GWN has done a preview of Fallout 3 that's another good step-by-step of the demo. Here's the bit on combat:<blockquote>After activating the bomb, we headed out of what would soon become “Boomtown” and started traveling towards the designated meeting spot that our new friend set for us. This path unfortunately led us through the Super Mutant infested sewers. Our first Super Mutant was met with several shots that entered into its right arm. This didn’t slow it down any though so our demonstrator decided to let the V.A.T.S do all the work.
By clicking the left bumper again, the camera zoomed in on the enemy and highlighted all of the available targets, including the Super Mutant’s weapon itself. On closer inspection we saw that the shots that we put into Super Mutant actually did have an effect as you could see the agony on his face as he clutched his right arm with his left hand. While we could have put him down with a couple of more shots aimed at his already weakened right arm, headshots are always more fun to watch, so we queued up three shots to the head.
After inputting our commands, the action started in dramatic slow mo as we saw the first bullet find its target and cause the Super Mutant’s head to explode causing all kinds of bloody chunks to go flying around the room. Todd even made the character walking around and looking on the floor saying, “There’s one of his eyes. There are pieces of brain. More brain. And there’s the other eye.” Fallout 3 is definitely not one for the kiddies.</blockquote>Link: Fallout 3 game preview on GWN.
Thanks Stephen Miletello.
By clicking the left bumper again, the camera zoomed in on the enemy and highlighted all of the available targets, including the Super Mutant’s weapon itself. On closer inspection we saw that the shots that we put into Super Mutant actually did have an effect as you could see the agony on his face as he clutched his right arm with his left hand. While we could have put him down with a couple of more shots aimed at his already weakened right arm, headshots are always more fun to watch, so we queued up three shots to the head.
After inputting our commands, the action started in dramatic slow mo as we saw the first bullet find its target and cause the Super Mutant’s head to explode causing all kinds of bloody chunks to go flying around the room. Todd even made the character walking around and looking on the floor saying, “There’s one of his eyes. There are pieces of brain. More brain. And there’s the other eye.” Fallout 3 is definitely not one for the kiddies.</blockquote>Link: Fallout 3 game preview on GWN.
Thanks Stephen Miletello.