It looks like the pyromaniac perk doesnt help much either. I always thought that, the pyromaniac should give a little more boost.
It is a very specialized perk. In fact , I think only the flamer get the bonus form it. So if you decide to get the perk, you, pretty much want to use one sigle type of weapon, wich has a heavy and rare ammo.
I think it justifies to make the pyromaniac a bit more powerful. lets say, +15 points of damage? (just guessing)
Also, the flamer is a big weapon and fires burst, but in contrast to other burst weapons, is only shot one ammo. It doesnt benefit much from bonus ranged damage ...
Also, since only fires one sohot, its chance for critical is slim, while othe burst weapons have a critical chance per bullet shot.
So I suggest to
1) give better critical chance for flamer if possible. Burning can be nasty ... and its not just the flames.. its actually some liquid on fire.
2) somehow give more damage potential to flamer. I guess YAAM should be adjusted for RP
3) rework the flamer as a weapon, lower its damage, and change the ammo, so it could fire more ammo per shot. Also in the mean time, should lower the weight of flamer ammo, and give more of it generaly speaking, so it wouldnt be as rare as it is.
I know RP is about to make FO2 as it was intended, so the mentioned changes, may not fit its profile. However, I really think Flamer deserv better damage output than 8-11 on combat armor....
I dont ask for it to be included in RP. Tho, an optional choice on the install wouldnt hurt anyona , i guess
I wonder if anyone here has any thoughts about this flamer thing? any suggestions? why would you support it, os why are you against it?