Fallout 3 Hands-On #12

Per said:

Fucking Awesome man!

Fucking. Awesome.
what i dont get is why these reviewers are forgetting the whole spirit and goal of fallout and considering this worthy.

a sequel cannot violate the spirit and goal of the original. and thats exactly what beth has done.

as a FPS with RPG elements it may be an ok game, but keep in mind this is bethesda who released oblivous. i would withold reservation period.

but my question to all reviewers is how well does this game uphold the spirit and goal of fallout.

and of course we all know the answer, it doesnt. it treats the spirit and goal of fallout like a $10 hooker.
blah, meh, blah, it's the best post-apocalyptic landscape you've seen in a game yet. On the flipside, Oblivion fans have no reason whatsoever not to rejoice. This is definitely a more refined version of that incredible game.

Some time ago I have promised myself not to read Fallout 3 related news anymore. Don't know what the hell got into me tonight.
My God!
Killing the drago...I mean the bees

I for one am positively happy that bees are in. Now, don't start readying the ropes and Trebuchets, people.
I've more or less given up hope that this game will be anything but a straight up shooter with some small bits with buildable weapons.

So, I like the idea of shooting bees. To death.
This all is derived from when I first played Mutant, a pen-n-paper RPG with my friends. Me and my buddy were nearly killed by a swarm of these 5 foot hornets, and that is one memory I never hope to forget. My first session of roleplaying.

Besides, what's wrong with bees ?
Fine, fine - they were NOT in F1 or F2, but I have a fading memory of Tactics having bees. But besides that ?
Besides, what's wrong with bees ?
Shooting a bee with a teddy bear? There is nothing wrong with that. In fact, I believe I saw something like that when I caught a glimpse of Teletubbies in my nephew's TV.

Oh. Crap. I hope Howard doesn't read NMA. Otherwise...

Anani Masu said:
Don't be ridiculous, even among Fallout fans we are the exception.

Oh, I'm well aware that the three dozen identical news articles are a necessity, just the way the industry works. Fable 2's E3 previews were a lot more boring and repetitive than the Fallout 3 E3 previews.

I also - however - know a lot more about Fable 2 than I know about Fallout 3 (though not of the top of my head, but that's because I'm more involved in one title). There's nothing unique about the repetitiveness of the Fallout 3 previews, but Bethesda's insular, almost paranoid attitude towards PR is - in fact - fairly unique, unrivaled by any except possibly Nintendo.

Jesuit said:
Is the bee thing some inside joke us hideous freaks of nature won't get?

It's a reference to this infamous DC comics panel

Plissken said:
Brother None, are you going to buy this game?

No. Unless one of the reviews from RPGWatch, GameBanshee or the one of Vault Dweller's hand convinces me otherwise.

If not, then perhaps second hand down the line, or from the bargain bin. For the novelty value.
Bring out them guns. Big'uns!

Teletubbies ?!

Oh sweet otherworldy saviour, give me the strength to keep my sanity for even hearing about those freaks...urgh. Gives us a bad name, they do.
Love the picture though..... :D

I wouldn't mind shooting them either in F3...if they would be say, in a Vault's locker room where you just took the final hit from a ungodly sized doobie.....(<-- that is, being on a secret level like the level in DOOM2 where you're teleported to wolfenstein's first level)

Now I need to go pour some milk in my eyes to soothe the pain of watching those horrible....*ergkh*
On the flipside, Oblivion fans have no reason whatsoever not to rejoice. This is definitely a more refined version of that incredible game.

Yes, let's hope the fanbase of some game that is not related to Fallout whatsoever loves it.

In the meantime, let's turn Mario Kart into a strategy game and hope the Command and Conquer crowd will like it.

Building mushroom.
Construction complete.
Our kart is under attack.
Whats with the bees?

I'm a huge fan, and haven't been inclined to post until now. Why is anyone disgusted by the idea of bees in FO3?

Don't you remember being attacked by 6- 8, 2 foot tall, praying Mantis' while walking the map in Fallout 1?

How are bees any more silly than that? In fact it's encouraging, at least to me.

With all the reasons to be concerned with the quality of FO3, this doesn't seem one of them.
Re: Whats with the bees?

bigdaddyral said:
I'm a huge fan, and haven't been inclined to post until now. Why is anyone disgusted by the idea of bees in FO3?

With all the reasons to be concerned with the quality of FO3, this doesn't seem one of them.

It was all a clever ruse to get you out of lurking. Now you can join the rest of us really huge fans in the open.
Re: Whats with the bees?

bigdaddyral said:
I'm a huge fan, and haven't been inclined to post until now. Why is anyone disgusted by the idea of bees in FO3?

I'm not disgusted at all, Bees are just funny due to the fact that well...

Brother None said:
It's a reference to this infamous DC comics panel

Hahah I agree, bees are just as silly as mantis :roll:
But I love the Idea of Gigantic insects, we got ants, scorpions, mantis(I cant think of the plurar for this, mantises?) and now bees. Makes me think about old B-movies :D and that's really good.

Something still bugs(no pun intended) me though, people assume its too soon to complain about the game, but you can praise it as much as you like without having to hear the same argument. That's just dumb

Fair enough, Paladin.

I never played Oblivion, but from interviews with the devs I don't know that they are a particularly self-aware bunch. I read somewhere that they didn't think they made any mistakes making that game and wouldn't really change anything, which is a dooshy statement. However a very close friend, who is also a Fallout nut, hated Oblivion and I trust his opinion enough to be wary.

In any event, I doubt the license is in capable hands, but I'm one of those suckers who will buy the game anyway to satiate my curiosity. Which makes all the cringe worthy material they release even more heart breaking.

Even still, I like the idea of mutant bees!


That's why I love this sites integrity. Regardless of what the game 'journalists' try to force feed the public, NMA coverage is actually fair and balanced. It's a sad state of affairs that it's looked down upon to be critical.
On the flipside, Oblivion fans have no reason whatsoever not to rejoice. This is definitely a more refined version of that incredible game.

So Oblivion fans have nothing to rejoice, Fallout fans definitely have nothing to rejoice about, so besides $hitsoft, who exactly is rejoicing about Fallout 3?

Have all the reviewers signed an NDA on what to write on their reviews?
I mean almost all of them are like copies of each other?


From now on, I will comment on Fallout 3 with the catchy phrase:

My God. Bees.