First time out of the vault

chaosapiant said:NelsonAnaya said:i would had like loved to see bioware make fallout
I 2nd that one. I'm pissed about their new KOTOR, but everything they've done is solid.
Same here

TBH when I first hear that Bethesda got the IP, I thought "that's great, because everyone keep talking about this game called Oblivion". Then I played Oblivion and that was a terrible experience. But it's a personal preference, so I see why some people really F3, because they also like Oblivion. Where id you don't like Oblivion like me, wasteland won't fix very similar mechanics, crappy graphics and weird game play elements.
I don't like FP view RPGs however Bioware developed titles such as Mass Effect and Baldur's Gate.
Shame that we don't have Troika any more, I love "Temple of Elemental Evil"..
BTW, yes I hate most of the bits of F3 and I'm still playing it because I waited 10 years for it, I need to suck it up, stand up and then say "it was terrible, damn you Bethesda". Then I'm gonna sell my copy on ebay and buy COD5 and never gonna play a FPSish RPG again.