Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.0 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

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Harold said:
I would also be interested to know what installation options everyone who got the EPA bug used. (I used the Windows installer and did not install mutant armor or the high-res patch.) Everyone who got the bug probably has something in common.
I think you just answered your own question there. It seems there is something wrong with the maps positioning, unless the high-res patch is used. Keep your saves and reinstall the game with the high-res patch, then set it to use anything higher than the default.
Would be good if you could try, then we'll know.

@ Endocore,

You might run into trouble at the EPA too.
Anyway, I haven't tried anything with Torr in this version, but I thought everything was fine with that already since last version.
Maybe killap has changed something.
Darek said:
I think you just answered your own question there. It seems there is something wrong with the maps positioning, unless the high-res patch is used. Keep your saves and reinstall the game with the high-res patch, then set it to use anything higher than the default.

You should still be able to leave the resolution at 640x480 but the hi-res patch needs to be installed to get the EPA maps working properly.
Can I just install the latest hi-res patch on top of this installation, without having to go through the trouble of reinstalling the whole game and the RP?

[EDIT] I tried to just install it, and yes, it works! EPA loads just fine now.

Very nice! Thanks Mash.
@Darek and Mash
Thanks for the heads up, guys. Mash, when you say "working properly," is it just a matter of moving some scroll blockers around (easy for me to fix myself) or are there other issues if one doesn't have the hi-res stuff installed?
Harold said:
Can I just install the latest hi-res patch on top of this installation, without having to go through the trouble of reinstalling the whole game and the RP?
The RP contains the map edge data so that won't work I'm afraid.

Endocore said:
@Darek and Mash
Thanks for the heads up, guys. Mash, when you say "working properly," is it just a matter of moving some scroll blockers around (easy for me to fix myself) or are there other issues if one doesn't have the hi-res stuff installed?
Thats true for most problems but the main EPA map extends past the visible range of un-patched fallout2, moving or removing the blockers wouldn't help in that case.
Mash said:
Harold said:
Can I just install the latest hi-res patch on top of this installation, without having to go through the trouble of reinstalling the whole game and the RP?
The RP contains the map edge data so that won't work I'm afraid.
Hmm. So does this mean that if you update the high res patch to add more features, or fix as-yet unknown bugs, that we won't be able to install it on an RP2 installation unless Killap releases a new version with your patch? Or will you build whatever is necessary into a new version of your patch to make it compatible with the latest restoration project?
Don't worry any future version of the hi-res patch will be compatible to with the current RP release at that time.
Endocore said:
That's not a bug, some of animations are short a few sets (which is understandable, considering the zillions of frames that must be edited to make them). I suggest you just pretend Cassidy keeps his helmet on at these times so stray ejected cartridges don't fly into his eyes. :D
It is preferable to animate all weapon combinations and avoid this type of thing. I know its extra work for the critter builders.

Endocore said:
On the Mountain1 and Mountain2 random encounter maps, the upper right spawn point at tile 17475 is too far north; every time I've hit this map with enemies at that spawn point, most of the enemies are "behind the mountain" and I have to stand and watch as they walk to the right off the edge of the map (i.e. around the giant mountain tile) and then back onto the map (through the exit grid) to get to me.
I’ve encountered this as well, the spawning data will need some adjustment, and again the map locations/positions have not been changed. I’ve noticed that encounters of 6 critters spawn in a circle, but 6 + critters spawn in angled lines, possibly this can be improved through scripting.
Endocore said:
The person who mentioned several pages back that the broc flowers and xander roots in the Arroyo Garden map aren't stacking was correct. I think the problem is that the plants that randomly spawn there from time to time won't stack with the ones placed by hand on the map. I ran around the map in the Mapper and picked up all the plants I could find (after turning off the trees); all the plants of each kind stacked together in the Mapper (since the random ones weren't included). This also happens with brocs and xanders from random encounter maps (the ones with a random chance of appearing all stack with each other, but not with ones that were intentionally placed on a map anywhere). I'm not sure I understand the problem here since there's only one pro file for each type of plant in the RP (that I could find), the map script looks okay (nor do any of the items have scripts attached), and it doesn't look like the plant items placed on the map have any special characteristics that would distinguish them from the randomly spawned ones. The same issue exists with some of the regular knives placed on the ground in desert random encounter maps (i.e. they don't stack with other knives).
This is unexpected, I didn’t realize that they randomly spawn there from time to time. What is the best solution - replace all the Broc flowers and Xander roots to make this consistent, and stop the item stacking, or an improved script. Thanks for the finds... :wink:
The Regular One said:
The Shi Sub was kinda disappointing, it was very small and took me less than a minute to complete the objective. Nice new art though...

Thanks dude, I really wished you tell me how awesome you are and that I'm imbecile but you could also include info what the hell am I supposed to do in that submarine.
The Regular One said:
The Shi Sub was kinda disappointing, it was very small and took me less than a minute to complete the objective. Nice new art though...
Conti did a great job (better than great – amazing) with the art for the Submarine, but unfortunately the original assets were lost…err *cough cough* deleted…so it was impossible (or rather difficult) to expand the sub layout. Preferably it should have 2 or 3 levels. But that would require quite a bit a new art to be made…any volunteers… :look:
Darek said:
AlphaDeathclaw said:
Darek said:
Here's the Francis fix again.
Put in your data/scripts folder.
That helped with Francis, thanks. Any file to fix the informing of Marcus or the missing wife guy? :mrgreen:
Alright, alright fix for missing persons quest.
This also goes into your data/scripts folder.
NOTE that you have to run down to the cave where the bodies are again, since it didn't register earlier.

