Fallout 2: Shattered Destiny

Lexx said:
to 2) I think, this problem isn't in the german version, so I think, it must have something to do with the english version.. I will check the files.

to 4) Do you mean, if you have a radscorpion tail in your inventory, the dialog option pops up? If yes, it was planed so. If not... then I have to test it by myself.

to 2) this happens, when I play this mod first time and I go in cave without speak to old Bene, and the way show me a type, who need RadAway

to 4) I have in inventory 4 tails, and he makes me 7 antidotes :wink: I have no tails and have in dialog option make antidote
Mod seems to be running good. Get a couple of critters on the first map that show error. I can't seem to find the guy that takes you to the cave to do Doc's quest. Where is he?

Edit: Ok. got to the waterpump but I can't do anything with it. Plus I can't seem to leave the first map except togo to the rat quest and the Cathedral. I have talked to everyone. What am I missing?

Edit: Are you supposed to get experience for giving out the flowers and spreading the word? After cleaning out the rats I only have 800 EXP.

Edit Again: Started over, repaired lights in bunker, cleared out rats and betrayed dwarf. Got quest to fix waterchip. Found the old guy, accepted quest to find daughter, went to cathedral, gave out flowers, put on robes and talked to kids about daughter being sent off. Talked to guy in cathedral about flowers and all I can do is talk about leaving and preaching. When I go back to the old guy it says error. Can't find anymore info on daughter. What is wrong and why can't I go any farther. I have the patch installed.
If you finish the quest from the CoF and you become a member of the church, the old bene (and some other) won't talk to you anymore.

There are two possibilitys for entering the caves:

- with the old Bene quest (can be found left of the bar)
- with Vic Johnson (can be found in the right side of the bar)

If you take the old Bene quest, you should be able to take out a fight with the CoF.

If you take the way with Vic Johnson, you don't need to fight, but you also got less EXP and equipment. He just needs some Rad Away. (you can find it in the shelter, level 1)
Very nice mod, just finished it. So when can we expect part 2? I can hardly wait. Also, will it be an add-on to the existing install mod or a seperate one? Should I back up my savegame file to use for next release?
Well, I am thinking about it for a time. I thought about making part 2 in two versions... one stand alone and one addon. I will create the second part on the first, but at the moment I can't say to 100%, that it will be or not be stand alone.

I started working on part 2, but I think, it will take some time to finish it... my hope is, that it won't take three years, like part 1... ;)
I planed three. ;)

But maybe for the next parts, I won't do all the work (or the most) alone... let's see...
If it is stand alone, will it be possible to use savegame info from part 1 so the player does not lose all their stuff?

Also I was thinking about the ending of part 1 last night. Near the end when you get access to the supply room you can just walk in if you wish, but then the story does not continue if you do this. I walked around for awhile after doing this looking for something to do before I went back into the shelter and talked to the guard, then it continued as normal. I was thinking it might be better to have to talk to the guard first so he can unlock the door before you go in.

Just a thought, I see you have put a lot of thought and hard work into this. VERY NICE WORK. :clap:
I notice if you kill the guard downstairs and when you get knocked out the game goes straight the white screen and its over. I guess you didn't want any of us gathering uber weapons...
hi LEXX, I try Mutant Rising DEMO (imho pre pre ALFA ALFA v.) my rating 4/10

your mod its worth min 7/10 :clap: :clap: :clap:

sorry ASHAMO 8-)
I am looking for some proof readers, who can help with a new english translation for the mod. Is someone interested? Would be really nice, because... well, the actual translation isn't really perfect.

I am also currently at work for the second chapter. For this I have already some nice ideas, and will mainly consider the feedback I got from the first chapter.
This is only a talking head test. If everything works like I think, then I will give him a better texture and animate him too.

Nice! Too much realistic (Talking Heads are little a bit cartoonish). But still very nice job! Did you make everything by yourself (modeling, uv mapping, texturing)? Or is this another miracle of "automated" programs for making human characters?
Well, yes, a little bit miracle. I used Poser for this. I played with the programm a while, changed the head proportion here and there and edited the head texture. But the texture only sporadic. I made it a little bit darker and painted a soft black around the eyes, the nose and the mouth and so on.

I am not really good in 3d and 2d editing. I can use the programms etc. but my artistic skill for creating really cool things (from scretch) isn't that high.
I see, the interest is big in this, like everytime when I post something. :)

I finished the talking head for a few minutes. All animations and so on. But there is the normal problem again: the color palette.
