The YK42B Pulse Rifle seems to be missing its attendant graphic when it fires; you hear the noise but nothing is seen coming from the weapon (the YK32 Pulse Pistol shows a nice purple discharge).
On another note, I married Miria, the girl from Modoc, and gave her Combat Armor. Apparently, there is no attendant graphic for that, like the other NPCs. I know she's not a "real" combat NPC; but it would be nice for those of us that have her along if she could dress the part, LOL...
Ian007 said:
It's always seemed to me that Cassidy spams his few text floats far more than any other recruitable character. Every few minutes we have to hear how he was named after a comic book character or how if he was 20 years younger, he'd go explore the midwest. Could his text floats be toned down to about half the frequency they're currently at?
I agree, but he's not the only one; Marcus is always floating his "...cut the muffin" bit or some such. It's funny the first time. But after the 30th, it starts to be an eye sore.
Not a bug, per se, but it seems a little odd that one should lose Karma for killing a regular Mobster, but gain Karma for Killing a Japanese Mobster (Yakuza). IMHO you should gain Karma for killing either (along with the other Robbers and Highwaymen).
Don't know if this is a bug or not, but I met a Traveler, and she gave me directions to "An Abandoned Mine." However, once I got into the world map, it was nowhere to be found.
When taking on a caravan escort mission, I noticed that once the caravan master announces, "the coast is clear" and you leave the screen, you're automatically returned to the exact same screen. Only when you "leave" a second time, do you actually go on to your next encounter.
While on a caravan with Savinelli (from Redding to New Reno), in one instance of a caravan screen, he was oddly changed to someone called "Grand Master Trader" and was a female sprite instead.
In line with what respondent Big Guy stated about getting a Wall in his inventory, I noticed on several occasions, as I tried to gain access to either bookcases or dressers, if the hand icon is a little towards the rear of the graphic, the games seems to think that I intend to pick up the wall behind it. It then tells me that I can't because I'm at maximum weight capacity.
In another oddity; I was standing outside of VC's main gate, when I clicked on Vic, instead of being given the NPC dialog screen, I was given the typical steal or take from dead body screen. I could then take whatever he had in his inventory, including the Power Armor he was wearing, like if he was a bookcase.