone would agree that it would be great to be able to read a PDF of the guide. Thanks…
Thank you so much for the official gameguide. I`ve been wanting to read it for ages. I have to try to get the genuine copy at some point in my life. Wow, thank you so much once more .Pixote. and Kanhef.

I found this unofficial gameguide to Fallout 2 by gamespot some while ago when looking around for the official one. Quite horrible.


Just thought I`d share it here.
That is one of the ugliest game guides I have ever encountered, that guy needs a few lessons in layout and design. Why would anyone waste their time building something that crappy considering the original manual was brilliant.
The reason is probably money... I`m guessing (since it does say Copyright 1998) this came out pretty soon after the game came out and the makers just wanted to cash in on Fallout 2.

I have run into a few of this type of horrible pieces of s*** on a printed format but this is the worst of them all. I`m seriously hoping that this has never seen the light of day as a print.
Radman said:
Just ordered the original Fallout Guide online from state side, it says its in good condition but how do you know for sure...

Anyhow when it arrives i'll be sure to upload scans ect.

So, what about it?
Fallout 2 strategy guide is easy to find. I got one for $13, It's the Fallout 1 strategy guide that's hard to find, if you want to buy a copy for under $70!!!
The guide has been downloaded 3072 times...it would be nice to have a better version of the F1 guide.
Yeah, wow. Not only is the download still available 3 years later, but the file hosting site hasn't been illegally taken down regardless of SOPA getting beaten. =o
.Pixote. said:
The guide has been downloaded 3072 times...it would be nice to have a better version of the F1 guide.

I've got my copy still guys if you want me to get it scanned to a high quality.

Thought we already had a high quality scan of the F1 guide.

Sorry about that - didnt mean to hold out on you!
