Fallout 3 DLC interviews

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Bethesda confirms the delay of the next two DLCs to GameSpot.<blockquote> "The next DLC for Fallout 3, The Pitt, will be out in March," Bethesda vice president of marketing Pete Hines said. "Broken Steel will be out the following month, in April." </blockquote>While GameZone interviews Jeff Gardiner on the DLC in general.<blockquote> Q: How has the team succeeded at making a military simulation out of Fallout 3?

Jeff: All of the combat elements are there – we just modified the gameplay to suit the needs of the simulation. For instance, we added ammo and health regeneration facilities. We eliminated the need to repair weaponry; and we added in an interface which allows the player to customize and outfit a strike force to accompany them.

Q: What’s the reasoning behind the addition of the ninja suit? Can we expect more suits such as this in the future?

Jeff: The Chinese Stealth Suit is not only fun for the player – it also makes for a very unique enemy when worn by the Chinese themselves! We use these DLCs to experiment with ideas, to try things out that we weren’t able to with the main game. That’s where this suit came from. After playing through the game myself several times as different character types, I had some of the most fun when stealthing about. This suit makes it easier, and deadlier, to do so!</blockquote>Spotted on Blue's News.
Q: What’s the reasoning behind the addition of the ninja suit? Can we expect more suits such as this in the future?

Jeff: The Chinese Stealth Suit is not only fun for the player – it also makes for a very unique enemy when worn by the Chinese themselves! We use these DLCs to experiment with ideas, to try things out that we weren’t able to with the main game. That’s where this suit came from. After playing through the game myself several times as different character types, I had some of the most fun when stealthing about. This suit makes it easier, and deadlier, to do so!

Funny that they forgot to mention that they're not the ones who came up with the suit.
Ausir said:
Funny that they forgot to mention that they're not the ones who came up with the suit.
bethesda invented Fallout, all of it, get over it already.
Just like Halo invented FPS games and Halo Wars will invent RTS genre.
Or the people today in charge over Bethesda inventing the TES games.

All things are relative.
Crni Vuk said:
Or the people today in charge over Bethesda inventing the TES games.

All things are relative.
Actually it's funny because we already had gaming journalist(s) calling Todd "the mastermind behind the TES and Fallout series".
Nah, that's not funny, just sad.
Orwell said:
“Who controls the past,” ran the Party slogan, “controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.” And yet the past, though of its nature alterable, never had been altered. Whatever was true now was true from everlasting to everlasting. It was quite simple.
Hey Chimm! You know which character as well used this quote. Yeah our beloved pseude messiah Kane! And if one knows about propaganda its him! :mrgreen:


Excelent! EXCELENT!
Or a Public Enemy quote:
"Who controls the past, controls the living present, and therefore the future."

another quote:
"history or HIS story"

but this is about black vs white
Cimmerian Nights said:
Orwell said:
“Who controls the past,” ran the Party slogan, “controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.” And yet the past, though of its nature alterable, never had been altered. Whatever was true now was true from everlasting to everlasting. It was quite simple.
Crni Vuk said:
Hey Chimm! You know which character as well used this quote. Yeah our beloved pseude messiah Kane! And if one knows about propaganda its him!
syllogz said:
Or a Public Enemy quote:
"Who controls the past, controls the living present, and therefore the future."

George Orwell: a brilliant writer or a brazen plagiarist? Regardless of the answer, I say Electronic Arts and Public Enemy should probably sue for copyright infringement anyway.

I guess you are right:
"Note that Nineteen Eighty-Four will not enter the public domain in the United States until 2044 and in the European Union until 2020, although it is public domain in countries such as Canada, Russia, and Australia."
- from Wikipedia

But let's just use some doublethink, and everything should be fine. :wink:
Conned By PoP I-Cons

Conned By PoP I-Cons

My PoP I-Con is bigger than your pop icon!

Didn't see much of the once often quoted CNN until the last year or so when the work place got a satellite feed and the TV in the break areas stopped rotating company infomercials and safety-toons.

Seems CNN is no 'whiter' then F-x or the other major purveyors of the prurient and the sensational.

Rivalry for which will be the 24-hour Brittany Spears Channel.

Decision making factor is now absent from BRAIN!

What would Brittany SAY!

My PoP I-Con is bigger than you pop icon!

Present, past, or pluperfect tension ...

The future is NOW!

Teh future is-z WoW!

Brother None said:
<blockquote> Q: How has the team succeeded at making a military simulation out of Fallout 3?

WTF kind of question is that? Why not just ask them "How come are you guys so irresistably awesome?"
Q: How has the fan feedback been like since the announcement of the three packs?

Jeff: Our fans are very excited for the DLC. With it we’re able to respond to their feedback; giving them more of what they want, not only more content but more tools for them to play with. More weapons, creatures, perks, etc.

Gee Jeff, I think you kind of skipped over the part where Games for Windows Live caused a huge hassle for masses of people (if they were allowed to download it at all since Games for Windows Live is only supported in about 17 countries worldwide). Meanwhile the pirates as usual got it with no trouble at all.

And let's not get started on the fact that it was largely criticised as short and boring even by mainstream gaming journalists (at least those who don't work for a website with the letters xbox in them).

Q: After the three planned expansions to Fallout 3 hit for the Xbox 360 and the PC, are there any considerations of continuing on with download content throughout the rest of the year?

Jeff: For now we’re going to focus on these three as there’s a lot of work to be done still. They’re each a pretty big undertaking for us.

He should work as the press secretary for the White House. What a non-answer. If you haven't decided yet then say you haven't decided, rather than giving us the "oh woe is us we have so much work to do so cut us some slack" line.