@ killap,
In hope of finding the "too many items bug" I put a locker on the Arroyo starting map and put 205 items in it.
I then started a new game, walked into the temple and stepped right back out. No crash.
I edited my character in falche to be able to do some heavy lifting, got everything from the locker and tried again. Success.
So it seems items in lockers are safe from causing this nasty bug.
Now I just had to try and narrow it down a bit. I started putting stuff back in the locker, and after a while it stopped crashing, but I noticed that the first level of the temple still crashed, so I decided to crash test that map instead since it was more sensitive. (Stupidly I didn't write down when the first map stopped, but I think it was around 60 items).
By removing and swapping items I got it down to a final number of 17, not much of a "too many items" list eh?
M.B. Holodisks 1-5
Experiment Holodisk
Medical Holodisk
Evacuation Holodisk
Sierra Mission Holodisk
Broadcast Holodisk - Sierra Base GNN?
Teachings Holodisk - what is this?
Mutant Transmission Holodisk - Fallout 1
Regulator Transmission Holo - Fallout 1
Brotherhood History Holodisk - Fallout 1
Cat's Paw Issue #5
Raiders Map
Rangers Map
So, what is so special with these items? What do they have in common?
The only thing I can think of is that they all have scripts (not too sure about the Fallout 1 disks).
Armed with my new found knowledge (?), I decided to apply this to may crashing save in San Francisco.
I got it down to 9 of holo's from that list together with the poo script would still give the crash, 8 would not.
I did not test this extensivly. Oh and to make it clear, those 9 disks + a adv. power armor mkII was all I had, inventory + car trunk were empty, besides that.
Looking at Golan's crash save, he has only 3 of the special items. Hmm
What about the save I got from Morticia, it has 5 of the items, yet it refuses to crash. Hmm hmm
Back to Arroyo, I take my 17 items and put them on the temple floor, leave and come back, no crash.
So it seems that the error occurs when the items try to leave the map.
I put my 17 items back in the locker and put the 188 items that was there in my inventory, walked back and forth, no crash.
I thought I should slowly add from the 17 to the 188, I got to 2 + 188 then it crashed.
What the hell does this mean? Do I have another 15 special items among my 188 or does one of the special one's equal 12 normal one's, for a total limit of around 205 normal items?
I think items in lockers don't effect but stuff on the ground do, somehow, don't know how yet.
How many other special items are there, and more importantly what makes them special?
Anyone is more than welcome to help out, come with ideas or advice.