Fallout 3 at E3 - NMA/SC interview

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Strategycore.co.uk was invited for a group interview with Fallout 3 lead designer Emil Pagiarulo at E3. They asked quite a few new questions:<blockquote>"What it comes down to is that we're all Fallout fans. We love the original games. (But) not every Fallout fan wants a turn-based isometric game." Emil Pagliarulo, Lead Designer, Fallout 3
SC: So what happens when your character levels? You choose the skills you want to boost?
EP: Yeah, when you level you get skill points, and the number of skill points you get are based on your intelligence. So you can put those toward your skills and the primary tag skills get more points added when you level up.
Other interviewer: Do you run into instances where NPCs are fighting?
SC: Or random encounters?
EP: We love to do that and we have good tools to do it. We didn't do this in Oblivion, but for the first time we actually have a designer completely dedicated to free-form encounters out in the wasteland. You'll definitely encounter people fighting rad scorpions and other creatures out in the wasteland. It's definitely a single character game, but there are companions that you take. Your companions are based on your karma, so there's a sunset of companions that are good guys, evil guys or neutral. But you need to find those guys, take them with you, and watch the interaction between those characters.
SC: Are there going to be a lot of new weapons? The FatMan (essentially a nuclear hand grenade launcher) in the presentation is new, but what other new weapons will there be?
EP: There are a lot of weapons. I was surprised looking at our weapon list and seeing how many we had. There are the Fallout weapon skills: big guns, small guns, energy weapons, melee, unarmed which are all fully exploited, so we have weapons for them all. We also have a series of custom made weapons that you can construct if you find a schematic and the right junk in the wasteland. So yes, there are quite a few weapons.
SC: No shots to the eyes?
EP: No, and I'll tell you why. We talked about that, we prototyped it, and when you play the game and see it in such high def, when you shoot someone in the eyes you expect the head to blow up anyway. Shooting someone in the head has the same effect. If you get a critical on them they get dazed and stuff.

SC: It doesn't look like you could finish the game without killing a lot of people.
EP: Not entirely true. It depends on the quest. You saw all the speech options and dialog in the demo. As far as dialog options go, that's just the tip of the iceberg. The amount of interaction through dialog is three times what we had in Oblivion. There's a really strong stealth component. There are a lot of paths through the quests and some are non-violent. That said, you can't wander off into the wasteland and expect to live.

SC: Can a character dodge?
EP: That is part of the real time engine. You can definitely move to take cover behind stuff and duck down.
SC: Are there any new mutant animals?
EP: New mutant animals. Let's see. We're still going through our creature list. I don't want to say what they are, but yes.

Other interviewer: What kind of creatures are in the game?
EP: All of the Fallout classics are back. There's a full line of robots: you saw the Protectron in the presentation (a Robby-the-Robot-type robot that was in the Metro Subway), Mr. Handy, Robobrain and Sentrybot. Right before E3 the rad scorpion just went in fully animated. There's also the classic deathclaw. There are lots of creatures are in the game.

SC: So is the DC Brotherhood of Steel the same Brotherhood of Steel that was on the West Coast? Is it nationwide?
EP: You’re the only person that asked me that question. I'm surprised that no one else has. Let me just say that its come up a lot that "How did the Super Mutants and the Brotherhood of Steel get on the East Coast?". We answer those questions in the game and there's a reason why they're there. They are somehow connected to the other Brotherhood of Steel but we cover those bases within the game.
Other interviewer: Is there a centralized storyline or is it completely free branching?
EP: There is definitely a storyline. We use the character's dad as a device: Dad leaves the Vault, you follow him. But why did he leave? What was he up to? And all that ties into the players’ relationship with the Capitol wasteland and are those people worth saving.</blockquote>Link: Full StrategyCore interview and preview.
SC: Or random encounters?
EP: We love to do that and we have good tools to do it. We didn't do this in Oblivion, but for the first time we actually have a designer completely dedicated to free-form encounters out in the wasteland. You'll definitely encounter people fighting rad scorpions and other creatures out in the wasteland. It's definitely a single character game, but there are companions that you take. Your companions are based on your karma, so there's a sunset of companions that are good guys, evil guys or neutral. But you need to find those guys, take them with you, and watch the interaction between those characters.

SC: It doesn't look like you could finish the game without killing a lot of people.
EP: Not entirely true. It depends on the quest. You saw all the speech options and dialog in the demo. As far as dialog options go, that's just the tip of the iceberg. The amount of interaction through dialog is three times what we had in Oblivion. There's a really strong stealth component. There are a lot of paths through the quests and some are non-violent. That said, you can't wander off into the wasteland and expect to live.

I'll believe it when I see it. Hopefully they can pull it off, just to make Fallout3 a little better, but I have my doubts after the Oblivion hype-a-thon.

SC: Can a character dodge?
EP: That is part of the real time engine. You can definitely move to take cover behind stuff and duck down.

