Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

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No, Miria and Davin were intended to be useless by the designers. Making the mod compatible is one thing. Making it part of RP is another and never supposed to be.

If you really want another female companion, just be patient! I think there might be one in those tanks at EPA, so we just need to wait and see what killap does. :)
Darek said:
I'm starting to think it's some form of the too many items bug, as well. What do we know of it?
Is it the total amount of items, or only the total number of unique items that are on the map?
Not very much. It is believed that having a ton of items on a single map at a given time, then leaving the map (which saves the state of the map) causes the bug.

Darek said:
On my crash save I've noticed the following:
To have more than 1 of every item in my inventory seems to make no difference.
Where the items are (inventory, NPC, car trunk), seem to make no difference.
Have narrowed it down to some 70 unique items, but am far from done yet.
On a save that won't crash I had more than 80 different items, so it seem to matter what items I have. (if it's gonna fit my theory at least)
Keep me posted.

accqrd said:
Another episode of the missing car.
This is a post-fix error. I parked my car at the NCR, went to the Slaver's Camp with the Rangers, triumphed, went to the Tribe with Sulik's Sister, walked out to the woodlands to find no car. Walked to the Slaver's Camp, no car. Walked to the NCR, no car.
I've reinstalled your June 11th car fix, but that's done nothing.
I may have to go the game without the car, which I can do. It will makes things take much, much longer, especially since I'm getting encounters with raiding parties of 12 marauders! Half with H&K Caws and PC90s. It's impossible.
What to do about the car?
Please send me a save game.
Dr Strangelove said:
-Windows XP
-UK, v1.1, Humongous installation
-F2RP 1.2,Windows Installer
-no other mods or patches

Right after the splash screen the screen turns a wonky shade of white and an unreadable(because of the weird coloring) error message appears. Clicking on the error message closes FO2. Exiting FO2 causes the error message to disappear. I've never had anything like this happen without F2RP installed.
Morticia said:
No, Miria and Davin were intended to be useless by the designers. Making the mod compatible is one thing. Making it part of RP is another and never supposed to be.

If you really want another female companion, just be patient! I think there might be one in those tanks at EPA, so we just need to wait and see what killap does. :)

I guess you have a point there, maby its just me who want it all :P
I'm a little bit lamer so just for me, a quick guide:

First, i must install Fallout 2 US version at full installation
Then i must apply last official patch which is 1.02d
And after this i will install Restoration Project 1.2

Am i right?
I don't know if this is the correct topic to post in or not but, just out of curiosity, why can't Sulik use the gauss pistol in RP 1.2? In the late game, Sulik seems useless to me. Having him use one of the caseless ammo based weapons is an invitation to player suicide or an NPC death. And putting Sulik on a melee weapon is suicide for him especially if he is involved in a big fight with an Enclave patrol.

What was the thinking behind disallowing his use of the gauss pistol? It doesn't seem logical to me that he can use other pistols but can't use the gauss pistol.
He can't because the primitive male model doesn't have any pistol animations. He can use anything the has the SMG animations, including the .223 pistol and 14mm pistol, but not any other guns.
Kanhef said:
He can't because the primitive male model doesn't have any pistol animations. He can use anything the has the SMG animations, including the .223 pistol and 14mm pistol, but not any other guns.

Bingo. No .frm, character cant use the weapon.

IIRC a few mods allow him to use differnt weapons if hes leveld up enough, but only if he's wearing a differnt armor AND is set to hcange appearance based on his armor, because then he will use the same .frm's as the PC and thus have access the .frm for any weapon the PC can use.
ok. i have not the patience to surf through the searches and posts for this as i'm already getting pissed at the situation at hand.

my ending is fucked. after killing Horrigan and exiting...i get the end sequence, then half of the "endings" are busted, and i can't continue playing the game.

shall i send you a savegame, killap?
TwinkieGorilla said:
my ending is fucked. after killing Horrigan and exiting...i get the end sequence, then half of the "endings" are busted, and i can't continue playing the game.

Busted how? Skipping?
And did You take the vertibird to the oil platform?
Darek said:
Busted how? Skipping?
And did You take the vertibird to the oil platform?

yes, and yes. and as i said it won't allow me to continue playing after the credits. actually, the first time it skipped right past the ending and credits.
Ok, you have two separate problems, first the skipping endings...

From the Fallout wikia:
End Game screens too fast - The ending switches in and out of fast-forward so I can't see half of it. After beating the final boss and watching the movie with the explosion, it goes into the ending sequence where it tells what happened to various places and people. However, most of them switch to the next screen before the narration is done for the screen. A lot of them just flip right by before the narration even starts! Start up dxdiag (by typing it in Windows' basic Run prompt) and disable hardware sound acceleration on the sound tab.

