Fallout 3 Compendium - Release 12 - Beta v0.6.0.2

just as a word on vats melee aiming, it is a pretty nasty hack. you only use one animation (like left attack say) and if you miss the weapon passes through the enemy

dubby, hit me up on msn if you want me to look at if i can help with the damage stuff
Hi, great mod, it seems to improve the game by so much. I just have one problem. I just found the H&K MK 23, but when I have it equipped it flickers, sometimes it is white, sometimes it looks normal and sometimes it has other colors. It seem to depend on where I point the weapon (see pictures below). I'm not sure if the other weapons behave the same as I haven't found them yet.

The only things I have installed are Operation Anchorage and the Compendium.

I don't know, if that was already addressed, but, have you ever wondered, how Vault Dweller damn you, chinese assault rifles got to DC? Some chinese corps got to Alaska and were PWN'ed and wiped out not long before the Big One. The way they appear in F3 feels like all the US was ivaded by PRC and only Zee Bombs stoped them from total domination. Another thing, it always made me wonder in both Classic Fallouts and in F3 - why is there so many Gunz and just enormous amounts of live ammunition around. I don't think that average survivals (vaults, bunkers, secret millitary bases) had 25+ pistols, shotguns, assault rifles per human to take care about, then were do they come from? Even airgunners will tell you, there is no way their favourite airguns gonna work in 200 years without any maintenance. The way I see it, most of the Wasteland'd be CQC or Melee, live ammunition and Gunz'd be scarce and mean.
Das_qDr said:
I don't know, if that was already addressed, but, have you ever wondered, how Vault Dweller damn you, chinese assault rifles got to DC? Some chinese corps got to Alaska and were PWN'ed and wiped out not long before the Big One. The way they appear in F3 feels like all the US was ivaded by PRC and only Zee Bombs stoped them from total domination. Another thing, it always made me wonder in both Classic Fallouts and in F3 - why is there so many Gunz and just enormous amounts of live ammunition around. I don't think that average survivals (vaults, bunkers, secret millitary bases) had 25+ pistols, shotguns, assault rifles per human to take care about, then were do they come from? Even airgunners will tell you, there is no way their favourite airguns gonna work in 200 years without any maintenance. The way I see it, most of the Wasteland'd be CQC or Melee, live ammunition and Gunz'd be scarce and mean.
U know its America, everyone has guns, especially in the future if the threat from foreign powers vould rise, as would the need for personal protection ;)
Yeap, Mad Max ) And common sense, and well, I guess when you complete the Game at least one time every year, you start to notice those things. It was fun to pwn people with a DE, but you play a CQC character and everyone is loaded with mean guns, you feel kinda stupid.
Anyone having problems with PA mods with F3C?

I've tried out TUPAM and APA (and a couple of other mods for PA specifically) and I crash whenever I get in to proximity with bandits. Remove the PA mod and everything is fine.

Just curious because I really love the F3C setup but there are some seriously good mods that rebalance PA without making it OP and I'm getting to the point where F3C is getting the boot.

Also, I'm getting a message on load about skills being out and 'fixing' them. But the skills are identical to when I save them. Any help would be appreciated. ; )
Removing F3C entirely fixed the CTD's (all the mods that caused CTD's when you enabled them tested against vanilla).

That includes APA, TUPAM, BOS PA fix etc.

That's the main pity with compendium style mods, you are really locked down in what you can achieve without excluding other mods.
Anyone still working on this?

Alot of DLC-packs are being released from Betsheda nowadays, I would love to play through them all with F3C one day :)
Sargan said:
Anyone still working on this?

Alot of DLC-packs are being released from Betsheda nowadays, I would love to play through them all with F3C one day :)

Hm good question it looks like its on halt...

So i cant play it with any DLC? good so i wont buy any :)
This has already been posted before (on pg 27), but im running into a bug where whenever i look up into the sky (>40 degree tilt) i get a texture "corruption" - texture becomes very flickery and changes to a bunch of random stuff, i think i once saw it change to display some weapons skin.

