Fallout 3 at E3 - Firing Squad/Grrlgamer

I like the bot sequence, can't see anything wrong with it...

Anyone noticed the reference to Gears of war in the article? :)
Well, as some of you probably remember, there were riots all over the States, just before the bombs fell. The government could start a security program with the lazerbots in metro-stations to keep the crowd streamlined and prevent more crap.

However, there are some flaws in this theory too.

First of all, these would be security robots, not ticketing. Second, if they are ticketing robots, they wouldn't carry "lazers" and go amok once a passer-by scratches one of them, but probably some more "riot control" weapon (cattle prod?) Third, as Brother None said, they're overpowered. They could easily slaughter dozens (if not hundreds) of civilians in seconds, which I find rather unfitting to their primary function (riot control, not riot slaughter).
I think the robotic "Tickets Please" moment, might have been a peusdo Indy Jones moment. But I think its real reason is far more sinistar.

They really can't figure out how to imploy the science/computer skills immersivly. Basically they said... "hmm how can use robots here Todd?

Todd said: Let there be robotic ticket takers who can attack even the strongest characters in the game, and kill them for not having a ticket. It will be a good use of the science skill, that otherwise might be overlooked. And it will make the player feel like he didn't waste the points on the skill. And on another plane of exsistence somebody will find it funny.

What odds would anyone give me on there being heavily armed robots of differing vocations just about everywhere to "justify" hax0ring as a legitimate skill, a la KOTOR?

Secondly, what odds would anyone give me on Bethesda including just a single original feature among their hodgepodge of design mockery?

Lastly, hasn't the smarmy robot butler character been done to death by every Douglas Adams wannabe that's ever put pen to page?
What makes me laugh is that not only was D.C.'s government psychotic enough to install killbots with military grade lasers at train stations. Not only do these killbots react violently for the incredible crime of forgetting your ticket.. but.. in 200 years, nobody has ever thought of looting either the robots themselves or their lasers even though the BoS and the Enclave are right there.
Vault, I see no reason to insult the BoS...I'm sure they just overlooked the death machines.
Stag said:
Vault, I see no reason to insult the BoS...I'm sure they just overlooked the death machines.

And the nuclear cars with their power sources still intact. And the working radio stations. And the big fat nuclear warhead in the middle of a town.
Yar! We're the Brotherhood of Steel! Why should we scavenge for technology... oh, wait.
Stag said:
What's the problem with radio working?

There's a problem with several radio stations operating in one area while a technology hoarding group apparently has no interest in seizing any of them.
Maybe they do...That'd be a fun quest. Protect the Morning Zoo jocks from the Brotherhood! It'd be zany as shit.

Maybe they don't want to steal the tech from them? The BoS didn't raid The Hub or anything during F1...
Vault 69er said:
Stag said:
What's the problem with radio working?

There's a problem with several radio stations operating in one area while a technology hoarding group apparently has no interest in seizing any of them.
I also have small problem with Enclave being alive and running radio station.
Stag said:
Maybe they do...That'd be a fun quest. Protect the Morning Zoo jocks from the Brotherhood! It'd be zany as shit.

Maybe they don't want to steal the tech from them? The BoS didn't raid The Hub or anything during F1...

What'd the Hub have that was there to raid? Caravans?

In Fallout2, if you let the enclave know of the power plant in Gecko, they came and seized it. That's what should happen. Instead, Bethesda's making the Washington D.C. area a technological hub that none of these military institutions seem to care to salvage. It just isn't logical.

The ticket bots are ridiculous. I'm not going to explain why since it's already been discussed, but those bots would not have fatal weapons and if they did, they would have already been salvaged.

Think of illogical situations in Fallout1/2 that weren't meant to be easter eggs. It's hard, isn't it? We haven't even played Fallout3 yet, and I can already see so much shit that just doesn't make sense.
Well, bad example. Still, the BoS wasn't as trigger happy as you make them out to be.

Why would the Enclave even want to run a radio station, though? To get recruits?
The BoS didn't raid the Hub because they traded with them; the Hub aided their survival.
And it's not like they had much in the way of technology.
Certainly not nuclear reactors which we KNOW they want since they rely on Power Armour but can't make their own. Neither did the Hub have a nuclear warhead right there for the taking. Or multiple radio stations, one run by the "Hey we died but we're better now" Enclave.

I mean, what is the BoS even doing on the east coast if not looking for technology? Sightseeing?
Makagulfazel said:
In Fallout2, if you let the enclave know of the power plant in Gecko, they came and seized it.
No, unfortunately. Although the Enclave guy promises to come and bust up your ass, they never come.

Is that another unimplemented feature or a joke? I think it's the first option, though I'm not 100% sure, maybe someone else could help...
Brother None said:
Section8 said:
I have to admit I loved the idea of the robot asking the super mutants "TICKETS PLEASE?" It was a funny and clever reference to Indiana Jones. They're overdoing it with the 'stupid git' thing.

No, it would have been an Indiana Jones reference if the robot said "NO TICKET!" after blasting a mutant. As it is, Kevin Smith already put a better reference of the same scene in Dogma eight years ago. Good to know Bethesda are keeping up.

In any case, as Fallout 1 vs Fallout 2 proved:
1. Only obvious references to 50s pulp and perhaps a smattering of references to modern cult = good
2. Obvious reference to modern cult all over = bad

I don't think it was an Indiana Jones reference. I hope not.

Well that was a bit of a guess I admit, but I still think it could be a veiled reference. I agree, it's not a good one reference unless the "NO TICKET!" bit is in there as well :lol:

BTW, I loved some of the modern references in F2, like the downed star trek shuttle.
lisac2k said:
Makagulfazel said:
In Fallout2, if you let the enclave know of the power plant in Gecko, they came and seized it.
No, unfortunately. Although the Enclave guy promises to come and bust up your ass, they never come.

Is that another unimplemented feature or a joke? I think it's the first option, though I'm not 100% sure, maybe someone else could help...

Um... I almost always got the ending for Gecko that showed that the Enclave came and took over the power plant. While the events didn't happen during the game, that certain game ending showed it.
Makagulfazel said:
Um... I almost always got the ending for Gecko that showed that the Enclave came and took over the power plant. While the events didn't happen during the game, that certain game ending showed it.
Impossible, that ending does not exist in the game whatsoever. There is the ending where Vault City takes over Gecko.