Fallout 3 Censorship Report

Well actually I thought it was a good thing, considering everyone was complaining that Jet was in the game, and they've now changed the name to Ultrajet.

Of course, they could have simply changed it completely, like change it to umm.. Lightning? *shrugs*

I don't really care though, and it could be interesting if they have a side story to go with how a sample of Jet somehow made it to the east coast, and someone decided to make their own drug based on it.

Said story would have made more sense on the west coast, but whatever.
Well actually I thought it was a good thing, considering everyone was complaining that Jet was in the game, and they've now changed the name to Ultrajet.

I doubt they changed it - they probably included both the normal jet and the stronger ultrajet.
Just like they included the normal Buff and the stronger BuffOut. I wouldn't rule out simple illiteracy on part of the OFLC.
Ausir said:
PaladinHeart said:
Well actually I thought it was a good thing, considering everyone was complaining that Jet was in the game, and they've now changed the name to Ultrajet.

I doubt they changed it - they probably included both the normal jet and the stronger ultrajet.

Whatever the case, I think it's pretty half-assed. Having an improved version of Jet spread across the country doesn't sound much more plausible to me than the original getting around, if anything just all the more unlikely. Plus, come on, Ultrajet? How unoriginal can they get?

Pope Viper said:
I'm just amazed by the amount BS has totally either thrown out canon, or blatantly ignored common sense when it applies to canon.

There's a teddy bear gun and a nuclear cataput that would beg to differ with that last part :P. Well, at the very least, Bethesda is consistent in a horrible, horrible way, and I suppose an Ultrajet does little harm in a world that has Super Duper Marts.
How good I forget, teddy bears and catapults.

Of COURSE those are canon.

Does BS stick to their canon for Elder Scrolls?
Pope Viper said:
I'm just amazed by the amount BS has totally either thrown out canon, or blatantly ignored common sense when it applies to canon.

I'm not but then again I had a poor opinion of BS after Oblivion. However, if the drugs have no side effects (and addiction is not one if it can be cured easily) then I am surprised by how much BS missed the point.
Matt K said:
However, if the drugs have no side effects (and addiction is not one if it can be cured easily) then I am surprised by how much BS missed the point.

I believe a somewhat recent preview stated you could indeed cure addictions at any local doctor, so yeah, they would need some pretty damn strong side-effects that have significant impact on the game not to end up just stat-boosting potions.

EDIT: found it.

Pope Viper said:
How good I forget, teddy bears and catapults.

Maybe your mind is blocking them out to protect you. But yeah, this lack of common sense is beginning to sound like a trademark of Fallout 3 what with all the lame changes to setting and gameplay.
Seymour: Exactly, I'm not surprised Australia had issue with drugs in the game if you could smoke crack, get nice bonuses and then if you got addicted, pay probably a small fee and be cured. I doubt you'd even see the affects of addiction before you found a doctor to cure. Which is problematic since it would make the game seem as though it's saying smoking crack is good with little or no downside. And that while being a poor message in the first place also misses the whole point of drugs in Fallout (consequences to your actions).

Pope Viper said:
Does BS stick to their canon for Elder Scrolls?

From what I can tell BS dumped or contradicted a large amount of their previous cannon in Oblivion. In fact there was a large number of people on the official boards complaining about the changes (the game should have been in a rain forest) or how the main quest directly contradicts cannon (the king dying should not have caused those issues).
I can see taking issue in calling it Jet, if you want to be really anal, but the idea of a Jet-like drug on the east coast isn't too far out.

Hell, it's already there. It's called Jenkem.
I never liked the idea of the new drugs that were introduced in Fallout 2 anyway, so it would have been better if they'd just not even had anything like Jet.

Having a cure for addictions is silly. The player should have to wait it out. More hand holding I guess...

Why should a game cater to 12 year olds if it's being made for an adult audience? I know they're going to play it anyway, just like with the GTA games, but still.... They should at least discourage them by not having the game so easy what with the addiction removal and compass and all that. Just encourages younger audiences to play.
Cocaine...Ultra-cocaine. Meth amphetamine...Ultra-meth amphetamine. LSD...Ultra-LSD.

Yup, its fucking stupid alright. Jet makes you high, wouldn't UltraJet make you dead?

Also, keep in mind that fallout 1 and fallout 2 are 80 years apart. A lot happens during that time. You have people making booze. It has no real purpose except for fun. Same goes for any psychedelic substance. The reason for it would be to pass the time. It is a wasteland with not a lot going on. Boredom prevails so they need something to pass the time.

Myron was a genius and one man can change the world. I actually liked reno. Gambling is not anything new. Redding and the den had gambling, no one dislikes those places. New reno is simply the worst of mankind in a compact space.

I don't have a problem with Jet moving over to the east coast as long as they can explain it. Same goes for the Enclave. Sure it probably would have been better to create a whole new enemy and addictive substance but I think bethesda wanted to show the fallout community that they were actually staying loyal to the story.

I can understand it, but it is very uncreative. But then again, the main storyline in oblivion was shit, so I don't really want bethesda to try and be original because they just fuck it up.
TheWesDude said:
no mention of excessivly stupid violence? wtfbbq
Just wait for the German version. They'll likely cut all the violence out in order to get a rating over here.