Fallout 3 at E3 - Joystiq impressions

Though the Fallout universe may precede it by a while, we can't help but be reminded by Gears of War.

No fucking wonder ,what other way is there to attract bunch of 13 year old kids to the game ?

but many of the same voice actors we heard from Oblivion are also in here, and we noticed at least one time where the same voice actors was obviously used twice.

Wow ...these guys at bethesda have talent alright ...they know how to TRULY fuck up a franchise ! damn ... thinking of a fallout with the Oblivion engine alone makes me wanna puke.it seems now you will also hear the same voices from the characters in oblivion .This is really disgusting !

for the nth time : FUCK YOU BETHESDA !
Slicerdicer said:
Brother None said:
"Let us in motherfuckers"? That's a joke, right? Tell me that's a joke. That's just infantile humor, at best. What is this, France?

I read elsewhere that when you leave the vault you see the remains of the folks who where not let in the vault including some who still hold place cards with their protests on it. "Let me in motherfuckers" would be one I think comes to mind in seriousness rather than a joke.

Imagine standing outside the vault door as your world is being vaporised and your kids radiated all the while some smug fucks are safely inside.

Yeah Slicer is right.

The comparisons with Gears of War aren't surprising at this point too.
Joystiq said:
There will be fewer "quests," but unlike Oblivion each one has their own set of good / evil morals. Quests will not pop up on the screen this time, but Hines said that they will be logged somewhere for later viewing.
I sense the quest will be something like KOTOR series.... :|

Joystiq said:
see a sign outside of the vault that read "Let us in motherf**kers"
I sense Bethesda is dumping lotsa cheap humor in the game. :|

Joystiq said:
with a laser gun you actually cut their head off instead of causing it to explode.
Just like the way of death animation in Fallout and Fallout 2.

Joystiq said:
The toughest weapon in the game will likely be the Fat Man, a portable launcher that lobs nuclear grenades.
Fughly, I say. Having a weapon and no consequence (radiation, heatwave, emp damage)to PC is lame.

Joystiq said:
Action points, used for the turn-based combat mode V.A.T.S., are being designed to regenerate fast enough so that gamers can use it almost exclusively for fighting.
Translaction: this game will be played like any action game or something lile RwTP...eeekkk :|

Joystiq said:
Computer security will be done via a game best described as akin to Mastermind, where you have a list of words (embedded amongst gibberish "code") and you will be told how many letters you have right
Reminds me about the hacking in Vampire Masquere:Bloodline.

Joystiq said:
You can zoom the third-person view out to give it the camera view akin to the previous Fallout title.
Misguiding. Fallout and Fallout 2 don't have free-zoom camera view. :P

I'm not so convince to get this game, for now. :ugly:
Ok, I stopped reading joystiq...

Can't wait for this game! If no vehicles, then throw in a couple of mechs- the VOTOMS SCOPEDOG would be awwwwesome.....whew!
Hmm i love the idea of the corpses of people who wasn let into the vault... Isn't an intelligent humour but i would laugh seeing this, or at least smile a few seconds about this...
While this "Let us in motherfuckers" is plain stupid, the overall idea is somehow cool...

Ahh yes, just come here to point out, that the german 'Gamestar' homepage got a small 'newspost' that they saw an half-hour gameplay-trailer (or so). Firstly they ask themself, if it's still Fallout, and answer this with a 'yes'. Then they say that Beth kept the core of Fallout intact (atmosphere).
And so on and so on (isn't really an intersting article).
The interesting is, that out of the 12 comments i read a major part was sceptical, coming from 'Without iso and turn-based?!' to pointing toward the gamestar crew 'Don't looking like Oblivion?! - The screenshot you showed clearly looks like Oblivion, it actually looks as if around the next corner Oblivion monsters are waiting' ... (Freely translated).

