Fallout 2 Savegame Editor

You should check this one out. It seems to me that it does everything that this savegame editor does but with a lot better interface and some speedier options and better descriptions. It also seems to have a lot of additional functions allowing to edit any and all Protos on a map and even add them in. You could spawn a mutant invasion or Enclave attack even with it :) Fallout 2 Savegame editor at Fallout 2 Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com)

If you read my post more carefully, you'll see me mentioning this other editor. It's great, but the big problem is that it's closed source, and most likely will remain so forever. Save editor is vital tool for modding and we should have all key tools available with source code for bug fixing and extensions.
Hello @vad, I'm getting error while trying editor on latest version of Fallout Et Tu v1.9.3324 and sfall version v4.4.0.1. Can you check where could be a problem or does it require to change something in code? Thank you for feedback.

20:46:54.060 Number of subdirectories for "C:\Games\Fallout 2\Fallout1in2\data\SAVEGAME" is 1
20:46:54.060 New save(01) was found in directory: SLOT01
20:46:54.889 Check if game is installed in Program Files to give warning: C:\Program Files (x86)
20:47:08.873 Loading: C:\Games\Fallout 2\Fallout1in2\data\SAVEGAME\SLOT01\SAVE.DAT
20:47:08.881 Crc32 = 0xdb325d1b
20:47:08.883 Loading header.
20:47:08.923 Loading function 1.
20:47:08.925 Loading array of global variables.
20:47:09.028 Loading open maps.
20:47:09.030 WARNING Invalid data in function 3. There should be at least one map.
20:47:09.032 Loading duplicate array of global variables.
20:47:09.034 WARNING array of GVARs != duplicate array. Expect the crash.
20:47:09.039 Loading player and inventory.
20:47:09.042 WARNING Function 5 doesn't start with 0x0,0x0,'FP'. We are definitely going to crash.
20:47:09.045 Number of items in inventory: 5
20:47:09.050 Loading item with PID 0x0.
20:47:09.052 ERROR Can't get type for item in inventory.
20:47:09.054 ERROR Failed to load: C:\Games\Fallout 2\Fallout1in2\data\SAVEGAME\SLOT01\SAVE.DAT
20:47:09.075 sfallgv loaded global variables = 5
20:47:09.081 sfallgv GainStatFix = 0
20:47:09.082 sfallgv loaded fake traits = 0
20:47:09.086 sfallgv loaded fake perks = 0
20:47:09.088 sfallgv loaded fake selectable perks = 0
20:47:09.090 sfallgv arrays count(old format) = 0
20:47:09.091 sfallgv arrays count(new format) = 5
20:47:09.097 WARNING Invalid array element type 851971
20:47:09.099 WARNING File: C:\Games\Fallout 2\Fallout1in2\data\SAVEGAME\SLOT01\sfallgv.sav was loaded with errors. Position 116/751
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Also running into errors trying to get this running with Fallout Et Tu/1in2. It recognizes the save directory and parses some of the info, but everything outside of a few hex fields and GVARS is entirely empty.

Edit: That did it! VVVV
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Does anyone have a direct link to the editor mentioned in the opening post?

Clicking on the Github link brings me to a page with no download visible.

Thank you.
I'm back for a little while to fix problems with data loading + add support for mods_order.txt.
Did a quick test with Fallout Yesterday and 1in2. I will try to fix problems with mods that will be reported in the next few weeks.
And then I'll disappear again. I don't play Fallout anymore and the code is so bad and fragile that I don’t want to touch it.
New release