Fallout 3 Fourth DLC Confirmed?


Certain things slip into released DLCs, such was the case with incomplete AutoAxe files in the Operation: Anchorage DLCs and is, again, with a script from the fourth Fallout 3 DLC. It can be viewed in GECK's scripting tool, under the heading DLC04RelayStatBackdoorUnlockSCRIPT.<blockquote>scn DLC04RelayStatBackdoorUnlockSCRIPT

I always get nervous whenever I see a computer script use the phrase "Backdoor unlock"
Not likely. It's probably just a mistyped scriptname, which you are likely to do at least once when you are writing up dozens of scripts. Bethesda follows a naming convention with their scripts that allow you to easily figure out what they apply to or are related to. In this case:


The DLC03 is a prefix that marks it as having been added, as opposed to something that existed in the esm and was modified, which is good when you want to clean up the esp. The RelayStationBackDoor is probably a static, which when they place it in the render window they then name the reference as DLC03RelayStationBackDoor.

Compare with

scn DLC03RelayStatBackdoorUnlockSCRIPT


No difference see, but the naming convention of the script makes it obvious that the script is used to unlock the door.
It's likely not a mistype. For instance, Auto-Axe files were accidentally left inside O:A, so it's not a stretch to consider this a leftover from DLC04.
While you make a very valid point Mikael, that mistake on Bethesda's part does not guarantee make this is the same situation, I find that the way Lingwei describes the info makes quite a bit of sense. Perhaps someone could check for more references to the RelayStationBackDoor?
What are you so surprised about? TES V and Fallout 4 are still far away, they need to milk FO3 some more.
What will be the next DLC about? "Enclave came back from the dead", "Enclave Resurrection"?

Maybe a zombie DLC this time?
Then in next dlc we will have feral ghoul infested city to explore! COOL&SCARY!!1!1 KABOOM!!1

And i wonder what new perks they will give us? "God mode"? "Give all"?
DLC04 The Super Mutant Threat!1?!!

Maybe it show use where the remaining F.E.V. is in the DC Wasteland! :?

...or did they do that already?

Seeing as I am not a fan of Fallout 3 it is strange that I am suggesting my own idea for a DLC but I have always liked making up ideas.

Personally I rather do no see a City-of-the-Ghouls or the return of the Enclave (that will happen in Fallout 4), and something should be done with Beth's Super Mutants as they are pointless Orcs now.
But I rather would like them to see trying something different.

Even if Point Outlook is a filler name they might as well be doing something with it as it has been mentioned several times now.

Rather than a search-and-destroy mission a quest of exploration, building and resolving a situation would be interesting.

Perhaps the place would be in a better state than the Capital Wasteland, and people here are competing over the resources with the risk of it turning into a war and the player can come in and solve it (but doesn't have too) while he/she explores the region pursuing an own goal.
Lexx said:
We already have Zombies in Fallout 3...
yeah, but they should make them in the 4th DLC ... NAZOMBIS! Cause everyone knows that mediocre crap becomes A W E S O M E crap when you have NAZIS inside !!!! :crazy:


All we need now is Zombie Hitler to lead them.

DLC opening

"To anyone hearing this, this is a warning. We thought that World War 2 was over and the Nazis were gone, we were wrong.
The Nazis have returned from the death and are planning to conquer the Wasteland in the name of National Socialism.

Even as we speak Point Outlook is under assault by Nazi Zombies, led by none other than the Fuhrer himself.

They are destroying our defenses and are eating our people.

If anyone hears this, please help."
well.. there is a thing or two i would die to have in new DLC: nuka cola armor, plasma nukes, fatman minigun, molerats in armors, rideable brahmins and deathclaws, oh, and of course cat companion Whiskas, as an alternative for Dogmeat.
The Dutch Ghost said:

"To anyone hearing this, this is a warning. We thought that World War 2 was over and the Nazis were gone, we were wrong.
The Nazis have returned from the death and are planning to conquer the Wasteland in the name of National Socialism.
Well guess who will be revelead in the 4th DLC to have started the nuclear war ...

Yup. Nazombis. Its anyway better to get rid of canon. I mean its just in the way of what is really "cool"!