Fallout 3 at E3 - Golem.de

Briosafreak said:
People thinking Fallout has to be isometric and turn-based won't be happy with Fallout 3.

Didn't anyone noticed the gravity of what is being said here?
He's stating the obvious? I mean, he's not saying "FUCK YOU FANS, WE GOT FALLOUT, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" he's saying that fans who specifically cannot enjoy Fallout in any way but isometric and turn-based won't like it because it's neither.

I consider myself a Fallout fan and I'm still looking forward to Fallout 3. Maybe not quite as much as if it was iso and turn based, but still quite a bit.
Didn't anyone noticed the gravity of what is being said here?

Yup... and I think it's time to nominate, in my book anyway, a new game that's more fubared from its series than MoO3 was.

Clairvoyance, toilet drinking, nuke-lobbing, carshroom-clouding, orctastic, Ken-dolled, headshotsplosion, Rumor?-laden, Radiant-AI worshipping, eloquent idiocy, plot element teleportation filled, immersion fanaticism, FO3.

I'm wondering which'll be worse, FO3 or FOBOS.

Quick question... how hyped was FOBOS?
he's saying that fans who specifically cannot enjoy Fallout in any way but isometric and turn-based won't like it because it's neither.

You are putting a bit of spin on things, but that's ok. Again doesn't it strike you odd that he is removing from the picture the gross of Fallout fans in just one sentence, and confirming that the game isn't for us at all? Doesn't that mean we should give up on the game right now, since we won't like it anyway, according to his words?

Or was that just something that didn't came out right on the translation?
FoBoS didn't get any hype of the ground. Too many people against it, press and consumers. Now it's consumers, the press is lagging.
Briosafreak said:
You are putting a bit of spin on things, but that's ok. Again doesn't it strike you odd that he is removing from the picture the gross of Fallout fans in just one sentence, and confirming that the game isn't for us at all? Doesn't that mean we should give up on the game right now, since we won't like it anyway, according to his words?
That was obvious since 2004. I don't understand where the surprise is coming from.
Briosafreak said:
Or was that just something that didn't came out right on the translation?

Actually I missed a word in the translation, it has to be

People thinking Fallout has to be isometric and turn-based probably won't be happy with Fallout 3.

But it doesn't change a lot I think, since this statement repeats something Emil already said. It's not for the fans.
Briosafreak said:
he's saying that fans who specifically cannot enjoy Fallout in any way but isometric and turn-based won't like it because it's neither.

You are putting a bit of spin on things, but that's ok. Again doesn't it strike you odd that he is removing from the picture the gross of Fallout fans in just one sentence, and confirming that the game isn't for us at all? Doesn't that mean we should give up on the game right now, since we won't like it anyway, according to his words?

Or was that just something that didn't came out right on the translation?
It seems honest to me. If a fan isn't willing to accept Fallout in a different form, he's plainly saying they won't like it. Whether or not that's a good thing is certainly up for debate (Though sort of a pointless debate since they're already making the game in one direction), but since they ARE making it a FPSRPG, it seems pretty decent of him to say odds are those people won't like the game instead of trying to sell it to people who most likely wouldn't like it.
Punck_D said:
Briosafreak said:
Or was that just something that didn't came out right on the translation?

Actually I missed a word in the translation, it has to be

People thinking Fallout has to be isometric and turn-based probably won't be happy with Fallout 3.

But it doesn't change a lot I think, since this statement repeats something Emil already said. It's not for the fans.

Ah that's more like it, thanks Punck_D, I thought so.

Because if it was in the first sense, and Jimmy wouldn't understand why for sure, it would be a polite declaration of war. In this sense it's just the standard PR speech, so ok, sorry for starting this.
Punck_D said:
But it doesn't change a lot I think, since this statement repeats something Emil already said. It's not for the fans.


[url=http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=37018 said:
Matt Miller[/url]]If you are a fan who is adamantly against some significant changes to the way gameplay occurs in the Fallout series, I’m going to tell you right now and save you the disappointment: I don’t think you’ll like Fallout 3.
Per said:
Brother None said:
Look through walls and doors? Wtf? Daredevil much?

