Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.2 (Unofficial Expansion)

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I've been messing with NPCs. I added ControlCombat=2 to the ddraw.ini, because I wanted to check out controlling my own party members. This is the only thing I've done aside from installing the game and restoration project. I know that this comes with a few issues, so I want to know if this is related to that, or the project.

While in combat, I can check my party members inventories while it's their turn to act, just like the main character, so I can see the resistances and thresholds from the armor they are wearing. I've noticed that Sulik, Vic, and Myron get the resistances they're supposed to. Cassidy gets lower resistances. The amount he loses is relative to his default equipment, the Leather Armor. He's also the only party member that I've recruited that starts with armor equipped, so maybe that has something to do with it.

The Leather Armor is supposed to come with 2/25% Normal. Power Armor is supposed to come with 12/40% Normal. This is true for everybody else, but on Cassidy, Leather Armor shows 0/0%, and Power Armor shows 10/15%. Naked shows 0/0%, but I would have to think it would be -2/-25% if negatives were possible. He takes a hit on all of his other resistances in similar fashion.

I also acquired all of my party members before I hit level 3. By the time I hit level 9, they had all leveled up once or twice, except for Cassidy, who was still stuck on his first level. Is there a way to check this without having ControlCombat enabled in the ddraw.ini? How do I view an NPC's stats or inventory? Can somebody who has had Cassidy for an extensive period of time, and has the Awareness perk, check if his HP still reads x/80?
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I've had a few problems with FO2 and the restoration patch. For example:

1. Killing Metzger early, and talking to the NCR rangers and not taking the money but taking the next quest anyway, won't count as a quest in your PIPBOY. After you kill the slavers and free the slaves, Elise talks to you like before about Metzger.
2. Despite reporting to Lynette after finding and killing the raiders(thanks to the map in Bishops safe), and then getting her the holodisc from Westin, and then becoming Captain, you can still talk to Seargant Stark about the Raiders, and he'll start accusing you of being a raider and you can possibly end up in a hostile situation. I had to convince him I wanted to help, and then after that conversation, I told him I wiped out the raiders, then he asked to talk to Lynette, despite already having talked to her and completing the quest. Taking the money the first time does activate the quest.
3. Similar problem to 1 and 2, where freeing the prisoners in Broken Hill and then talking to the anti mutant leader about it, he'll give you the exact same quest and there's no way to complete it.
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How do I view an NPC's stats or inventory?
With the Fallout 2 savegame editor you can see the NPCs stats and edit them if you want (just choose your save and press the "Edit critters" button). No inventory options though.
Note: Make sure you get F2se, as F12se doesn't have the the NPC edit options.

2. Despite reporting to Lynette after finding and killing the raiders(thanks to the map in Bishops safe), and then getting her the holodisc from Westin, and then becoming Captain, you can still talk to Seargant Stark about the Raiders, and he'll start accusing you of being a raider and you can possibly end up in a hostile situation. I had to convince him I wanted to help, and then after that conversation, I told him I wiped out the raiders, then he asked to talk to Lynette, despite already having talked to her and completing the quest.
There's a few conversation options like this in the game that are never closed. So used to them that I never pay attention any more but iirc McClure has a couple. Anyway this one really should be made unavailable once you have reported to Lynette.

3. Completing the Jet quest in Vault City early and meeting with Dr. Troy with Marcus and as you the Captain, won't allow him to extract the bullets. (There's a possibility the armor you get for Marcus messed something up.)
Nah, this one works. You get the ammo when Marcus is healed by Dr Troy, which of course means he has to be injured at the time.
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Nah, this one works. You get the ammo when Marcus is healed by Dr Troy, which of course means he has to be injured at the time.

Oops lol. This is my first restoration run through and I've forgotten a lot of what I used to know or what went where. Thanks.
Nah, this one works. You get the ammo when Marcus is healed by Dr Troy, which of course means he has to be injured at the time.

Oops lol. This is my first restoration run through and I've forgotten a lot of what I used to know or what went where. Thanks.

If you're using the party control option, you can just move to the side and shoot him, then talk to DrTroy to heal him. You also have to be captain of the guards to even bring Marcus in if I'm not much mistaken.
What You are describing is actually not restoration related.. it's an old vanilla bug that Cassidy has resistances decremented by equivalent of leather armor on his base level. Be noted that when he levels up evrything get's magically fixed and his resistances and tresholds return to proper values. As for why doesn't he level up with You.. You should check out file called party.txt where most information about the party NPC's is given to the game including minimum player level required for the npc to lvl up (wich in Cassidy's case was 6 if i remember correctly..) so until You reach lvl 6 (and You mentioned You are at lvl 3) You can stop sweating about Cassidy not lvling up.
not to mention that sfall also supports an option to fully remove the random effect of party npc lvling up and seting it to the value in party.txt of "lvl up evry x lvls".
@ killap,
You should probably have a look at this one:
.. it's an old vanilla bug that Cassidy has resistances decremented by equivalent of leather armor on his base level. Be noted that when he levels up evrything get's magically fixed and his resistances and tresholds return to proper values.
I looked at it and this is correct. It's because he starts out wearing his leather armor. Apparently the Mapper don't/can't save the armor stats for any critter placed on a map. You will see the stat gain when you add the armor to the critter but it just won't be saved, and the next time you load the map the critter's armor values will be reset to zero while still wearing the armor.

There's two ways of fixing this, either stamp a leather armor for his base proto (it won't carry over when he levels up, and also since his base proto is being injected into the master.dat file anyway, this shouldn't be much extra work), or simply put the armor in his inventory instead of having him wearing it (if you want you could script him to wear it on first map enter).

