After playing Call of Duty 4 PC multiplayer online, I am starting to regret spending so much on a new computer. Community of COD4 PC isn't as strong as XBOX360s COD community, and xbox live automatic DL and automatic game finding is nice. On the PC no one talks, no one, and if they do you can not understand them. Xbox live you communicate people listen and plans are executed. And trash talking.
The upcoming problem I am going to have is with Left 4 Dead, I don't want to have to go find people to play with, and usually pc games don't have good buddy lists and with no communication I might as well play by myself.
On top of that, I am scared that Fallout 3 won't look much better than if I did play it on Xbox 360, though the mods will be nice, if they don't release the ability to mod I will then be really mad. But I don't have an HD tv and the recent videos look bad at 480 resolution so XBox would have looked worse anyway i guess. My computer was getting pretty old anyway, but it just doesn't seem that I will get as much use out of my computer that I thought I would.
Viper console me. And tell me what system to get Left 4 Dead on, eventually.