I started a new game (Fallout 2) last night. Now I'm going to go very slowly and be very careful when picking perks. I tagged SG/STEAL/SPEACH. (special stats respectively). Got Bloody Mess and Gifted. Doing a proper run is important because I need to find how things really are in the inside in NV. Like how the Van Graffs are scumbags from the toe. I'm yet to see how the Khans came in to the drug picture.
Anyway, is it only me that think those world map name lables are poorly designed? I mean, the name lable 'SIERRA ARMY DEPOT' looks so bad (all of them). Like the devs totally rushed that part. The maps and the locations are marked on the pip boy so shouldn't they also be in a single format (font, font size). If I dislike anything, that comes #1..