Sander said:
xdarkyrex said:
Tell you what, you come up with a clear and simple definition of art that is all encompassing and that all people agree with, and I'll let that opinion has some merit.
otherwise its just as subjective "fuck-you" to everyone who disagrees and I'm going to see it that way,
That's neat. You do realise that usually art is decided by art critics, not by random people just touting their opinions on whether or not something is art. And people who go 'you can't decide what is art because it all could be art' are either being facetious, or have no clue whatsoever about art.
well I am an art major... :/
Trust me when I say that the defining line between an art and a craft is very very thin and blurred. Some things are clearly not art. Such as, oh, taking a shit.
But see, art relies on a manner of things.
1. Intent of the creator.
2. Psychological appreciation from people (or potentially just a person)
3. Cultural/historical value
and there are more qualifications, but those are the main ones.
A ballet is an art.
A movie is an art.
A painting is an art.
A sculpture is an art.
A murder can be an art.
Conversation can be an art.
Writing can be an art.
Building a boat can be an art.
Engraving a gun can be an art.
Making a poster for an advertisement of something can be art.
Computer programming is an art, oddly enough, despite its rather dubious and erroneous name of "computer science".
Drafting is an art (in many cases).
Guess what?
I'm pretty sure a video game is a piece of art.
In any case, when we get to complex mediums like film and video games, they are an art in and of themselves, and are also an amalgamation of smaller arts. It's a sort of "compound-art" that works on structuring itself on balance and complexity.
But who decides what is and isn't art when it comes to these things? well, simple. We do. Everyone. Critics are there to assess the cultural and historical connotations of art, and compare their significance and break them down into categories and try to delve into the mind of the creator. But they do not by any means define it any more than you or I do.
from Wiki-
Art is a (product of) human activity, made with the intention of stimulating the human senses as well as the human mind and/or spirit; thus art is an action, an object, or a collection of actions and objects created with the intention of transmitting emotions and/or ideas. Beyond this description, there is no general agreed-upon definition of art, since defining the boundaries of "art" is subjective, but the impetus for art is often called human creativity.