First time out of the vault

killap said:I believe you can just run the installer and all should be well. Let me know though.Faethore said:I just got the game today (I know...I'm a bit behind the times) on steam. Steam automaticly installs the game in the program files (x86)/Steam/SteamApps/common/Fallout2. As far as I know, i can't install the game directly on C with steam.
Is there a work around so i can use the newest patch?
This part is critical though: Be sure to disable file integrity in Steam for Fallout 2 or it will overwrite all the files that the RP copies over.
Hey there - I'm trying this route, and it keeps telling me to install it into the C:/games directory.. And then backs me up a step asking to re-route the install. Will not install into the programx86\steamapps\common\fallout2