Fallout 3 goes gold

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Not a big shock since we've seen the first reviews and we're nearing release, but here it is: Fallout has gone gold. Press release:<blockquote>Vault-Tec engineers have worked around the clock on an interactive reproduction of Wasteland life for you to enjoy from the comfort of your own vault. Included is an expansive world, unique combat, shockingly realistic visuals, tons of player choice, and an incredible cast of dynamic characters. Every minute is a fight for survival against the terrors of the outside world – radiation, Super Mutants, and hostile mutated creatures. From Vault-Tec, America’s First Choice in Post Nuclear Simulation.

Vault 101 – Jewel of the Wastes. For 200 years, Vault 101 has faithfully served the surviving residents of Washington DC and its environs, now known as the Capital Wasteland. Though the global atomic war of 2077 left the US all but destroyed, the residents of Vault 101 enjoy a life free from the constant stress of the outside world. Giant Insects, Raiders, Slavers, and yes, even Super Mutants are all no match for superior Vault-Tec engineering. Yet one fateful morning, you awake to find that your father has defied the Overseer and left the comfort and security afforded by Vault 101 for reasons unknown. Leaving the only home you’ve ever known, you emerge from the Vault into the harsh Wasteland sun to search for your father, and the truth.

Fallout 3 features one of the most realized game worlds ever created. Set more than 200 years following a nuclear war, you can create any kind of character you want and explore the open wastes of Washington, D.C however you choose. Every minute is a fight for survival as you encounter Super Mutants, Ghouls, Raiders, and other dangers of the Wasteland.


* Limitless Freedom! – Take in the sights and sounds of the vast Capital Wasteland! See the great monuments of the United States lying in post-apocalyptic ruin! You make the choices that define you and change the world. Just keep an eye on your Rad Meter!
* Experience S.P.E.C.I.A.L.! – Vault-Tec engineers bring you the latest in human ability simulation – the SPECIAL Character System! Utilizing new breakthroughs in points-based ability representation, SPECIAL affords unlimited customization of your character. Also included are dozens of unique skills and perks to choose from, each with a dazzling variety of effects!
* Fantastic New Views! – The wizards at Vault-Tec have done it again! No longer constrained to just one view, experience the world from 1st or 3rd person perspective. Customize your view with the touch of a button!
* The Power of Choice! – Feeling like a dastardly villain today, or a Good Samaritan? Pick a side or walk the line, as every situation can be dealt with in many different ways. Talk out your problems in a civilized fashion, or just flash your Plasma Rifle.
* Blast ‘Em Away With V.A.T.S.! –Even the odds in combat with the Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System for your Pip-Boy Model 3000! V.A.T.S. allows you to pause time in combat, target specific body parts on your target, queue up attacks, and let Vault-Tec take out your aggression for you. Rain death and destruction in an all-new cinematic presentation featuring gory dismemberments and spectacular explosions.
* Mind-Blowing Artificial Intelligence! – At Vault-Tec, we realize that the key to reviving civilization after a global nuclear war is people. Our best minds pooled their efforts to produce an advanced version of Radiant AI, America’s First Choice in Human Interaction Simulation™. Facial expressions, gestures, unique dialog, and lifelike behavior are brought together with stunning results by the latest in Vault-Tec technology.
* Eye-Popping Prettiness!– Witness the harsh realities of nuclear fallout rendered like never before in modern super-deluxe HD graphics. From the barren Wasteland, to the danger-filled offices and metro tunnels of DC, to the hideous rotten flesh of a mutant’s face.

Fallout 3 will be available in North America Oct. 28, while Europe gets it on Oct. 31, 2008.</blockquote>Via WorthPlaying (thanks Ausir).
Mind-blowing and eye-popping. Perfect description of the Bloody Mess perk.

Well, you gotta congratulate them on delivering this game without any delay. Guess at least their time managing skills are up to date.
Actually, it now looks like only Ubisoft (the publisher in most of Europe) is confirming it, Bethesda itself is neither confirming nor denying. But if it is to hit the stores on the 28th, it's about time.
Ausir said:
Actually, it now looks like only Ubisoft (the publisher in most of Europe) is confirming it.

