Fallout 3 FAQ


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
The recent flurry of previews and articles about Fallout 3 can present an intimidating amount of text to wade through. In the interest of consolidating all the varied sources into a straight-forward collection of facts, we have completely revised our old Fallout 3 FAQ to incorporate the latest information about the game.

No Mutants Allowed presents our Fallout 3 FAQ.

Additionally, the Fallout 3 gallery includes more high-resolution versions of the screenshots and concept arts now, courtesy of Duck and Cover.

Additionally additionally, we have now created a Fallout 3 articles page, to keep things in order.
Tannhauser said:
In the interest of consolidating all the varied sources into a straight-forward collection of facts, we have completely revised our old Fallout 3 FAQ to incorporate the latest information about the game.

Probably a stupid question, but will the FAQ be updated on a regular basis as new info comes in?

Also, I know this is off-topic, but will NMA be hosting mods etc for FO3 even if they don't support the game? From what I've seen I have no intention of buying the game, but I'm curious as to whether NMA will be boycotting it.

The center of Washington is called "Capital Wasteland", and works as the main hub, sort like the Imperial capital of Oblivion. I have the link for that somewhere, will try to find it. That's the only location missing, as far as I can see.
I would imagine mods would be hosted. Even though there is a great amount of disagreement of the game, it is a game that has Fallout attached. Naturally this is just my opinion

But of course, the Admins will be the final decision makers.
Mick1965 said:
Probably a stupid question, but will the FAQ be updated on a regular basis as new info comes in?
Yes it will.

Mick1965 said:
Also, I know this is off-topic, but will NMA be hosting mods etc for FO3 even if they don't support the game? From what I've seen I have no intention of buying the game, but I'm curious as to whether NMA will be boycotting it.

It would be pretty weird for a Fallout fansite to completely blacklist certain games of the series. We've always supported the Modding scene, including Tactics modding. For as far as I can see we'll be continuing that with Fallout 3, especially projects that go for 'modding out the suck'.
Briosafreak said:
The center of Washington is called "Capital Wasteland", and works as the main hub, sort like the Imperial capital of Oblivion. I have the link for that somewhere, will try to find it. That's the only location missing, as far as I can see.

And Rivet City in and around the crashed aircraft carrier. According to the Game Informer article, Rivet City will be the main hub, not Capital Wasteland:

What does this mean for Bethesda going forward?
Pete Hines, Bethesda: We've got another very cool role playing license to work with, and we plan to continue to strengthen our position as one of the leading creators of cool role-playing games for multiple platforms.

I don't get it. Are they serious? Cool as dumbed down piece of shit click-fest RPG which is an FPS with some stats and skills? Fuck you, Bethesda, fuck you!

One big part of this art style is a focus on making everything in the game world have a purpose–when designing a new gun, the art team spends a lot of time making sure that if there is some weird knob on the weapon that there is a reason for it to be there. They’re hoping to bring a certain level of authenticity to the game world in this way.

Fatman, hooray! :clap:
Thanks for sorting this, it was a real mess digging through the bunch of previews searching for something to quote. :ok:
Brother None said:
Added Rivet City based on GI. Any links for Capital Wasteland?

It's mostly called just "Downtown DC" in most previews, but I remember at least one of them calling it Capital Wasteland as well.

Here's a link for "Downtown DC":


After exploring the wastelands, Megaton and the Metro, you'll eventually find yourself in scenic downtown DC. Downtown DC makes up nearly a fourth of the game world and you're going to find a lot of action here. In our case, the demo focused on a fight between the Brotherhood of Steel and a virtual plague of super mutants.
Cheers, Ausir. You are a true patriot :salute:

Added article page to NMA and to newspost. Now we have an overview of all facts + a quick overview of interviews (mostly recent interviews, I added DaC as representative of the heaps of "can't talk about it" interviews we had long ago)

NMA yay :dance:
Gavin Carter mentions "Capital Wasteland" in his video interview, "Wasington D.C. itself is probably about a quarter of the map, its spread out, you know. It ranges from more suburban areas on the outside to straight-up urban-type areas right in the core of D.C. Around that is the Capital Wasteland, which is a large expanse of more open areas with caves, raider camps, all sorts of things like that."

lisac2k said:
Thanks for sorting this, it was a real mess digging through the bunch of previews searching for something to quote. :ok:
Well, it depends on what type of quotes you are looking for. This FAQ is good for Fallout 3 facts, but there are plenty of interesting quotes from the previews which have to do with opinion.
It's too early to give Fallout 3 the official Voodoo Extreme seal of approval, but don't be shocked if the game ends up being the best of the series. I know it's disconcerting to some that the game is going to be set in the first-person perspective, but that's just progress folks. Other than the camera angle changing, the core game play mechanics and spirit of Fallout remains.
Despite the attention to detail and enjoyable looking combat, Fallout fans looking for a more traditional sequel may be disappointed. At the same time, Oblivion sold millions of copies, and applying a cool license to a quality formula will prove successful.
Expectations are high--perhaps unfairly high, as many those looking forward to Fallout 3 have never played its predecessors, and so are holding the upcoming title up against a decade-long legacy rather than against personal experience--but by all accounts Fallout 3 is heading in the right direction.
But this is first-person for a reason. It's about being inside the world. It's about being a person in a large, elaborate story, searching for your moral compass, the man who raised you (and of course you can choose to be male or female, and various races - the game cleverly then changes your dad's appearance to match that race). It's personal in a way Oblivion is not. So far it's looking true to its origins, while appropriately forward-facing. It's clear these people love Fallout. In a year's time, we think we're going to be joining them.
Fallout 3 appears to be almost as much an homage as it is a sequel.
Cheers. So Washington, D.C. is Capital Wasteland.

Is Downtown D.C. the same as Washington D.C./Capital Wasteland or only the very central hub of it? I'm reading it as the latter, I guess.

PS: have to say it, these are some stupid, shitty names.
Sander said:
It would be pretty weird for a Fallout fansite to completely blacklist certain games of the series. We've always supported the Modding scene, including Tactics modding. For as far as I can see we'll be continuing that with Fallout 3, especially projects that go for 'modding out the suck'.

So they would have to mod everything out except the vault boy and the vault. :wink:
I know it's disconcerting to some that the game is going to be set in the first-person perspective, but that's just progress folks.

progress never change
Brother None said:
Cheers. So Washington, D.C. is Capital Wasteland.

Is Downtown D.C. the same as Washington D.C./Capital Wasteland or only the very central hub of it? I'm reading it as the latter, I guess.

PS: have to say it, these are some stupid, shitty names.

The whole idea of "downtown DC" doesn't make much sense at all, because there is no such thing as a "downtown" in DC. There are a bunch of different regions, but no real Downtown, per se.