I'm pretty sure this problem is related to the mod since disabling the mod, the bug goes away. Its very irritating. I'm thinking of doing a full re-install.
Is there a full list of changes somewhere? The readme isn't very detailed, and I haven't found anything else.
I assume the Intensive Training perk has been removed. Is this correct?
I'm getting 100xp for discovering locations. Is this in order to balance out the slower leveling?

I installed this just the other day. I'm currently level 2, have cleared Springvale school and am on my way to Minefield. I took the Gifted trait, assuming that Intensive Training would be removed, and boy am I glad I did. I'm not sure yet whether this mod brings the game much closer to the first two, but it sure makes it tougher! I died in Vault 101. That brought flashbacks to older rpgs!

A thought about the modified VATS: Since cover is so much more important with this mod, it is too bad that VATS does not allow for a shoot-and-then-duck-back-behind-cover move.

Melee question: Is the melee to-hit not modified by the skill? Is it only damage that is affected by the skill? Is this a balance discrepency brought on by the mod or was it there in the vanilla game? (I never bothered with melee weapons in vanilla.) Before escaping the vault, I have 20 in Small Guns and only 5 in Melee, but it is nearly impossible to score a hit (especially in free aim) with the 10mm, but swinging the baseball bat I can kill all the guards.

I'm enjoying the mod. Thanks.

I managed to solve my previous problem with the sky (previous post), i had to download an activationvalidation.exe program. Now i'm running into a problem of the game crashing: sometimes when i try to equip a molotov cocktail the game might crash to desktop. I noticed that I am able to move the molotov around from boxes/containers to my inventory, but when i try to equip it, it'll crash. No idea why: i looked back and checked the list of changes in regards to this, a CTD fix for the molotov was made for the dec 2008 update.. which I'm currently using. I'm fairly certain i'm using the updated version.

update: also did a quick test of dropping molotov to the ground, this also results in a crash. I'm trying to figure out when this doesnt crash, not sure what the conditions are. restarting the game or the computer doesnt seem to affect it - it almost seems random

Anyone else experiencing this sort of problem?
It sure seems to be dead. For lack of support or other users I uninstalled. Am now using FOIP w/XFO, FOOK, WMK, and MMM.
Since this mod is un-officially dead, can anyone recommend some good fallout 3 mods that makes the game more like fallout 1/2? The mods that get pumped out for F3 all lack the F1/F2 features, while I appreciate realism that some mods aim for (such as forcing players to eat,sleep, the scarcity of items/weapons in the FOOK mod), others concentrate on adding a too many weapons, items or irrelevant features that have no place in the fallout universe.

Any suggestions? I would LOVE to see the old damage system back in (damage threshold and all), a better crippling system with a doctor skill..etc.
ballystix said:
Since this mod is un-officially dead, can anyone recommend some good fallout 3 mods that makes the game more like fallout 1/2? The mods that get pumped out for F3 all lack the F1/F2 features, while I appreciate realism that some mods aim for (such as forcing players to eat,sleep, the scarcity of items/weapons in the FOOK mod), others concentrate on adding a too many weapons, items or irrelevant features that have no place in the fallout universe.

Any suggestions? I would LOVE to see the old damage system back in (damage threshold and all), a better crippling system with a doctor skill..etc.

I know just what you mean ...

I think the makers of the main enemy/environment/etc mods were primarily Oblivion players, which makes them come up with some stuff that doesn't feel right.

I made Phalanx which does a shit-ton to the followers. I have not played with the Medicine skill (take it to mean the equivalent of the Doctor skill) but it's been on my mind for a few days. It seems possible to me to rework the Medicine skill to where it acts like FO2's "doctor" skill, and then in that case, stimpacks would not heal fully-crippled limbs any more. hmm.