Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 (Unofficial Expansion)

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Has the sharpshooter perk has been fixed?
If i have PE 10, than take Sharpshooter, a chance to hit target changes from 9 to 25%?

I heard it was bugged before and doesn''t count if you have 10 PE.
So is it useful or not in my case?
kungfujoe said:
Yep, but that feature appears to have been removed from sfall. Supposedly updates to the program made it unnecessary. I asked about this feature earlier on this thread and got no response, but various web searches suggested that the feature was gone.
Actually it's only the settings in ddraw.ini are gone, but the options are still there. You can enable them by adding back the settings from pre-2.7 ini.

FallMan said:
Has the sharpshooter perk has been fixed?
If i have PE 10, than take Sharpshooter, a chance to hit target changes from 9 to 25%?
I heard it was bugged before and doesn''t count if you have 10 PE.
So is it useful or not in my case?
AFAIK it's never bugged. It always increases your chance to hit no matter how high your PE is.

EPA walkthrough

(Almost everything checks, so just a few details)

First is by recruiting Myron and then try to dump him, he will either tell you of this location or of a secret stash in Golgotha. If he tells you about Golgotha you have to first go and dig it up and then try to lose him again to get EPA on the map.

Could be just me, but tried it several times and it seems that revealing EPA location now takes precedence over stash in Golgotha.

Note: Changing into a blonde does not currently work!

Worked just fine for me.

The big force field that is blocking your way up ahead can be lowered by using repair on the computer to the right of it. You need a pretty high skill here, repair 100% will give you an overall chance of 20%.

Is it posibble that requirements were lowered? I have Repair 80% and disabled it on fourth try. (But tried it just once, could be fluke)
Ares there any saved game editors that are compatable with this mod?

I just doesn't feel right without the extra traits and tag skilss.

Raiders camp

Only when you enter through the well can you end the raider threat peacefully. Climb down and sneak to the tribal "Shadow Who Walks" and talk to him. Convince him to stop working for the raiders. (3000xp.)

You can also threaten to Shadow who Walks and tell him to run out of the Raiders camp for 2500 xp. (you gain 15 karma points as with former option).
fixer_m said:
Can anyone explain what's this?

Yep - that's a blocker that should be invisible. Those (red boxes) usually appear when there is some sort of conflict between blockers. Don't worry about it...playing at super high resolutions sometimes show up these things (you can see too much) - hint, hint. :P
Didn't get a chance to get to work on Fallout over the weekend like I had hoped. Today, I did fix the installer to handle Steam installs properly and I also wrote a small little program that will check fallout2.cfg and make sure the music path is correct (especially important for GoG installs)

I want to get as many of the things on the wiki into this next update, but that's probably too much of a moving target, thanks to Mirak. ;) So in the next day or so I'll set some cutoff and push future issues for a future release (the one with translations).

@Mirak: Whoa, I don't keep up with the wiki for a few days and now it's out of control. ;) I really appreciate your thorough playthrough. It's you and NovaRain that help me reach perfection.

@fixer_m: I didn't notice it myself, but I'll take a look at that map.

@those saying fights are harder: In terms of encounter rates, I believe I had increased the number ever so slightly (like 2-5% increase of rate), since I was noticing less on newer systems. As for difficulty, it's possible that the ammo mods are not to your taste. Be sure to note all the options when you go through the installer. It defaults to "full install", which selects one of the ammo mods.

@hiperborejai: Nice list there. I'm not sure if you put them on the wiki, but I'll bookmark your post. In the future, wiki please.

@Darek: I'll take a look at the New Reno issue. Thanks for digging into that.

@Avor: This editor works just fine.

@others: I might have skipped you, sorry long day. Post again if no one has answered your question.
If disabling the check for ammo mod doesn't work for "full install" setting, I'd suggest at least to set it to Glovz's mod, since it doesn't include any modified ammo protos like YAAM. Players can simply edit the ddraw.ini to disable it and don't need to remove the protos manually.
Ok, before I report a bug, I'd just like to say thank you so much killap and company for all your hard work on this incredible project. I'm loving every minute of my second playthrough and the new content segues beautifully with the vanilla game. Kudos to all of you :3

Now to business. I'm having a repeatable bug that causes FO2 to crash. It happens when I fight Melchior in the Mariposa Military Base. When I fight him, after killing a deathclaw, the game will crash when I target another deathclaw. I've also tried killing Melchior first because I first thought it was because he was spawning more enemies but killing him didn't work. It's always after I kill one deathclaw and target another.

