Fallout 3 at E3 - Evil Avatar

Surprisingly, there are a few who are concerned about what Bethesda is doing to Fallout.


The presentation of the quests, and other textual information on screen uses this really slick fading effect. That alone adds a ton of atmosphere to the game.

I don't remember seeing this before.
1. You can have a dynamic impact on the world, including blowing up entire "cities" with Nuclear weapons.

Wooo! CitieS! Plural!

Or maybe Megaton just had an outlying suburb called Kiloton.
Madbringer said:
Scrolling down has the hazard of drowning in hard-ons! :wtf:

I'm actually surprised at the number of skeptics posting comments. Just look for the posts that are more than 1 sentence long. It still amazes me how easy it is to find a consoler. If their posts look like IMs between two 12-year-old sexually confused boys, well, you found one.
OK, I studied all of the features/things one by one and tried objectively (as much as possible) to value all of them. To keep it simple, I decided to use this system:

1 point = important feature to me / improves game(play)
0.5 point = partially important / improves game(play) partially
0 point = not important / doesn't improve game(play)

The final score is = 1.5/10

I know, this is quite simplified way to analyze the features (the game), but I wanted to give it a shot. Anyone else interested in doing the same?
I was nice and gave .5 for 9, 8, 7 and 4.

Final score: 2/10

I only reason number 8 got .5 was because the engine is supposed to be improved. I doubt that, though.
Number 9 got .5, not because I would like the feature, but it'd certainly help out the STUPID people in the world with figuring out how to play a video game.
Number 7 and 4 got .5 just because I felt like being kind. I could care less for "teh awesome FX".

Edit: grammar and completion
The presentation of the quests, and other textual information on screen uses this really slick fading effect. That alone adds a ton of atmosphere to the game.

GREAT SUCCESS! they should just package it right now and ship it off to everyone

who needs to create vast post apocalyptic wastelands filled with shady characters, mutants and a retro 50s charm when you can just chuck a "slick fading effect" to capture the true nature of fallout
.5 for 10, 9, 8, 7.
1 for 5, 1.

Final score: 4.

I really like the idea of having a completely, or at least near completely, destructible environment. I don't know how well or to what extent this is going to be implemented, however.
The presentation of the quests, and other textual information on screen uses this really slick fading effect. That alone adds a ton of atmosphere to the game.
I wonder, why original Fallout devs never thought out such important atmosphere factor? :roll:
Stag said:
.5 for 10, 9, 8, 7.
1 for 5, 1.

Final score: 4.

I really like the idea of having a completely, or at least near completely, destructible environment. I don't know how well or to what extent this is going to be implemented, however.

From what they showed the ground/concrete was at least destructible from bullets/explosions. I don't think they tried shooting walls to show if buildings could collapse or anything, though.
Evil Avatar said:
5. "Destruction is the new trees"


Why does that statement fill me with the dread that instead of walking through endless amounts of trees, I'll be walking through endless fields of detritus?
It fills you with dread because that's exactly what you're going to be doing.

Hey, instead of SpeedTree... SpeedDebris.
Wait, aren't you excited about a destructible environment? Isn't that a good thing?
When it comes to destructible enironment, I have Red Faction... And it's also FPS so it's pretty close to FO3!