Fallout 3 Hands-On #11

Jenx said:
I loved Todd's explanation on who their target audience is. Apparently, they are aiming for people who go to the store and ask "what's cool?"...Oh yeah, you're in the right direction guys.

it does suck indeed, but that's how it works these days. I know, it's been said over and over again, but the vast majority of people who buy games don't know a lot about the subject and simply buy what looks cool based on the cover and the hype around the game. it's a fact you can't get away from.
Hey, that's exactly how I bought Arcanum, I just went to the store and checked what had a good lookin' cover :P
Makagulfazel said:
Forhekset said:
I'm much more jazzed for Resident Evil 5.

Must... punch... zombies.... In the FACE!
Chris has a mighty, room-clearing fist and he's not afraid to use it.

Jenx said:
I loved Todd's explanation on who their target audience is. Apparently, they are aiming for people who go to the store and ask "what's cool?"...Oh yeah, you're in the right direction guys.
Bethesda's target audience is comprised of people who actually listen when the douchebag game store employee says "Have you put down a deposit for Fallout 3 yet?" while you're checking out.
Jenx said:
Apparently, they are aiming for people who go to the store and ask "what's cool?"

With most things nowadays like fashion and music going back to the older styles (70's clothing, analogue recording/guitar effects), you would think that old school should be the cool thing by now. I guess for games it might take longer for the cycle to come round, full circle. Hopefully the day will come sooner, not just for Fallout but for good, quality gaming in general. And, no, Bioshock retro style does not really count.