Our hosts at UGO have written an incredibly asinine editorial "buyer's guide" for Fallout 3's DLCs, which essentially reads like "if it has cool guns and perks, it's worth the money". No idea how that works...<blockquote>Broken Steel
The Skinny: Broken Steel is worth the 800 Microsoft Point asking price alone for letting players continue their journey through the wastes after the events in the Jefferson Memorial. But like a Billy Mays offer, there’s more! Broken Steel also raises the level cap from 20 to 30, meaning all the XP you keep earning once you hit level 20 go towards something useful, like ya know, leveling up.
Oh, and you get to play through a new set of missions and nab some sweet weapons like the Tri-Beam Laser Rifle and square off against behemoth Super Mutant Overlords.
The Verdict: Even if you’re usually DLC aversive, Broken Steel is a no-brainer must-have if only for the higher level cap and the ability to venture into the wastes once Project Purity is activated. The addition of more achievements and quests is just icing on the Fancy Lads Snack Cake.</blockquote>Seriously? It's worth 10 dollars to raise the level cap and venture into the wastes without it adding anything else? I think we've found our target audience, guys, gullible as hell and with deep pockets.<blockquote>Operation Anchorage
The Skinny: Taking players back in the Fallout universe’s timeline, Operation Anchorage is a computer simulation mission that charges you to take Alaska back from the hands of its Commie squatters. What’s cool about Operation Anchorage is just how different the pack feels compared to the main game. Mission objectives are doled out sequentially, so it ends up feeling a lot like Goldeneye or Call of Duty compared to other DLC packs. Hell, if your speech skill is high enough you can even talk the Chinese general into committing hara-kiri!
The Verdict: Operation Anchorage contains some of the best weapons and armor in the Fallout universe. The Frostbite Brotherhood Armor has higher damage resistance than the “official” suit you get at the end of the main quest. And don’t forget about the Gauss Rifle, either. 100 damage per shot? Yes please!</blockquote>Spotted on GameBanshee.
The Skinny: Broken Steel is worth the 800 Microsoft Point asking price alone for letting players continue their journey through the wastes after the events in the Jefferson Memorial. But like a Billy Mays offer, there’s more! Broken Steel also raises the level cap from 20 to 30, meaning all the XP you keep earning once you hit level 20 go towards something useful, like ya know, leveling up.
Oh, and you get to play through a new set of missions and nab some sweet weapons like the Tri-Beam Laser Rifle and square off against behemoth Super Mutant Overlords.
The Verdict: Even if you’re usually DLC aversive, Broken Steel is a no-brainer must-have if only for the higher level cap and the ability to venture into the wastes once Project Purity is activated. The addition of more achievements and quests is just icing on the Fancy Lads Snack Cake.</blockquote>Seriously? It's worth 10 dollars to raise the level cap and venture into the wastes without it adding anything else? I think we've found our target audience, guys, gullible as hell and with deep pockets.<blockquote>Operation Anchorage
The Skinny: Taking players back in the Fallout universe’s timeline, Operation Anchorage is a computer simulation mission that charges you to take Alaska back from the hands of its Commie squatters. What’s cool about Operation Anchorage is just how different the pack feels compared to the main game. Mission objectives are doled out sequentially, so it ends up feeling a lot like Goldeneye or Call of Duty compared to other DLC packs. Hell, if your speech skill is high enough you can even talk the Chinese general into committing hara-kiri!
The Verdict: Operation Anchorage contains some of the best weapons and armor in the Fallout universe. The Frostbite Brotherhood Armor has higher damage resistance than the “official” suit you get at the end of the main quest. And don’t forget about the Gauss Rifle, either. 100 damage per shot? Yes please!</blockquote>Spotted on GameBanshee.