FPS, anyone?

SC: The same as the original game?
EP: Really similar to the original game.

Fucking liars.

SC: Can you add scopes or silencers to weapons?
EP: No, you can't. We don't allow you to modify existing guns to customize them. For example, you can't take a pistol you've been using and add a scope to it. It's more like finding an old motorcycle gas can and an old sword blade and creating an entirely new weapon.

Emil: Wait... Wait... I'm so fucked up right now.
Brother None said:
SC: So is the DC Brotherhood of Steel the same Brotherhood of Steel that was on the West Coast? Is it nationwide?
EP: You’re the only person that asked me that question. I'm surprised that no one else has. Let me just say that its come up a lot that "How did the Super Mutants and the Brotherhood of Steel get on the East Coast?". We answer those questions in the game and there's a reason why they're there. They are somehow connected to the other Brotherhood of Steel but we cover those bases within the game. (Note: it appears that the Brotherhood of Steel in Fallout 3 is not the West Coast one but an offshoot that was mentioned in Fallout: Tactics

Umm... Wait, I thought FO:BOS and FOT:BOS were being ignored for FO3.

NMA said:
Kyle Orland, Joystiq: The game takes place 30 years after the events Fallout 2. The events of the much-maligned Fallout: Brotherhood and Fallout: Tactics never happened in the universe of Fallout 3.

This seems contradictory (unless both are mere speculation by Gaming Journalists).

bad points confirmed: 5

the character's dad is a poorly thought-out plot device

bethesda doesn't understand that eye shots blind things

BOS storyline not based on canon. it is quite likely that is is a perverted version of the FOT story

"Not entirely true." = there's no way you'll beat this game without killing stuff

Super mutant storyline will have no basis in FO canon and will likely be made up entirely by Bethesda in such a way that it clashes heavily with every other FO game..


good points confirmed: 5

Deathclaws won't be furry even though the rest of the game may very well be based on the craptastic FOT perversion of the story.

New mutant animals like giant spiders etc..(not much of a stretch to imagine a giant arachnid in a Fallout game..)

melee and unarmed will be included in some way, shape, or form.

Scripted NPC events will occur in random encounters, instead of oblivionesque attack this, attack that, ad nauseum.

INT affects something!

I might be very pessimistic about this game, at this point, but I'm happy that we finally got some new info to base our assumptions upon.


edit: Hey what happened to the original newspost, and the FOT blimp references? I was about to base a good rant on that conjecture!
Emil Pagiarulo said:
When Todd and I first started prototyping VATS, we played other real time games like Call of Duty and Halo. We'd sit there and say "if I were playing this game and could freeze this moment and go into some kind of targeting system, how would that feel?" Sometimes you want to take a breath and think tactically and not feel rushed. We struggled a long time with the first versions of VATS whether the game should be paused or should we do some slo mo thing. We decided to pause the game and let the player think, be more tactical and not pressure them.
When modeling the combat system, they started with Call of Duty and Halo. Wowza. Until e3, I would have never been that pessimistic about Beth's handling of Fallout 3.

But hey, they could have gone with slow-mo instead of pause! Things could always be worse!
pnutz said:
But hey, they could have gone with slow-mo instead of pause! Things could always be worse!

yeah it could be called Max Fallout, and we could have really flashy bullet time effects instead of atmosphere, and even MOAR BLOOM! to replace the intuitive gameplay...
(But) not every Fallout fan wants a turn-based isometric game.

Of course not. But then not every 'Fallout fan' is actually a fan of the game instead of a fan of the "OMG L337 VIOLENCE" factor.

Other interviewer: Do you run into instances where NPCs are fighting?
SC: Or random encounters?
EP: We love to do that and we have good tools to do it. We didn't do this in Oblivion, but for the first time we actually have a designer completely dedicated to free-form encounters out in the wasteland. You'll definitely encounter people fighting rad scorpions and other creatures out in the wasteland. It's definitely a single character game, but there are companions that you take. Your companions are based on your karma, so there's a sunset of companions that are good guys, evil guys or neutral. But you need to find those guys, take them with you, and watch the interaction between those characters.

Is it just me but I read that as the interviewer asking if you see NPCs fight each other/against OMG SUPER-ZOMBIES rather than what was answered.....

SC: No shots to the eyes?
EP: No, and I'll tell you why. We talked about that, we prototyped it, and when you play the game and see it in such high def, when you shoot someone in the eyes you expect the head to blow up anyway. Shooting someone in the head has the same effect. If you get a critical on them they get dazed and stuff.

So I can't punch/jab someone in the eyes either? Because you all know that when someone punches you in the eyes your head will explode :roll:

SC: It doesn't look like you could finish the game without killing a lot of people.
EP: Not entirely true. It depends on the quest. You saw all the speech options and dialog in the demo. As far as dialog options go, that's just the tip of the iceberg. The amount of interaction through dialog is three times what we had in Oblivion. There's a really strong stealth component. There are a lot of paths through the quests and some are non-violent. That said, you can't wander off into the wasteland and expect to live.