Here is my savegame: https://mega.co.nz/#!kNAzCCRa

I hope this helps! I have edited a few stats aeons ago with F2SE but they seemed stable. Also, this is a savegame from 2.1. I know we aren't supposed to use old saves from old versions but it seemed stable until I got to Mariposa.
Glovz's ammo

I don't want to be a pest, but it seems like Glovz's ammo formula is broken. I mean, it does fix the AP ammo, but it also manages to break the JHP and some other specialized ammo types. Most notoriously it totally destroys 4.7mm caseless - the 3/2 damage mod is not working with GLovz's fix, I guess it affects the Vindicator as well. I suspect the 2/1 damage mod is also not working on JHP.
I think the default option should be "Compact Installation" plus fixes that doesn't change game mechanic (like talking head for Cassidy and party members appearance when wearing armor)
That would be enough for new players.
Please, pretty please, with sugar on top, do one for Mac also!!!
I would love to see RP 2.2 on Mac
I can donate 50 € if that helps. really.
I love Fallout 2, and I loved RP on my PC long time ago.
I would love to be able to play it on Mac.
jasse said:
Please, pretty please, with sugar on top, do one for Mac also!!!
I would love to see RP 2.2 on Mac
I can donate 50 € if that helps. really.
I love Fallout 2, and I loved RP on my PC long time ago.
I would love to be able to play it on Mac.

I doubt that sfall/highres patch/RP would be natively ported to any other platform.

If you want to play RP, then WINE is your friend.

NovaRain said:
If disabling the check for ammo mod doesn't work for "full install" setting, I'd suggest at least to set it to Glovz's mod, since it doesn't include any modified ammo protos like YAAM. Players can simply edit the ddraw.ini to disable it and don't need to remove the protos manually.
steiner said:
I don't want to be a pest, but it seems like Glovz's ammo formula is broken. I mean, it does fix the AP ammo, but it also manages to break the JHP and some other specialized ammo types. Most notoriously it totally destroys 4.7mm caseless - the 3/2 damage mod is not working with GLovz's fix, I guess it affects the Vindicator as well. I suspect the 2/1 damage mod is also not working on JHP.
My new mod is not in the version of sfall that included with the RP as yet.

You may want to ask Timeslip to provide the next version before you push out the next version of the RP.
jirik said:
jasse said:
Please, pretty please, with sugar on top, do one for Mac also!!!
I would love to see RP 2.2 on Mac
I can donate 50 € if that helps. really.
I love Fallout 2, and I loved RP on my PC long time ago.
I would love to be able to play it on Mac.

I doubt that sfall/highres patch/RP would be natively ported to any other platform.

If you want to play RP, then WINE is your friend.


Actually I think that Fallout 2 on Mac is in Wine (if that is correct expression). Do you then think that I could download RP 2,2 anyway and be able to use it? man, that would be awesome!
jasse said:
Actually I think that Fallout 2 on Mac is in Wine (if that is correct expression). Do you then think that I could download RP 2,2 anyway and be able to use it? man, that would be awesome!

Yes, few of us are playing RP at various platforms, myself at linux. As far as I know fallout is running via wine at BSD/Linux/Mac.

If you follow the instructions in http://falloutmods.wikia.com/wiki/F2RP_Technical_Info#WINE then you should be able play it without any problems.
jirik said:
jasse said:
Actually I think that Fallout 2 on Mac is in Wine (if that is correct expression). Do you then think that I could download RP 2,2 anyway and be able to use it? man, that would be awesome!

Yes, few of us are playing RP at various platforms, myself at linux. As far as I know fallout is running via wine at BSD/Linux/Mac.

If you follow the instructions in http://falloutmods.wikia.com/wiki/F2RP_Technical_Info#WINE then you should be able play it without any problems.