Abstract representation of hearing things moving around? If you just see grey silhouettes superimposed on the walls I think it could work. Well, except for when it comes to "immersion".

Man, until I read this explanation, I was like "wtf" but actually, what you say makes sense. That sounds cool, even. After all, 10 PE is heroic. So yes, Daredevil ftw.
xdarkyrex said:
Man, until I read this explanation, I was like "wtf" but actually, what you say makes sense. That sounds cool, even. After all, 10 PE is heroic. So yes, Daredevil ftw.

Yes, this explanation is very good and also lightly calming, but I must chuckle a little bit considering this whole "immurrshun" tattle by Bethesda like Per also mentioned. It's like some kind of weird irony.
Punck_D said:
Yes, this explanation is very good and also lightly calming, but I must chuckle a little bit considering this whole "immurrshun" tattle by Bethesda like Per also mentioned. It's like some kind of weird irony.

Yep, definitely
I do like how these guys actually had the guts to ask some good questions. But Pete Hines, Baron of Lies just evades them of course and plays the imershun card over and over.

xdarkyrex said:
Man, until I read this explanation, I was like "wtf" but actually, what you say makes sense. That sounds cool, even. After all, 10 PE is heroic. So yes, Daredevil ftw.

There's a difference between "heroic" and "superhuman". What happened to imershun? Funny how it goes out the window when it's convenient.
Vault 69er said:
I do like how these guys actually had the guts to ask some good questions. But Pete Hines, Baron of Lies just evades them of course and plays the imershun card over and over.

xdarkyrex said:
Man, until I read this explanation, I was like "wtf" but actually, what you say makes sense. That sounds cool, even. After all, 10 PE is heroic. So yes, Daredevil ftw.

There's a difference between "heroic" and "superhuman". What happened to imershun? Funny how it goes out the window when it's convenient.

Why have a quick look through a window when we can see through 2 meter thick walls with our superhero powers?
It is much more c00l you know? :D
Brother None said:
... - with high perception values you can look through locked doors and walls in V.A.T.S. mode for enemies (seriously)
- they will work the entire interface over for the pc ...

I am surprised none see the fully useful purpose of this wall looking thing... its the virtual peeping tom game inside Fallout3! You get to be the ultimate stalker, hiding undetected and seeing through the walls. Girls will always wear foil in the showers now, and this is the real reason they are not having kids in the game! (/sarcasm)

As for the reworking over the interface... well at least something is being made for the PC and not the console. I think that is what they keep talking about when they are referring to load times as well, load times for the console. My computer loads the levels so fast I wish there was a pause button so I could read the information in the loading screens. I never get to read it, loads to fast if anything, and I have a medium quality gaming rig, nothing special.

On a side note there is something that is really getting under my skin. They say they don't want to put non-killable characters in the game as it would ruin some story lines... but they make one of the two biggest cities completely destroyable right out of the vault from the start... how does that not ruin the game but killing one of them does?
What the hell is with the "chair that's 4 pixels high" quib that Pete and Todd both spout? They're either too childish or ignorant of the original games to come up with a good example of their graphics, or they're just trying to make them sound like shit.

If this letter was a chair --> h

it would be more than 4 fucking pixels high. What a douche.
It just shows that they are Fallout haters. It amuses me how some people say that they are Fallout fans, but it quickly turns out that they hate Fallout so much that they can't even play it.

Chairs in Fallout are beautiful and 40 pixels high :) .
pnutz said:
What the hell is with the "chair that's 4 pixels high" quib that Pete and Todd both spout? They're either too childish or ignorant of the original games to come up with a good example of their graphics, or they're just trying to make them sound like shit.

If this letter was a chair --> h

it would be more than 4 fucking pixels high. What a douche.
That wasn't their point. Their point was 'it's so much more interactive and more detailed in beautiful first-person perspective'. Interestingly, though, they're implying that full 3d automagically means having a first-person or over-the-shoulder perspective, which is clearly bullshit.