Hi, thanks for the great work, I love it so far
I have two major problems
1.) Wiping out the slaver camp ranger quest:
At the begining of the game after I finished Klamath and Den I immediately headed to the camp.
Planted some explosives, blowed up the leader and some of them then shoot down the rest of the gang.
I freed Sulik's sister and all the other captives.
Few weeks later I also killed Metzger in the Den.
Many months later I got to NCR where I got this task from the ranger girl to wipe out that camp. I was surprised since I already killed them off and freed the slaves.
I told her to give me some fellow rangers. We arrived to the camp and nothing happened. The rangers just stood there, the camp was in that state I left it.
I headed back to NCR. The quest was incomplete and I got the 'Please don't delay too long blabla' message from the questgiver.
2.) I just can't get to the Ghost Farm:
I have tried every dialogue options in Modoc and Den but it won't appear on the map.
I have finished every quest in Modoc and Den. Do I have to show Laddie Jonny's BB Gun? Because I sold that one somewhere
I have two major problems
1.) Wiping out the slaver camp ranger quest:
At the begining of the game after I finished Klamath and Den I immediately headed to the camp.
Planted some explosives, blowed up the leader and some of them then shoot down the rest of the gang.
I freed Sulik's sister and all the other captives.
Few weeks later I also killed Metzger in the Den.
Many months later I got to NCR where I got this task from the ranger girl to wipe out that camp. I was surprised since I already killed them off and freed the slaves.
I told her to give me some fellow rangers. We arrived to the camp and nothing happened. The rangers just stood there, the camp was in that state I left it.
I headed back to NCR. The quest was incomplete and I got the 'Please don't delay too long blabla' message from the questgiver.
2.) I just can't get to the Ghost Farm:
I have tried every dialogue options in Modoc and Den but it won't appear on the map.
I have finished every quest in Modoc and Den. Do I have to show Laddie Jonny's BB Gun? Because I sold that one somewhere