Go figure.

Considering Bethesda's paranoid approach towards information dissemination, their hold on Europe has been rather weak.
Point? You're talking about a company that forced a free guide-hosting website to take down the guide of a game that is available for free (Arena).

Though that is more a "bored legal staff"-issue than this, I'm not sure the usefulness really factors into their paranoid considerations.
Brother None said:
Vault 101 – Jewel of the Wastes. For 200 years, Vault 101 has faithfully served the surviving residents of Washington DC and its environs, now known as the Capital Wasteland.

uhhh... it didnt serve the environs... it was sealed off

and 20 days is cutting it close, my guess is its been gold for at least a week or more.

most games are gold 30-45 days before release.
My guess is they wouldn't even announce gold status if not for Ubisoft. They'll probably do now.
Ausir said:
Actually, it now looks like only Ubisoft (the publisher in most of Europe) is confirming it, Bethesda itself is neither confirming nor denying. But if it is to hit the stores on the 28th, it's about time.

No official confirmation at this time. We have to wait a few hours.
Ausir said:
My guess is they wouldn't even announce gold status if not for Ubisoft. They'll probably do now.

Beth sure is an odd little company. :?

Eh, anyway...hope they aren't setting up to switch the release date on us at the last minute, but I wouldn't think so since they've gone as far to put it all over their big promo posters, etc. What I'm betting is that they cut it a little too close and are paranoid to say anything about Gold. Probably wanted to leave that window open. (or they are just weird and want to keep it secretive for no reason) I don't like the thought that they aren't quite finished and releasing it anyway, but that just makes me glad we can get patches through every system from PS3 to PC to 360 in this modern age.
Oblivion was delayed and was still an unfinished mess. I'll be shocked if Fallout 3 is polished on release.

It's way too late to push back the release date, tho'.
Brother None said:
It's way too late to push back the release date, tho'.

That's good to hear then. At this point, I'd much rather play a semi-buggy version and get a patch in a couple months or so than wait any longer.
Brother None said:
Oblivion was delayed and was still an unfinished mess. I'll be shocked if Fallout 3 is polished on release.

It's way too late to push back the release date, tho'.

How long was it before they put a patch out for it?
Pope Viper said:
How long was it before they put a patch out for it?

UESPWiki says 1.1.425 beta was released 5/2/2006, more than a month after the game was released. The first official patch (1.1.511) was released 6/6/06, more than two months after the game's release.
What exactly does "going gold" mean? I think it's an odd expression. Is that just a fancy way to say "it's finished"?
Outbreak said:
Brother None said:
It's way too late to push back the release date, tho'.

That's good to hear then. At this point, I'd much rather play a semi-buggy version and get a patch in a couple months or so than wait any longer.

NO! God NO. That is the worst thing to do ever. If the first time I play a game and it's buggy as heck. I'm not paying $60 for it.

No matter how much I like the concept and want to see how they did. Especially when considering if it's accepted as "canon".

Some gamers are just too impatient. Patching is a bad idea. Get the game out in the best shape possible. So that the core gameplay mechanics are solid.

I'm not terribly excited for this game only to see if Beth did a solid job on keeping little to no conflicts with canon.

But the one thing that I hate it's buggy games. Why? do publishers/developers do this? Most of the time it's because the execs want to get their money back and others it's because the team was never managed properly.

I really hate that Fable II and some other game are not having certain features are release. Patching is becoming/has been a problem for the consoles since most gaming platforms are able to connect to the internet. Even though neither game is appealing to me, it's showing a bad trend the industry is still infected with since the Golden age of PC Gaming.
Ausir said:
Actually, it now looks like only Ubisoft (the publisher in most of Europe) is confirming it, Bethesda itself is neither confirming nor denying. But if it is to hit the stores on the 28th, it's about time.

Yup, is this a first for them? On time and what not, without various delays. Mayhaps, they have improved on their bug tweaking ability. They are now Journeymen.