Come on people.
You're bitching about the DLC of a crappy game being overly silly.
Yeah, mods may make the game playable, but this is still a game that ripped off F2 for it's main antagonist (and not even that well, Col Autumn is no Frank), included a giant robot (the robot should have sounded like John Wayne) and the lamest use of a GECK I can ever imagine (like buying a swiss army knife and only using that little plastic toothpick).
Anchorage was a giant video game and you only get one life. The Pitt was poorly written and badly designed, and while Broken Steel gave us a giant moble base, it was a stationary giant moble base. What the hell? Why not have the damn thing rolling around the wasteland, or hell, go cheap and have it spawn in radom spots around the map to simulate movement.
Anyway, think of the alien dlc like this. Remember the special encounters in F1 and 2? The tardis, the knights, the starfleet shuttle, the crashed ufo with the velvet elvis? All that silly easter egg stuff. That's what this DLC is. It's a giant special encounter that you have to pay for because they were too stupid to include that kind of thing in the vanilla game (along with alot of other things, like a game that works).
and what the hell was with the robot's voice?!? When I think big bad mutha who's bad mouthing the commies and embodies America, I think John Wayne, not some gruff electronic voice that sounds like a speak and spell's rough boyfriend.