Fallout 3 at E3 - Joystiq impressions

Mick1965 said:
On the same track, it's just as stupid to have nuclear powered cars that explode when shot at. Could you imagine owning one of these cars and being in an accident? Nuclear explosions would be going off all over the country, not to mention a pile up in peak hour. That would create one big ugly chain reaction. At least you wouldn't have to bother with the seat belts. :P


Not to mention that all those Power Armours each with their own fusion reactor would be going critical in the battlefield all the time.
Funny how that never happened in Fallout 1 & 2..
I swear on my granma's cooking pot, something is rotten in the state of Bethesda.
The two-headed Brahmins make a return, and Pete Hines told us after the demo that Rad Scorpions are also coming back.
They shouldn't be out in the first place, and you know it... Or maybe not? The same about the random encounters - a good sign, but most probably shitty realisation (in the famous Beth-style).
We've seen Super Mutants; as to the existence of the more folky mutants from previous games, Hines would not comment.
WTF?!?! He's destroying throughout the world beloved game franchise and wouldn't comment it?
"We spent what I refer to as an obscene amount of time on [the PIP boy menu screen]." said Howard. More pixel shaders used on it than all of Oblivion, apparently.
Obvious waste of resources. Jeez! Are those game developers speaking or what?

FeelTheRads said:
That doesn't make them any less "intelligent" than you.

But it does. Because obviously they where braindead when playing the games.

Or, and this is actually my serious opinion, they just say what Bethesda says. These journalists don't actually think for themselves to write. Why would they when it's easier to take what it's already there:

Bethesda: We're retaining the core elements of Fallout.
Journalist: They're retaining the core elements of Fallout.

Bethesda: Drinking toilet water and first-person makes the game immersive.
Journalist: Drinking toilet water and first-person makes the game immersive.

yes, that was my thought too.

of course those bethesda guys are talking while they are presenting their game, and i m pretty sure they said "we r retaining the core elements of fallout" and the journalist who has probably never really played Fallout then writes the same without thinking about it (sheep).

probably the bethsoft guys look into this forums, see what we are complaining about and then they just say EXACTLY the opposite too the journalists

like "fallout 3 isn't really retro enough"
beth$: "We cared very much about Fallout 3 being as retro as its predecessors"

i certainly believe that's possible :|
The journalist clearly states he's a fan of the original Fallout, kukident.

It's Joystiq, not GameSpy.
Wooz said:
The journalist clearly states he's a fan of the original Fallout
So is Todd... damn it...
We would need some kind of test for being Fallout fan, this is annoying. Every oblivionite who has never heard of Fallout but likes Oblivion 2: 5000 years later will say his a Fallout fan...
We'll be obsolete!
Draconis13 said:
Well ok so it radiates a big patch of ground with what people refer to as a mini nuke. Now PLEASE correct me if I am wrong here but doesn't the plasma grenade work on the same principle? Where it has a fusion reaction contained in magnetic fields that simply let go and cause the grenade to explode in a fireball. isn't the plasma grenade technically a hand held nuke? how else do we explain the blast if not by some sort of nuclear reaction

Plasma is a state where the matter is comprised of nuclei and free electrons. To achieve it, extremely high energy (i.e. temperature) is needed. A plasma grenade would contain a stable element (e.g. iron) and most of damage would be heat related. There is no radiation whatsoever as there are no nuclear reactions involved.

Plasma is one necessary prerequisite for the nuclear fusion reaction (in order to overcome the repelling electric force between the nuclei, their kinetic energies have to be extremely high). The other one is that specific binding energy and the mass number of the nuclei to be fused (e.g. Hydrogen isotopes) are low compared to the fusion product.

So, plasma grenade != nyukular catapult.
Stag said:
You shoot in pause, you move when out of pause, but can re-pause at any time. It could be a good RTwP system. It doesn't sound bad.
No, you don't shoot in pause, you shoot in real time and queue shots in pause.

Wooz said:
The journalist clearly states he's a fan of the original Fallout, kukident. .
So did Chuck Cuevas.
Saying being something is another thing as acutally being it.
I mean, how many 'Jesus's / Elvises and so on would we have if everyone is right, who's claiming he is this person, out of his small nice white cell? ;)

Ahh yes, maybe i should take som pics from a few tests from the gamestar i bought yesterday (out of curiosity) just to watch again how funny their ratings are.
Games wich only have red negative remarks in their rating coming to a rating of 50%. I say you, that are todays game-magazines!
Bad_Karma said:
Hmm i love the idea of the corpses of people who wasn let into the vault... Isn't an intelligent humour but i would laugh seeing this, or at least smile a few seconds about this...
While this "Let us in motherfuckers" is plain stupid, the overall idea is somehow cool...
In Fallout 1 there was corpse outside the vault that you could loot.
Same stuff IMO.
Futurity said:
Bad_Karma said:
Hmm i love the idea of the corpses of people who wasn let into the vault... Isn't an intelligent humour but i would laugh seeing this, or at least smile a few seconds about this...
While this "Let us in motherfuckers" is plain stupid, the overall idea is somehow cool...
In Fallout 1 there was corpse outside the vault that you could loot.
Same stuff IMO.
except for he didnt hold a card with "F** ass b*tch mother*ucker let me in co** ***** *** *****"
Mick1965 said:
On the same track, it's just as stupid to have nuclear powered cars that explode when shot at. Could you imagine owning one of these cars and being in an accident? Nuclear explosions would be going off all over the country, not to mention a pile up in peak hour. That would create one big ugly chain reaction. At least you wouldn't have to bother with the seat belts. :P