And to be able to continue playing afterwards...
killap said:
Darek said:
On a related subject... killap, did you have a look at my save with the end-game trouble? I wasn't sure you saw it since I was editing it into my post at the same time as you requested it.
Nope missed that edit. Thanks for telling me. I shall look into the issue.

Ok, I tweaked something. Let me know how this works:

Grab fix here (Just extract the 2 files to your Fallout2/data/scripts directory and overwrite what is there)
awesome! both worked. you guys are fan-fucking-tastic and i'd give you all my "Twink's Seal of Approval" Achievement if you were but Orderites.

accqrd said:
I PMed you about my car problem with a saved game.
Indeed you did. I shall get to it.

Okay, I fixed the problem. It was similar to what was occurring with the car being lost when it was brought to the Slaver Camp. Anyway, just download this file. If you are already at the Primitive Tribe, just exit and re-enter. Your car will then have returned. Grab fix here (Just copy this file to your fallout2/data/scripts folder and overwrite what is there.)

First post updated with this as well as a fix for the Enclave ending bug which was posted a while ago.
@ killap,

In hope of finding the "too many items bug" I put a locker on the Arroyo starting map and put 205 items in it.
I then started a new game, walked into the temple and stepped right back out. No crash.
I edited my character in falche to be able to do some heavy lifting, got everything from the locker and tried again. Success.
So it seems items in lockers are safe from causing this nasty bug.

Now I just had to try and narrow it down a bit. I started putting stuff back in the locker, and after a while it stopped crashing, but I noticed that the first level of the temple still crashed, so I decided to crash test that map instead since it was more sensitive. (Stupidly I didn't write down when the first map stopped, but I think it was around 60 items).

By removing and swapping items I got it down to a final number of 17, not much of a "too many items" list eh?

M.B. Holodisks 1-5
Experiment Holodisk
Medical Holodisk
Evacuation Holodisk
Sierra Mission Holodisk
Broadcast Holodisk		           - Sierra Base GNN?
Teachings Holodisk		           - what is this?
Mutant Transmission Holodisk	    - Fallout 1
Regulator Transmission	Holo	   - Fallout 1
Brotherhood History Holodisk	    - Fallout 1

Cat's Paw Issue #5
Raiders Map
Rangers Map

So, what is so special with these items? What do they have in common?
The only thing I can think of is that they all have scripts (not too sure about the Fallout 1 disks).

Armed with my new found knowledge (?), I decided to apply this to may crashing save in San Francisco.
I got it down to 9 of holo's from that list together with the poo script would still give the crash, 8 would not.
I did not test this extensivly. Oh and to make it clear, those 9 disks + a adv. power armor mkII was all I had, inventory + car trunk were empty, besides that.

Looking at Golan's crash save, he has only 3 of the special items. Hmm
What about the save I got from Morticia, it has 5 of the items, yet it refuses to crash. Hmm hmm

Back to Arroyo, I take my 17 items and put them on the temple floor, leave and come back, no crash.
So it seems that the error occurs when the items try to leave the map.

I put my 17 items back in the locker and put the 188 items that was there in my inventory, walked back and forth, no crash.
I thought I should slowly add from the 17 to the 188, I got to 2 + 188 then it crashed.

What the hell does this mean? Do I have another 15 special items among my 188 or does one of the special one's equal 12 normal one's, for a total limit of around 205 normal items?
I think items in lockers don't effect but stuff on the ground do, somehow, don't know how yet.
How many other special items are there, and more importantly what makes them special?

Anyone is more than welcome to help out, come with ideas or advice.
Kanhef said:
He can't because the primitive male model doesn't have any pistol animations. He can use anything the has the SMG animations, including the .223 pistol and 14mm pistol, but not any other guns.

Well... Sulik could use the gauss pistol in RP 1.1 and now he can't use it in RP 1.2. I was curious as to why that change occurred. Allowing Sulik to use the gauss pistol made him useful in the late game encounters. In RP1.2, it seems to me that Sulik is now much more of a danger to the party or himself than he is to an opponent.
Doc_H said:
Well... Sulik could use the gauss pistol in RP 1.1 and now he can't use it in RP 1.2. I was curious as to why that change occurred. Allowing Sulik to use the gauss pistol made him useful in the late game encounters. In RP1.2, it seems to me that Sulik is now much more of a danger to the party or himself than he is to an opponent.
This is because 1.1 used the old b-team mod for the npcs. Using this mod, NPCs could use any gun the player could - something the original devs did not intend. The new npc armor mod only has animations that the npcs had originally in the game.

Very interesting find you got going there. I will have to experiment with this myself. Keep going. It sounds like you are onto something big here.
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