Not sure if there are any other critters with this problem, most critters don't wear armors anyway. I did look at a few in New Reno though, and they have stamped armor while also wearing armor.

F12se has the NPC edit option. It just got moved to "Misc" tab, not directly under the save list anymore.
Oops, I haven't really used it. Since it's missing the hex editor function I thought I might as well stay with the old and trusted version.
Just found a weird stuff: When you finish the Trials of Arroyo, you already have quests about GECK and Vic in your PipBoy without talking to anyone in the village. Shouldn't you get these AFTER you talk to the Elder or is that just some safety feature in case you don't talk to her, so you know what to do?

EDIT: Also, if you won't talk to the Elder, gvar 452 won't set even though you have the quest in your Pipboy.
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What You are describing is actually not restoration related.. it's an old vanilla bug that Cassidy has resistances decremented by equivalent of leather armor on his base level. Be noted that when he levels up evrything get's magically fixed and his resistances and tresholds return to proper values. As for why doesn't he level up with You.. You should check out file called party.txt where most information about the party NPC's is given to the game including minimum player level required for the npc to lvl up (wich in Cassidy's case was 6 if i remember correctly..) so until You reach lvl 6 (and You mentioned You are at lvl 3) You can stop sweating about Cassidy not lvling up.
not to mention that sfall also supports an option to fully remove the random effect of party npc lvling up and seting it to the value in party.txt of "lvl up evry x lvls".
I do have the random element removed in sfall. No matter, I just confirmed everything you say to be true. Hit level 10 and Cassidy leveled up. Resistances fixed. I'm happy. :)
Just reporting that I might've found the (obvious) solution to why my EPA was crashing. I reinstalled with the legacy hi-res patch and tested it and I could save and reload on the entry level, as well as reenter it :) I'll try this with the hubologist stash, since it's been crashing too, and see if it works for the elevator crashes.

EDIT: Or it doesn't in fact. Now I'm completely confused. EPA's crashing again... It's something about the ddraw setting that I change that's causing it. I just have to figure out exactly what. Because I tried it again on pure vanilla RP and even the old horrible resolution and you can reenter the map with no problems.

EDIT2: Ok, I've tried to do everything at the EPA at the lowest resolution and with vanilla RP with untouched ddraw and legacy patch. Everything works (I havent killed aliens but snuck past them, and I haven't done the kill all the plants quests or interacted with the locked shack). Since I've had problems without any mods at all, I think there's a chance that editing something seemingly harmless in the ddraw can cause EPA to crash (either that or something with the resolution). I'll investigate further.


If you set the following to 1 EPA will be crashing and the Hubologist stash too:

;Allows the use of tiles over 80*36 in size. sfall will just split and resave them at startup
;Set to 1 to check all tiles on started (slow)
;set to 2 if you provide a XLtiles.lst file in art/tiles/ containing a list of the tile ids that need checking

So that's at least one thing in the ddraw that's dangerous to fiddle with.
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I found this thread by accident, googling this quest :) I, too, am stuck at the "second clue" for Maida Buckner. I check the brahmin and my player sees nothing unusual, just a "regular domesticated brahmin". Dunton's brahmin are those two behind that empty house, right?
The binoculars is the only 'look' option, right? I mean, I always click at the binoculars to check someting. I have PE7 - what I am doing wrong?
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Popping back in again. I still haven't forgotten about another update (2.3.3) nor forgotten about finally getting the RP source files out to everyone. Sadly I've been sick recently and preoccupied with life.

As always, hopefully issues are being posted to the bug wiki, but I'll of course still read through this whole thread. And thanks to everyone for answering questions while I'm away.
As always, hopefully issues are being posted to the bug wiki, but I'll of course still read through this whole thread. And thanks to everyone for answering questions while I'm away.

yep, issues are being posted, be sure to read the entire wikia since ppl added answers to your answers. ;)

Edit: i forgot to say: Be Well Soon.
Hopefully nothing serious, and feel better soon!

Things must be pretty bad in PA right now... the Polar Vortex has been kicking our butts over here in New York... sadly, the old town has taken quite a beating in the last month or so, and I've had a cough and a low grade fever for that whole time, as have many of my co-workers.
Not sure whether this is covered in the bug wiki (I don't think it is), but I took note of some possible RP improvements already discussed here or in other threads.

- Lara fight improvement: see Darek's post #176 in this thread
- Cassidy armor issue: see Darek's post #228
- Endocore's box bell fix: see post #191
- Dogmeat errors: corrected by Endorcore, see his separate thread "Dogmeat: Tricks and Treats"
- Village / Abby order improvement (and maybe others): see lujo's separate thread "A rewiev of the RP game progression experience and small tweak suggestions"

It's good to have you (back) and having others like Darek and Endorcore supporting the Fallout modding community that strongly! Thank you all.
- Village / Abby order improvement (and maybe others): see lujo's separate thread "A rewiev of the RP game progression experience and small tweak suggestions"


Here's a link to that. It's a really long read (:() but I went out of my way to make my suggestions the smallest and easiest to implement that I could, and if reading the entire thing would take up too much time I could make a really short TL;DR since many of the suggested tweaks seem to have been recieved rather well by the community :)

The 4 original suggestions are probably all easy to do, but I've since added quite a few simmilar observations to the thread, some of which haven't been commented upon much, but are all probably (at least somewhat) sensible (or support the 4 original observations).
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Robots in EPA ignore player (I've been through almost all levels, they all idle). Is this a bug or a feature?
It would be better if they (or some of them, at least) attacked player on sight, unless he did some kind of quest for one of the holograms, for example. Otherwise, the amount of loot you get for your (almost zero) effort is unbalanced.
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