Fallout 2 Steam DL Accidentally Mixes Different Versions

The Vault Dweller

always looking for water.

It seems that the version of Fallout 2 being offered through Steam for download has some strange issues of being an amalgamation of completely different national versions. The text is in English, but the intro is spoken in French, and the children are missing à la the United Kingdom version. From Examiner:<blockquote>Redownloading the game does nothing, but replacing the MASTER.DAT and CRITTER.DAT files from the original game CD - if you have it - should fix the problem.</blockquote>For the full article look here, mon ami.

Thanks to Sigoya.
Talk about a slow news week.

Pretty funny considering you can get fallout 2 DRM free, and working in the correct language for $5 at goog old games.
Lingwei said:
Talk about a slow news week.

Pretty funny considering you can get fallout 2 DRM free, and working in the correct language for $5 at goog old games.
Sure, but it doesn't arrive instantaneously, and, presumably, you are helping Interplay out a little more.... if that's what you're into.
Of said:
Lingwei said:
Talk about a slow news week.

Pretty funny considering you can get fallout 2 DRM free, and working in the correct language for $5 at goog old games.
Sure, but it doesn't arrive instantaneously, and, presumably, you are helping Interplay out a little more.... if that's what you're into.

Gog is digital download
brilliant. the only way to fix the game you download from steam is to already have the game and copy files over. this being the case, why not just install the copy you already have and bypass steam altogether?
Ausir said:
And IPLY probably gets a bigger cut from GOG than from Steam.
wasn't steam like 30% of the price to Valve & the rest to the dev?
What is the silly part about this, is that Valve only has the files they're provided with by the game company. So Interplay gave Valve a version of the game, without even seeing if it was actually the original North American release. For some reason I'm not surprised. Hopefully they'll get this straightened out.
SuAside said:
Ausir said:
And IPLY probably gets a bigger cut from GOG than from Steam.
wasn't steam like 30% of the price to Valve & the rest to the dev?

I request sauce on this information.
Using a 4chan internet meme lexicon as a language rubric doesn't mean that the actual information being discussed on a forum specialized in these topics cannot be "sauced".

Also, your girlfriend is on /hc/ under goat-thread.
Beelzebud said:
What is the silly part about this, is that Valve only has the files they're provided with by the game company. So Interplay gave Valve a version of the game, without even seeing if it was actually the original North American release. For some reason I'm not surprised. Hopefully they'll get this straightened out.
Even the first version on steam before someone decided to try and remove the children wasn't the original release; it contains 3rd party mods preinstalled, including a rather ancient version of sfall which they've so far refused to do anything about. :(
Dopemine Cleric said:
Using a 4chan internet meme lexicon as a language rubric doesn't mean that the actual information being discussed on a forum specialized in these topics cannot be "sauced".
Well, to my knowledge, it's a myth originated from a misquote of an interview to one of the programmers of Dark Messiah of Might and Magic. Or something to that extent.

Dopemine Cleric said:
Also, your girlfriend is on /hc/ under goat-thread.
I don't even know what /hc/ is :lol: I only "use" /h/, /e/ and /d/. And only sporadically. My trollish reply may be the fruit of my eventual misinformation. "Sauce" originates from 4chan, right?

And besides, I'm single right now. Want some, honey? :wink: :mrgreen:
Honey is a sweet, tasty sauce.

Like Big Kahuna Burger.

Yes please.

Also, no info on the subject of the Steam/Developer profit numbers are available. Someone work with these companies or the <s>IRS</s> review boards, or know someone associated with?
Or you could give %100 to Interplay and buy the games off their website.... DRM free.

This isn't "100% to Interplay" nor "off their website". It's through yet another direct download service, metaboli. It's just the only one linked from Interplay's website.
I wonder why everybody ignores the fact that there are fan-made mods (Killap's patch) and hacks (Sfall) in the trilogy box and steam version.
Lexx said:
I wonder why everybody ignores the fact that there are fan-made mods (Killap's patch) and hacks (Sfall) in the trilogy box and steam version.

So they're selling fan-made content without permission or even giving credit? Some slimy shit right there.