I´ll give it a try! regardless, cheers and thanx for responding!

well, I figured how to make res work. it is working fine.
but if I copy the data folder with RP 2.2 then game crashes. on Mac.
Has anyone tried and made this work? highly apreciate any help
So I thought I should comment on a few more of hiperborejai's bugs.

SLOT 15: In random Yakuza encounter, half of the Yakuza members simply run away without fighting, although unhurt and unharmed in any way. (the same game in from the middle of fight; had no possibility of making a non-combat save).
The Yakuza equipped with throwing knives have way too low throwing skill (24%). When their chance to hit is too low they will go into flee state (by the look of things).

SLOT 41: Not sure if bug. Peasant in NCR does not talk or react at all (any other character at least gives you "flying" text, this one does not do absolutely anything).
He's missing the "scpeon" script.

SLOT 32: Serious bug. In sierra Army Depot, the turrets won't attack your party members. That means, that you can start a fight, run away where turrets can't reach you, and then have Myron destroy all the turrets with his fists (will take a lot of time though, but still...huge exploit potential).
They do sometimes, not sure exactly how they choose their target. What weapon and armor you have perhaps. Maybe how strong you are, or weak?
Would love to see a chance to hit check added to their targeting behavior, that would make them choose a new target if if their first choice is not good enough.

SLOT 35, SLOT 37, SLOT 38: Skynet keeps twitching weirdly and won't move after the combat. The only way to "fix" him, is to tell him to put away his weapon.
Old and faulty sex drug code, not sure why it wasn't changed for Skynet.

variable waiting;

Beginning of critter_p procedure (replace old code):
	if ((cur_map_index == 54) and (((self_obj == party_member_obj(16777295)) and (map_var(2) == party_member_obj(16777295)) or ((self_obj == party_member_obj(16777597)) and (map_var(2) == party_member_obj(16777597)))) then begin
		set_map_var(2, 0);
		waiting := 1;
		if (get_critter_stat(self_obj, 0) < 10) then begin
			use_obj_on_obj(create_object_sid(482, 0, 0, -1), self_obj);

Put this just before the code to move to the player if he is too far away.
	if (waiting != 1) then begin

end of update map procedure:
	if (waiting == 1) then begin
		waiting := 0;
Thing is, can Skynet really use drugs? If not this is rather pointless. Might as well remove that code from his script entirely then, or?

SLOT 33: In New Reno Cat's Paw, if you ask to buy sex for companions, and choose Skynet (read a book for Skynet), the screen will fade to black (that's normal) and the game will hang (the screen remains black, had to ctrl+atl+del to go back to windows). Very curiously, it seems, as when the screen fades to black, it gets refreshed again and again without limit. After returning to windows, and trying to open the (still running) fallout window again, I briefly was able to see the words "THE END" written on the fallout screen, until it got refreshed to complete blackness again
Originally only the brainbot with cybernetic brain could have "sex". RP included the bot with a human brain as well, but missed a few things.
add following to script:

procedure Node994;			

procedure Node994
	sex_partner_obj := party_member_obj(16777597);
	call Node015;

procedure Node014
	if ((party_member_obj(16777295) != 0) or (party_member_obj(16777597) != 0)) then begin
		giq_option(4, 452, 402, Node981, 50);

	if (party_member_obj(16777295) != 0) then begin
		giq_option(4, 452, 402, Node981, 50);
	if (party_member_obj(16777597) != 0) then begin
		giq_option(4, 452, 402, Node994, 50);

procedure Node989
	if (party_member_obj(16777597) != 0) then begin
		sex_partner_obj := party_member_obj(16777597);
		call Node015;

@ Mirak

You are correct that the EPA location now takes precedence over the stash in Golgotha, when talking to Myron.
And thanks for the shadow who walks info, will add it right away.
As for the force field computer on blue level of the EPA, no the requirements were not lowered. Must have been luck on your part.
For the blond issue, I think you may have misunderstood it.
You can start the game as a blonde woman, but you cannot change from a brunette to a blonde with the auto-doc machines in the EPA yet.
Or maybe you misread "blonde" as "bald", then it would be correct. ;)
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