Fallout 2: Shattered Destiny

looks cool. i just reinstall Fallout 2 on my new computer (on Vista)
i had the intro but it crashed when i opened the first door. :s
How do I run it? When I'm running Fallout2.exe, I get a normal Fallout 2 game :| ...
Lexx, by the way, where I can find that lost girl? I do hope it's not somehow connected with the Children's leader. I've talked to him during the "flower quest" and he kicked me off without a chance to end up the dialogue without a some flame - that's utterly stupid (I even have Intelligence on 10 and tagged Speech!), due to not being able to complete the task any more.
this is the error i got

Lexx said:
Dude101 said:
woot I completed it :D

How long did it take, to finish the mod? :)
And: You can also play with different characters. Try to play as a man and then as a woman and then as a dumb dude. ;) The end is also variable, but I won't spoil things.

It took me 3.5 or 4 hours. I looted everyone in the game which took most of the time. It was especially funny when the church guards couldn't reload as I had their ammo :)

I didn't find the rad scorpion antidote for the... (spoiler) I dont think I did all of the side quests, so I will go back and try a dumb guy next. I have to say you really captured the essence of Fallout even with a translation that hasn't been proof read, I really enjoyed it.

When can we expect the next chapter?

Axl said:
this is the error i got

Thats usualy associated with the text format i.e. I get that error if I try to load a unicode text file. It should work fine, but then you are using windows vista...
Very good work Lexx, thanks a lot :)

However, Lisac2k, there is German guy (one of the brahmin guards - description and floats) and other bug is that if you try to talk next time to the brahmin guard there is an "error" text in dialogue and some text lines repeats.
Axl said:
this is the error i got

I have downloaded the mod, but haven't played it yet. However, that error comes up as the result of a missing or misnamed .msg file when you try to talk to a critter.
The mod is interesting, good locations design. Intro is so fo2 style :ok: I played it for an hour or so, haven't found all the maps yet.
Dude101 said:
It took me 3.5 or 4 hours. I looted everyone in the game which took most of the time...
That's the most interesting part, just kidding :P

Dialogs could be better. I saw a few floating "Error" messages and some foreign language( i know it's German :lol:) Yes, those child and bald-head critters are cool :clap:
I always liked mods with worldmaps, i suppose the others too. At least remove those exit grid markers at the beginning, it's confusing :mrgreen:
Anyway, with a little makeup, this mod would be awesome.
Awesome job, Lexx!

Hey, tell me how i make the dude vomit (i take radiation/poison damage, but nothing happen) i REALLY need see this! :lol:
Zaius238 said:
Hey, tell me how i make the dude vomit (i take radiation/poison damage, but nothing happen) i REALLY need see this! :lol:

I took it out, becaus it was a little bit buggy (and I also overwrote the script by mistake...). But one of the guys in the inner yard has a part of that script.

If I have the time, I will make a patch this weekend, to fix as much bugs as I can.
The problem is, that I am on removal this week. I relocate to Berlin. :aiee:

I also didn't tested the english version very much :oops: ... I got the english text files a few hours before the release, so there wasn't enough time for testing and I thought, that it would be fine, because the german version works good and so on.. :roll:

@Axl: What Fallout 2 version do you have and what mod file have you installed? (english / german?)

Because, if you have the german version and install the english version of the mod, you got the error in you screenshot. You also get the error, if you have the english version of Fallout 2 and try to install the german version of the mod...

I don't have a france/ russian/ polish version of Fallout 2, so it could be possible, that there will be also the same bug. (because of the folder "text/english" or "text/german" .. this have to be renamed into the language of your fallout version.)

This weekend, I will upload the files without packed in a *.dat file, so you can change the folder name manually without so much trouble (extract files with dat manager, etc..).

/Edit: it also could be possible, that it wont work on vista.. but I don't know.. I use win2000.

Sorrow said:
How do I run it? When I'm running Fallout2.exe, I get a normal Fallout 2 game :| ...

Do you have a "clean" fallout 2 installed? Do you use the Fallout2.exe file, that comes with the mod? Because, I used Timeslips engine tweaks with the mod, so I didn't need to make a new exe. If Timeslips engine tweaks don't work, I think, the mod wil also not work.

/Edit³: I have an idea... if someone wants to help me, to improve the english text.. this would be cool. Maybe someone (or two or three [good] english speeking people) wants to take a look at the textfiles, improve them and send them to me? Then I could include them in the first patch.
Lexx said:
Sorrow said:
How do I run it? When I'm running Fallout2.exe, I get a normal Fallout 2 game :| ...

Do you have a "clean" fallout 2 installed? Do you use the Fallout2.exe file, that comes with the mod? Because, I used Timeslips engine tweaks with the mod, so I didn't need to make a new exe. If Timeslips engine tweaks don't work, I think, the mod wil also not work.
That explains everything. Timeslips tweaks don't work on Windows 98 :| .
Hmm I can upload the loader-exe file friday evening. So you could try to start the mod without the engine tweaks.
Lexx I extracted the text files from the mod, could you tell me what you intended to say here?

{188}{}{I gotta rheinstone.}

It's in the CHILDR1.MSG file.

I had some spare time, so I figured I could at least fix some spelling errors.
Good question.. I don't know. I don't have the files here at the moment and I didn't work on the english translation.
Is it possible to have your mod installed and still be able to play the original Fallout2?

(I have your mod installed, and F2 v1.2 Uk)
I found Hanna the Bene daughter and for now I could not get out from the town... that is horrible situation. When I ask to old Bene he do not respond anyting about the caves, but I still have to do the quest "Found blah blah.. caves"

I made small changes to GRBENE.ssl script in Node025 and to GRBENE.msg file I added one text line and I can now enter to caves and overall finish the game :)
Just a small tinckering in one script ;)

Here is the procedure Node025

procedure Node025
	if (local_var(15) == 0) then begin
		set_local_var(15, 1);
		set_global_var(676, 2);
		if (get_critter_stat(dude_obj, 34) == 0) then begin
			gsay_reply(1320, 305);
		else begin
			gsay_reply(1320, 306);
		giq_option(4, 1320, 307, Node999, 50);
	else begin
		gsay_reply(1320, message_str(1320, 302) + obj_name(dude_obj) + message_str(1320, 303));
		giq_option(4, 1320, 308, NodeMoveCAVE, 50);                       <--- this line is added
		giq_option(4, 1320, 304, Node999, 50);

I added the additional text to msg file, too:
{308}{}{Give me to the caves.}
Jacen said:
Lexx I extracted the text files from the mod, could you tell me what you intended to say here?

{188}{}{I gotta rheinstone.}

It's in the CHILDR1.MSG file.

I had some spare time, so I figured I could at least fix some spelling errors.
I translated that.

Rhinestone == A faceted stone made of glass

Although I can hardly believe it's a real "rhinestone" the kid (or the children) are talking about, it could be rather a nice looking piece of glass.

EDIT: forgot to add the original line in German:

{188}{}{Ich hab 'nen Glitzerstein}
So basically it would fit to say:

{188}{}{I've got a gemstone.}

OR maybe.

{188}{}{I've got a gemstone, its real pretty. Wanna see?}

Ok, I'll just change that then. I'll probably finish checking the rest of the msg files tonight.
Ok, I've spell checked the dialog portion of the English version.
There are bound to be some errors left, but so be it.

Lexx, I've compressed the folder, you should be able to download the file here