Hard Boiled, anyone :> ?
You know, I can't remember where foul language was used in Fallout 1. I'm sure there was, but I don't recall it even after playing it recently.
Even in Fallout 2, the only reason I remember it had such language is because pissing off the Enclave guard in Gecko was so fun and memorable.

So why the hell do they think this is one of the things that define Fallout? Fallout had mature themes. It didn't have 13 year old swearing every 5 minutes.
In Fallout 1 it's "You see Ed. Ed's dead." and now it's "Let us in motherfucker"? Whatever.

I can't help but recall a certain scene in Growlanser 3, involving the remains of families who were trying to escape their disease ridden country but were stopped by a blockade since their neighbours didn't want the disease to spread.
All you saw were skeletons strewn about the border, and a description of families dying there together, claw marks on the barricades and so forth. It was dark, and poignant.
Growlanser 3 is a J-RPG on the PS2. When a J-RPG has become more poignant than Fallout.. one can only feel sadness.
Vault 69er said:
You know, I can't remember where foul language was used in Fallout 1. I'm sure there was, but I don't recall it even after playing it recently.
The word "fuck" appears only in 7 dialogue files in Fallout, "shit" in 20. Fallout has 621 dialogue files.

Vault 69er said:
Even in Fallout 2, the only reason I remember it had such language is because pissing off the Enclave guard in Gecko was so fun and memorable.
In Fallout 2, I remember mostly the Enclave guard and Metzger and New Reno of course.
Futurity said:
Bad_Karma said:
Hmm i love the idea of the corpses of people who wasn let into the vault... Isn't an intelligent humour but i would laugh seeing this, or at least smile a few seconds about this...
While this "Let us in motherfuckers" is plain stupid, the overall idea is somehow cool...
In Fallout 1 there was corpse outside the vault that you could loot.
Same stuff IMO.
not same stuff, since he:
- references a movie joke
- makes for a grim atmosphere
- is likely someone that was sent out before you and failed. nice, huh?

those different messages are rendered totally futile if you start cursing for no other reason than to say "lulz, we dont care about our rating. look how damn brave we are".
Draconis13 said:
I am seeing a lot of the same nit and cherry picking of this latest second hand preview. I am in now way defending it im just saying if you look at something we can all see in one skewed way and continue to bitch about it, look a little closer

Look closer like you do sorry?

Firstly the whole "Lets get these" sign isn't supposed to be cheap humor.

It is so unsuitable and stupid that I'd call it a joke regardless, although there could be some failed attempt at humour in there somewhere. Same for the Fatman.

Well ok so it radiates a big patch of ground with what people refer to as a mini nuke. Now PLEASE correct me if I am wrong here but doesn't the plasma grenade work on the same principle?

Nitpicking can be fun, although yes, one shouldn't lose sight of the big picture. The grenade description was "A magnetically sealed plasma delivery unit, with detonating explosives. Creates a blast of superheated plasma on contact." That doesn't require a fusion reaction (which would be impossible anyway without appealing to artistic SCIENCE.) The important flaws are the cartoonish mushroom clouds, radiation and clear nuclear catapult message (Nagasaki reference). Otherwise they would call it a *Plasma grenade/missile launcher*.

(in b4 bethseda plant and plasma is magic not fusion, lol)

English please.
Sorrow said:
The word "fuck" appears only in 7 dialogue files in Fallout, "shit" in 20. Fallout has 621 dialogue files.

The swearing in Fallout was what you call "functional swearing." The swearing in Fallout 3, to the "Let us in motherfuckers"-signs, appears to be "edgy" swearing.

Yeah, Bethesda missed it.
Brother None said:
The swearing in Fallout was what you call "functional swearing." The swearing in Fallout 3, to the "Let us in motherfuckers"-signs, appears to be "edgy" swearing.

Yeah, Bethesda missed it.

Let us await the arrival of a smart-talking, hard-drinking, XTREME-SWEARING robot that serves as a companion to you on your quest...

He will be named VOMITRON XXX and he will snowboard down the surface of nuclear explosions, all the while drinking Vault or Mountain Dew...
generalissimofurioso said:
Let us await the arrival of a smart-talking, hard-drinking, XTREME-SWEARING robot that serves as a companion to you on your quest...

He will be named VOMITRON XXX and he will snowboard down the surface of nuclear explosions, all the while drinking Vault or Mountain Dew...

After reading that, i wanted to laugh, then i realized they might actually do something like this, and wanted to cry instead. :cry: