Fallout 3 Broken Steel Reviews

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Not a lot of reviews out there, but I suppose that may be because people aren't able to get it to run. VideoGamer loves it, 9/10.<blockquote>So, Broken Steel is great, almost by virtue of it extending the life of an already tremendous game with content that satisfies. It rights Fallout 3's disappointing ending, provides a new quest line that wraps things up nicely (and is of similar length to The Pitt) and, crucially, increases the level cap by an impressive 10 levels (levelling up isn't quick, either. I was 24 by the time I'd finished the quest line). But it's by no means perfect. The new perks seem to concentrate on giving players the chance to fill in the blanks in their stat sheet. 'No Weakness' is a case in point. It instantly brings all S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats that are less than five, up to five. Rather than providing perks that help you specialise more in certain areas – stealthy melee fighters, charismatic small guns specialists, for example – Bethesda seems to feel that players want to be maxed out in almost everything, which is a bit of a shame, because it depresses individual play styles somewhat. That I took the opportunity on odd levels to take some perks I'd skipped as I was levelling up to 20 exacerbated this feeling.</blockquote>ars technica thinks it's epic, and recommends a buy.<blockquote>Ultimately, though, Broken Steel is the extra content that fans of Fallout 3 have been waiting for. It provides an epic conclusion to an epic story and lets players continue adventuring afterwards, should they desire to keep on exploring and wrap up some loose ends. Not only that, but it makes the game challenging again, something that seemed to be missing for those of us who had maxed-out our characters and were traveling around with heavy-duty equipment.</blockquote>3dJeugos 7,4.<blockquote>Broken Steel is important in the sense that it continues the individual campaign of Fallout 3, however, its technical features and lack of novelty are a bit of a shame. The extension that we are discussing here offers a slightly longer duration than its preceding expansions, but it is less intense that the action in Operation Anchorage and less interesting than the captivating The Pitt.</blockquote>
This is why I hate "number reviews" not only does it make joe-shmo think the game is DAH BEZT or super bad. It also inflates the ego of the developer or horribly crushes it without any sort of connection to the actual words of the review.

Videogamer gives the thing 9/10 but over half of that review is lamenting on imbalance and bad choices by bethesda, based soley off the words he says he feels that the DLC is above average with its faults.

9/10 should mean "almost perfect"

If we HAVE to give a number to something like the review he said, it warrents a 7/10 or a 7.5/10 not a 9. However I still feel that numbers hold more weight in the review than the review itself and that is stupid.
I love Ars Technica for everything else, but their game coverage is terrible. It's almost completely XBox focused and jumps on the same me too titles as the rest of the game journalism world.

They gave their Fallout 3 review to their new guy: an Oblivion fan who had never played the original games, yet felt informed enough to say that it 'was a worth sequel'. I realize that's par for most Fallout 3 reviews, but I just expected more than the OXM treatment from them. The same reviewer now gushes over Broken Steel, and says its a great reason to revisit the Capital Wasteland (a phrase that still makes me nauseous). Too bad. The AVClub is a similar disappointment.
Well I just finished the damn thing and I am seriously wondering what game they have played to give it such high ratings.

If I have to play by their system I would give it a 6/10, and even then I feel I am to generous, its just that I like things like mobile fortresses (yeah I complained on it earlier, but it has sort of grown on me).

It is really average people.
We don't have to talk about the graphics as there really hasn't been any significant changes.
They added material but its not as if it looks more outstanding, in fact its pretty much filler up.

Gameplay wise its just as much a straight shooter like Operation Anchorage, you basically have to go to places to either blow up something or collect something, that is it.

Storywise, what story?
This is like one of the old Quake 2 expansion packs, the evil Stroggs... I mean Enclave have been dealt a severe blow but they are still active and apparently have some new super weapon.

Thing was, I enjoyed that stuff when Quake 2 was still somewhat new.
Good excuse for FPS expansion, if you want to turn it into an RPG expansion you really have to do something with the RPG part.

BTW, those new Ghouls, are they the cousins of Neo?
I had a hard time getting a straight shot at them as they kept twisting and wiggling.

I guess a lot of people are more easier impressed than me, or have lower standards.

PS, okay I didn't try the little side quests as I wanted to see the ending of the main quest first bit I doubt that they will raise the current rating I am giving it.