Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

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Kanhef said:
More seriously, I think killap's current statement is that it will be released when it's done.
Yes, this is correct. And just for the record the release is not just waiting on translations. There are still a few other things I need to finish up before I am ready to release.

I'll try to keep everyone posted on progress though.
jees, it's done when it's done...

We are all eager to see the next version, but give Killap some slack so we get a nice stable version!
Damnit, stop spamming until killap will give an annoucement, ok? This way the thread will be updated only when something interesting comes up.
Kwiatmen666 said:
You're lucky it's Internet not a real time conversation because I'd kick your ass for this comment :twisted:
Dude, even if it's a joke...No.

killap has obviously not failed anyone. Well, he has failed miserably with his time estimates. :P
But come on guys, maybe he has more important stuff to do in life.
Don't be so impatient, the RP 1.3 will be released when it's done. Nagging will not make it happen any faster.
I suppose Killap has a lot to do with his university stuffs. I guess he only has the end of his week to work on the 1.3 modifications. Otherwise it would be over for a long time now. So be sure that the release can occur anytime now. :)
hi again :-)

so far installer has two options about our npcs:
- to have them with their default outfits
- to use B-team custom graphics

is there a possibility of adding third option where npcs outfit would change to >ordinary< armor graphic (i mean no sulik's head nor foot etc) ?

can it be done with only changing npcs scripts? i mean would have to get cassidy script source, change it and compile it to make it run smooth?

thanks for your time
@ omo667
The custom armor mod is not the B-team mod.
The B-team mod does change the armors the way you want it done.
The RP 1.0 (and also RP1.1 iirc) had the B-team mod and not the custom one.
I am sure changes have been made to the NPC's scripts so you can't just swap the RP and the B-team ones.

You will need to decompile the RP scripts, modify them and then compile them again.
is there a possibility of adding third option where npcs outfit would change to >ordinary< armor graphic (i mean no sulik's head nor foot etc) ?

Or can we have a can of spray paint so we can spray a big "S" for Sulik or "C" for Cassidy on their combat armor?
got strange problem, installed restoration mod but seems not to work:
main menu says version 1.2 of RP but no extra perk for start, no extra orphanage in den ... all new quest are marked solved at the beginning of new game :/ what did I do wrong?
US patched 1.02
got strange problem, installed restoration mod but seems not to work:
main menu says version 1.2 of RP but no extra perk for start, no extra orphanage in den ... all new quest are marked solved at the beginning of new game :/ what did I do wrong?
US patched 1.02

Don't install the 1.02 patch. RP already has that included and installing 1.02 will only screw things up.
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