Fallout 3 Censorship Report

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
IGN has a scan of the Australian OFLC report on Fallout 3.<blockquote> "The drugs depicted are fictional; drugs are depicted as stylised icons on a menu with the drug use itself not depicted. Whilst navigating a post-apocalyptic futuristic landscape, players can invoke the use of a variety of "chems" listed by fictitious names which include "Buff", "Rad-X", "Psycho" and "Ultrajet". Within the context of the game's narrative, the player may choose to make use of these "chems" to alter the physiological characteristics of their character in the game."
In the minority view of the Board the drug use in the game is in excess of the general rule applied under the Guidelines. The drugs are unambiguous in their visual representations, which include pills and hypodermic needles, and are related to incentives and rewards in that the incentive to take the drug is that progress through the game is achieved more easily and the reward is an increase in the character's abilities. The game therefore warrants and 'RC' classification.</blockquote>It seems drugs haven't even been removed, just the "offensive" ones, which were too close to their real-life counterparts for comfort (morphine, crack pipe). The report is vaguely worded so one can't be sure, but it seems the censorship of Fallout 3 in Australia is really light.

Link: Fallout 3 Censorship Report on IGN.
I like how they always fail to mention that you get addicted, get withdrawal etc.

remains to be seen how drugs work in Fallout 3, but assuming that it works in the old Fallouts it'll probably be one of the most realistic depictions of drugs in a game.
Just the offensive drugs, thats not surprising anymore, Australia has been doing weird things with video games for a while. Just wait, they will try and replace "Bloody Mess" with "Confetti Party" I can see it now the enemy explodes and it looks like a a Chuck E. Cheese birthday party for a six year old.
yeah, that's also interesting... it's ok to blow someones head off to progress through the game, but not taking drugs?
aenemic said:
I like how they always fail to mention that you get addicted, get withdrawal etc.

remains to be seen how drugs work in Fallout 3, but assuming that it works in the old Fallouts it'll probably be one of the most realistic depictions of drugs in a game.

The way drugs work seems to be pretty simplified in Fallout 3. E.g. ccording to the gameplay video, aside from a potential addition, the effects of Psycho are purely positive: "Damage +25%" instead of the more balanced "+3 AG, -3 INT, +50% DR" from FO1, FO2 and FOT.
Ausir said:
aenemic said:
I like how they always fail to mention that you get addicted, get withdrawal etc.

remains to be seen how drugs work in Fallout 3, but assuming that it works in the old Fallouts it'll probably be one of the most realistic depictions of drugs in a game.

The way drugs work seems to be pretty simplified in Fallout 3. E.g. ccording to the gameplay video, aside from a potential addition, the effects of Psycho are purely positive: "Damage +25%" instead of the more balanced "+3 AG, -3 INT, +50% DR" from FO1, FO2 and FOT.
Oversimplified for the kiddies of course, can't you just see them all flocking to the store? "Mommy! Mommy! I want this one, you have a pet dog, you can do something called 'Psycho' that boosts your stats and nothing really bad happens to do, ohhh and the best part is you make people's body fall apart by shooting teddy bears at them! PLEASE mom?"

Zacirus said:
Ausir said:
aenemic said:
I like how they always fail to mention that you get addicted, get withdrawal etc.

remains to be seen how drugs work in Fallout 3, but assuming that it works in the old Fallouts it'll probably be one of the most realistic depictions of drugs in a game.

The way drugs work seems to be pretty simplified in Fallout 3. E.g. ccording to the gameplay video, aside from a potential addition, the effects of Psycho are purely positive: "Damage +25%" instead of the more balanced "+3 AG, -3 INT, +50% DR" from FO1, FO2 and FOT.
Oversimplified for the kiddies of course, can't you just see them all flocking to the store? "Mommy! Mommy! I want this one, you have a pet dog, you can do something called 'Psycho' that has no boosts your stats and nothing really bad happens to do, ohhh and the best part is you make people's body fall apart by shooting teddy bears at them! PLEASE mom?"


I just died a little inside.
Stiched said:
Eh, I'm still going to import. (seeing as it's not illegal now, right?)

No, it still is.

You're still importing a product that is not allowed by classification of the OFLC.

Zacirus said:
Just the offensive drugs, thats not surprising anymore, Australia has been doing weird things with video games for a while. Just wait, they will try and replace "Bloody Mess" with "Confetti Party" I can see it now the enemy explodes and it looks like a a Chuck E. Cheese birthday party for a six year old.

Did anyone else notice they changed the name of Jet? Or perhaps it was always named Ultrajet. I'd like to think that Bethesda does pay attention to what NMA says about their canon breaking ways though.

Anyways, it seems more likely someone would make a new drug named Ultrajet, having heard of the original drug on the west coast and hoping to benefit from the name.
Yes, it was originally called Jet.

I'm sure BS took liberties, why not, they've done so with everything else.
PaladinHeart said:
Did anyone else notice they changed the name of Jet? Or perhaps it was always named Ultrajet. I'd like to think that Bethesda does pay attention to what NMA says about their canon breaking ways though.

Perhaps it is a modified version of Jet, which if anything else would be expressing the fact that the presence of Jet on the east coast is canon-breaking. Hence that would be a positive thing, canon-wise.
Ausir said:
Nah, probably a superawesome version of Jet with no side effects.

Of course. Something that completely destroys the concept and place of Jet in the game.

It fits the trend, if nothing else.
Of course. Something that completely destroys the concept and place of Jet in the game.

Not that Jet has much of a place in a game set on the East Coast anyway...
I'm just amazed by the amount BS has totally either thrown out canon, or blatantly ignored common sense when it applies to canon.