fallout 2 - vault 13 cavern help needed


First time out of the vault
ive found vault 13 cavern, but theres no door into vault 13 its-self, ive looked at a couple of walthroughs, and theres no mention of this cavern. its only small, theres nothing to interact with - that i can see.... where is the door to vault 13 or how do i reveal it?

You should have a door terminal at the top.

Are you sure you're at the...uhm...right Vault 13?
The door should be in there. Big round door with "13" written on it, controlled by an interface panel (free-standing square box).
there is DEFINATLY NO door at the top - i got the location from a map i bought for $1000 (not $10000) from the guy who wants you to kill the hubologist.

all else that is in the cave is a sign saying warning - construction in progress...

and on my save game it gives the location as 'vault 13 cavern' is there more than one vault 13 location?


Well, yeah, you must have bought the location of Vault 13 from Merk in NCR.

You quest continues, as you have been deceived.
Per said:
I find this amusing.

Its like he's a real "Chosen One" who's asking other characters for advice after being deceived...glad he's so serious.

:D ,
The Vault Dweller


I never found that...
Yes of course im deadly serious, and yes i am the REAL Chosen One Vault Dweller!

Also my ear has been bitten off! And it really f**king hurts!!! Does anyone know a good doctor who can help with this, or anyone who may reward me for a severed ear?

Thank you all for your help, i will continue my search for the Holy Vault 13

bainbrd said:
Also my ear has been bitten off! And it really f**king hurts!!! Does anyone know a good doctor who can help with this, or anyone who may reward me for a severed ear?

Well.. if you equip the ring...

Ah screw it...
bainbrd said:
Also my ear has been bitten off! And it really f**king hurts!!! Does anyone know a good doctor who can help with this, or anyone who may reward me for a severed ear?

Nope, it's gone, no use crying over spilt milk.
You're all wrong. You have to equip the ring then use level 5 Heal- :roll:

Also, I'm impressed some-one is trying to play the game with reading Per's Guide first. Kudo's to you.
Uhh, first times I played Fallout and Fallout 2 was without Per's Guide... simple reason, no internet...

But you're wrong btw, when you equip the Ring you used too much action points to cast a level 5 Medicinal Spell within two weeks...