Thanks Darek, was looking for a fix on this.
Why the president on enclave doesn't have a "Presidential Access Key" any more ? is this a bug or intentional change ?

it makes final battle almost impossible to win, 5 turrets + Horrigan is too much...
Endocore said:
--I guess I just don't really understand how the Torr/brahmin rustling/Duntons stuff is supposed to work. I talked to several people around Klamath about the strange bugmen, noticed the cattle having different brands, and then talked to Torr and agreed to help him guard the brahmin. I killed the scorpions (Torr stood and watched while I killed them all), got a message in the message box that I had saved the brahmin, approached the Duntons (who ran away), and clicked on Torr to talk to him. He said something like "Thanks for saving the moo-moos" in float text each time I clicked on him. I looked at and then picked up the radscorpion limbs from the shed and, since there was nothing else to do, I left the pasture map. Now Torr has disappeared from Klamath (I left town and came back but he's still nowhere to be found), and if I ask Ardin about her missing cattle I only have one possible line to give her: "Um, nevermind.". If I talk to the Duntons about brahmin rustling, they say something like "You better keep quiet if you know what's good for you"; I can either agree to keep quiet, or tell them off (at which point they attack me). Did I miss some important part of this quest?

That is only suppost to happen if you scare Torr away and help Duntos. Than they should reward you or something and you can go save Torr from that robot. If you actually helped Torr and didn't use dialog to scare him away like Duntos suggested than this is not suppost to happen.

Skynet said:
Copy that file into your F2 directory. It might solve that problem.

No that will not solve the problem you are suppost to update your directx for all the latest files. Having latest version doesn't always mean all the latest files. I suggest dxwebsetup.exe.

.Pixote. said:
Preferably it should have 2 or 3 levels. But that would require quite a bit a new art to be made…any volunteers… :look:

What program is used for making that? I might try fooling around a bit.
carsonpoland said:
Why the president on enclave doesn't have a "Presidential Access Key" any more ? is this a bug or intentional change ?

It's a bug. I reported it during beta testing, but it looks like it slipped through the cracks. I'm sure Killap will address that in his next update.
BuxnaMan said:
Endocore said:
--I guess I just don't really understand how the Torr/brahmin rustling/Duntons stuff is supposed to work. I talked to several people around Klamath about the strange bugmen, noticed the cattle having different brands, and then talked to Torr and agreed to help him guard the brahmin. I killed the scorpions (Torr stood and watched while I killed them all), got a message in the message box that I had saved the brahmin, approached the Duntons (who ran away), and clicked on Torr to talk to him. He said something like "Thanks for saving the moo-moos" in float text each time I clicked on him. I looked at and then picked up the radscorpion limbs from the shed and, since there was nothing else to do, I left the pasture map. Now Torr has disappeared from Klamath (I left town and came back but he's still nowhere to be found), and if I ask Ardin about her missing cattle I only have one possible line to give her: "Um, nevermind.". If I talk to the Duntons about brahmin rustling, they say something like "You better keep quiet if you know what's good for you"; I can either agree to keep quiet, or tell them off (at which point they attack me). Did I miss some important part of this quest?

That is only suppost to happen if you scare Torr away and help Duntos. Than they should reward you or something and you can go save Torr from that robot. If you actually helped Torr and didn't use dialog to scare him away like Duntos suggested than this is not suppost to happen.

Actually, I think that is working correctly. Torr indeed stays with the brahmin and does not return to town, and you can say more to Maida after the Duntons confess. The quest requires more than just the radscorpion limbs, try looking at the brahmin in the Dunton's backyard...
Damn you !!!! After installing 2c patch my savegames dont work anymore, wtf :(. I was already in Den and all. If theres no fix Im simply deleting F2. Cheers.

Sorry Im frustrated.
Den isn't very far. I'll guess you can get back to the status in less than one hour.
This is my Fallout RP 2.0 experience…

The game is acting in a strange manner…certain areas/maps are resetting their behavior after period of time. For instance I wacked Joey and his buddies in the Den to retrieve the gold locket…completed a few quests, etc, and hit the road. After exploring the world for a few game months I decided to return to the Den…guess who was there to greet me… Joey and his buddies, and they weren’t very happy. I wacked them again, etc. It is the same thing concerning the Toxic caves and Smiley. I rescued him, took back to Klamath, but his behavior wasn’t typical. He couldn’t teach me the Gecko skinning perk and Ardin Buckner didn’t recognize his rescue. So back to the Toxic caves to check the situation and guess what…the map has reset and I had to rescue Smiley all over again. It’s happened in Vault City as well.

This is the Groundhog Day version of Fallout 2…I quite like it. :confused: Has anyone else experienced this?
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