Huh? How does OMG 3x dialog of Oblivion answer the question of finish game w/ no voilence. And what does no-violence menthod of beating the game have to do with wandering off into the wasteland expecting to live? WTF? because the world needs only big-macho men who can use l337 guns and not really any communication/social skills :roll:

SC: Can a character dodge?
EP: That is part of the real time engine. You can definitely move to take cover behind stuff and duck down.
Fun, so now I have to dodge for myself even when the character I made has high agility. Then again we already knew the stats don't really mean much in this.

They are somehow connected to the other Brotherhood of Steel but we cover those bases within the game.
'Somehow' connected... that doesn't sound too promising...

pnutz said:
But hey, they could have gone with slow-mo instead of pause! Things could always be worse!

Yes, it could be worse. We might've gotten a FPS instead of a RPG!... oh wait... we did.... :crazy:
Brother None said:
Mutateman said:
Umm... Wait, I thought FO:BOS and FOT:BOS were being ignored for FO3.

The note is SC's speculation, not fact

Okay. Good to know. I hope that they are ignoring FO:BOS/FOT.

Despite how some of my posts may sound, I still hold out hope (depending on if the 3rd Person/Over the Shoulder view can be used throughout the game) that it will at least be a decent PA action game. Still, I'd kill to get a decent (and yes, by decent, I mean turn-based, isometric, cRPG, dagnabit!) Fallout 3. :(
SC: Can a character dodge?
EP: That is part of the real time engine. You can definitely move to take cover behind stuff and duck down.

I guess that means they scrapped the concept of AC (armor class)for all intents and purposes.

It might show up in the game, but it will undoubtedly be some lame variable with relatively little meaning, instead of representing how the wieght of your armor combined with your agility affects your ability to dodge..
whirlingdervish said:
SC: Can a character dodge?
EP: That is part of the real time engine. You can definitely move to take cover behind stuff and duck down.

I guess that means they scrapped the concept of AC (armor class)for all intents and purposes.

It might show up in the game, but it will undoubtedly be some lame variable with relatively little meaning, instead of representing how the wieght of your armor combined with your agility affects your ability to dodge..

We have yet to see, how much of the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system actually remains intact...conversion to real-time eliminates or alters a lot of it's components...add to that their own stupidity, like the absence of low-intelligence dialogue or reducing targettable areas for aimed shots and you get the idea...
I know what Str, En, Cha, In, and Luck can affect, but what about perception and agility? Only for aimmed shots and one dialog when you have to test your abilities? :?
Perception affects to-hit percentages, high perception functions like the old Awareness perk.

Agility affects action points and regeneration of APs.

Both affect weapon skills, I think
SC: It doesn't look like you could finish the game without killing a lot of people.
EP: Not entirely true. It depends on the quest. [...]

Other interviewer: Is there a centralized storyline or is it completely free branching?
EP: There is definitely a storyline. [...]

EP: [...] Now if you’re outside the main quest path, [...]

There is a main quest path, a storyline, a series of objectives you've to complete. Now, why does it still depend on the quest? The first question should be pretty simple to answer: just take a look at the main quest line and if you need to kill anyone to achieve the required goals...

I could understand an answer in the style of "we don't know yet" but what Emil is doing is obviously evading the dreaded answer "No, because you've to gun down a gazillion supermutants and the like, while being railroaded down the story line..."
when you shoot someone in the eyes you expect the head to blow up anyway.

Um... No.

When I shoot someone in the eyes, I expect to blind them, and see them freak out and run away from the battle. Just like in F1 and F2.

I expect a blinding even more when I punch or kick someone in the eyes, as opposed to shooting them. I admit that maybe I'm off base, as I'm not exactly someone who's skilled or knowledgable about hand to hand combat... But, aren't the eyes a prefectly legitimate target?

Being able to blind my opponent will be sorely missed. Even moreso than groin shots.
I think it's pretty sad that the biggest faniste had to sent questions through another website to interview bethesda on Fallout 3.
Ausir said:
I think it's pretty sad that the biggest faniste had to sent questions through another website to interview bethesda on Fallout 3.

Ya think?

I at least expected them to allow DaC to send over a Q&A or something. That they're even ignoring the guys they like is kinda weird...

...link this to the fact that about a dozen of the sites we've had reporting from E3 or Bethesda's press events were volunteer sites smaller than NMA. Huh?
Brother None said:
...link this to the fact that about a dozen of the sites we've had reporting from E3 or Bethesda's press events were volunteer sites smaller than NMA. Huh?
Did the latest shipment of torches arrived? :roll:

Also, no matter how many nice small details Beth reveals, somehow they always manage to fuck it up with ten times more stupidities.