Fallout 3 at PAX: Joystiq

LuckyOasis said:
This is an older line of posts, so I doubt this will get noticed at all, but:

You can't beat Fallout 1 without killing the Master; and

You can't beat Fallout 2 without killing Horrigan.

Just stop nit-picking about what is or isn't pacificistic. You could never be a total pacificist. It's a violent game, and always has been. The reason I bought the first game was because I say a radscorpion getting scorched on the back of the original Fallout box. It looked awesome. I had never even played an RPG until Fallout 1.
You can kill them by means other than combat (dialogue being the notable one) while this suggests that you need to either be combat oriented or have an army of mercs to fight all of your combat for you (at which point not being effective at combat is a huge disadvantage).

LuckyOasis said:
Oh darn. I just said too much. Now if anybody is still reading this thread I'll get crushed by people saying I'm not a real fan of the games and that I love Bethesda. Predictable.
People who say such things are not tolerated and this board does not have a history of doing such. This is a rude and inaccurate statement which I suggest avoiding in the future to ensure that you get kinder and more constructive responses.

PaladinHeart said:
Some interesting things they could do would be to carry a flag (meaning you wish to parlay with said raider who is approaching you with a gun) or even use something to disguise your scent so that certain animals and/or creatures will ignore you.

The stealthboy should just about cover that area though.
Assuming that a white flag is still a symbol of peace, that's a pretty good idea but there is still the question of why not just shoot you dead as you get close and just steal your stuff instead. The assumption of honor is really the killer in my eyes but I agree that some method of being able to complete encounters other than combat, running, or sneaking would be nice.
If sending mercs to kill people for you is being a pacifist, then G. Bush is one :P
Public said:
If sending mercs to kill people for you is being a pacifist, then G. Bush is one :P

Yeah Laura Bush is the one that had enough gaul to run people down with her car.
Brother None said:
# We were able to try picking locks using a bobby pin and a screwdriver. Unlike Oblivion, you can't pick every lock with a low-skilled character. According to Pagliarulo, a higher skill level is required for some of the necessary tools.
This isn't new but I have to point out that I think that this is a step in the right direction. All they need to do next is eliminate the minigame and they have a good lockpicking system :P . Still, it's nice that they are making stats matter but I think it'll be interesting to get a break down of locks that require what skill level to see where the cut off point is.