Fallout 2 Steam DL Accidentally Mixes Different Versions

Please guys, modders, write to valve and immediately demand credit for your work. If you don't the consequences may be even more drastic involving fan-made content in the future. The least they could have done is what Running With Scissors did for the Postal Fudge Pack.
Dopemine Cleric said:
Please guys, modders, write to valve and immediately demand credit for your work.
I don't know about anyone else, but I already have, multiple times. (Although asking for sfall to be removed rather than credit; given its hacky nature I don't want it installed for people who don't know they've installed it.)

So far I've been completely ignored.
Ausir said:
Please guys, modders, write to valve and immediately demand credit for your work.

It's not Valve that put it there, it's Interplay.
but Valve is distributing it, so they can put pressure on Inneptplay. i'd never expect Iplay to do anything about it, unless Valve or some other company pressures them into doing so.
So if I understand correctly, Interplay:

Didn't even consult the modders in the first place.

Proceeded to use their work without giving them any credit.

Then went on to modify or use outdated/incompatible versions making the game buggy or even unplayable.

And is now trying to sell non-functional software.

Great job!
junkevil said:
brilliant. the only way to fix the game you download from steam is to already have the game and copy files over. this being the case, why not just install the copy you already have and bypass steam altogether?

Screw that. I'm not walking to that shelf five feet away from my two liter of mountain dew, potato chips, and an imminent heart attack.

I smell something about to stir...

Ausir said:
Or you could give %100 to Interplay and buy the games off their website.... DRM free.

This isn't "100% to Interplay" nor "off their website". It's through yet another direct download service, metaboli. It's just the only one linked from Interplay's website.


You're ever-wise and I am ever caught in my own false notions. Apologies for it.
Timeslip said:
I don't know about anyone else, but I already have, multiple times. (Although asking for sfall to be removed rather than credit; given its hacky nature I don't want it installed for people who don't know they've installed it.)

So far I've been completely ignored.

Have you tried bypassing the crappy support and just sending Gabe himself an email on the issue? I reckon you'd have much easier time getting a hold of him than someone from interplay.