Can't wait to see, how the rest of the comments will turn out, because this news is still quite new... ;)
NukaColaClassic said:
What is and what's not "core" in a game is up to the opinion of the individual. If they think that Fallout 3 retained the core elements, let 'em think that. That doesn't make them any less "intelligent" than you.
WTF?! No, it's up to the original developers, shut up.
zioburosky13 said:
I sense the quest will be something like KOTOR series.... :|
What? Good/Evil are the outliers, with Beth also stressing a lot of the "shades of gray" outcomes.
I sense Bethesda is dumping lotsa cheap humor in the game. :|
Well, it could just be a sign. But if it was intended to be funny, yes, it's stupid.
Joystiq said:
Action points, used for the turn-based combat mode V.A.T.S., are being designed to regenerate fast enough so that gamers can use it almost exclusively for fighting.
Translaction: this game will be played like any action game or something lile RwTP...eeekkk :|
It's TB, but you have to move in RT. I see no problem there.

I am seeing a lot of the same nit and cherry picking of this latest second hand preview. I am in now way defending it im just saying if you look at something we can all see in one skewed way and continue to bitch about it, look a little closer

Firstly the whole "Lets get these" sign isn't supposed to be cheap humor. It is supposed to fall under the gritty category where you come out of the vault and there are remains of those who got trapped outside when the bombs fell. This still feels a little too gritty and off putting but not funny.

Secondly whats up with this Fatman thing? Does it fire a sort of mini fusion warhead that blast the target with heat and radiation? I see at least one or two quotes from people complaining that standing next to its blast does nothing. Not in just this thread, EVERY TIME the Fatman is mentioned.

Well ok so it radiates a big patch of ground with what people refer to as a mini nuke. Now PLEASE correct me if I am wrong here but doesn't the plasma grenade work on the same principle? Where it has a fusion reaction contained in magnetic fields that simply let go and cause the grenade to explode in a fireball. isn't the plasma grenade technically a hand held nuke? how else do we explain the blast if not by some sort of nuclear reaction.

I just thought you might want to think about on that. Cause it has been bugging me since we have started talking about it.

(in b4 bethseda plant and plasma is magic not fusion, lol)
'Plasma' has a wide range of meanings, so it isn't forced to be with some radiation.
In most games Plasmaweapons put out great amount of energy, wich gets very hot... There's not a lot more behind this i think.

By the way, fusion cells and so on are also without radiation. So also a fusion reactions dosen't have to be with radiation.

This preview is sad...
They point out, that it's somehow similar to Oblivion, and also to Gears of Wars, but don't have the guts to say, that it's somehow a 'cheap' try to make money. Or they don't even recognize it as such a try... :?
You shoot in pause, you move when out of pause, but can re-pause at any time. It could be a good RTwP system. It doesn't sound bad.
In theory a plasma grenade should just fry everything near it like a very, very hot flamethrower.

A nuclear grenade would surely just be like any other explosive device.

The nuclear slingshot is even more ridiculous than it initially appears because of that, as there sure as hell would be no mini-mushroom clouds, since they're caused by any sufficiently large explosion, not by any nuclear explosion.
Draconis13 said:
Secondly whats up with this Fatman thing? Does it fire a sort of mini fusion warhead that blast the target with heat and radiation? I see at least one or two quotes from people complaining that standing next to its blast does nothing. Not in just this thread, EVERY TIME the Fatman is mentioned.

It's mentioned every time because the idea behind the Fatman is stupid. How can you possibly fire a nuclear weapon, however small, at an enemy nearby and not expect to be affected by the blast or radiation.

On the same track, it's just as stupid to have nuclear powered cars that explode when shot at. Could you imagine owning one of these cars and being in an accident? Nuclear explosions would be going off all over the country, not to mention a pile up in peak hour. That would create one big ugly chain reaction. At least you wouldn't have to bother with the seat belts. :P

No, VATS is a real time with pause system for queueing actions that are executed in real time. Don't buy the "turn based" hype.