Lucky 13, and we're really starting to break our fingernails scratching out the bottom of the barrel, here. Totally360.<blockquote>The active quest system from Oblivion makes its return which should please gamers who are familiar with that system. You will have a list of potential quests to complete and then you can choose which one to make “active”, at which point the map will help lead you where to need to go for that particular quest. The map is represented in the bottom left corner of your screen and will show you what direction your destination is in as well as the destination you are currently traveling. You can also use the Pip-Boy to help you on your quest as from time to time you might find a message from someone on there that you can listen to that will give you some back story on what is happening around you. Overall this game has a tremendous amount of promise and I really didn’t want to stop playing when my twenty five minutes was up. I wanted to keep playing and exploring which is the sign of a potentially great game. Bethesda also announced at E3 that the XBox360 version will feature exclusive downloadable content. Of all the games that I was actually able to play during E3 this title is definitely at the top of my list. Be sure to check it out when it hits store shelves this fall.</blockquote>Sun Media.<blockquote>I could hear Battle Hymn of the Republic playing from a tinny speaker somewhere up ahead, and in the distance a government-controlled eyebot floated into view. I wasn’t sure whether these round, hovering robots were hostile, but I took no chances: I drew my pistol and started blasting away at an antenna-like appendage labelled “combat inhibitor” on the eyebot.
My shots destroyed the inhibitor and the eyebot went nuts, opening fire on a hapless caravan guard who had wandered into view. The guard returned fire and destroyed the robot, saving me the trouble and potential danger of taking the thing on myself. Hey, works for me. </blockquote>Tech & Gadgets Editors' Blog.<blockquote>When an enemy appears, you can hit a shoulder button to freeze the action. You can then select the body part you want to shoot - with percentage points showing your chance of a successful hit. From here you can set up multiple shots - all on the same body part, or on different parts or even different enemies. It gives you a number of tactical decisions to make.
Do you gamble on the low chance of making a successful head shot, or will you go for the easier torso hit that leaves a greater chance of survival? Once you make your decision, you come out of the frozen mode and see your shots ping out in cinematic style (those head-shots are awesomely impressive). It all makes the combat modes in the game far more demanding far, beyond the usual random hammering of the shoot button. </blockquote>And GameZombie offers a video interview with the standard ditsy female journalist.
My shots destroyed the inhibitor and the eyebot went nuts, opening fire on a hapless caravan guard who had wandered into view. The guard returned fire and destroyed the robot, saving me the trouble and potential danger of taking the thing on myself. Hey, works for me. </blockquote>Tech & Gadgets Editors' Blog.<blockquote>When an enemy appears, you can hit a shoulder button to freeze the action. You can then select the body part you want to shoot - with percentage points showing your chance of a successful hit. From here you can set up multiple shots - all on the same body part, or on different parts or even different enemies. It gives you a number of tactical decisions to make.
Do you gamble on the low chance of making a successful head shot, or will you go for the easier torso hit that leaves a greater chance of survival? Once you make your decision, you come out of the frozen mode and see your shots ping out in cinematic style (those head-shots are awesomely impressive). It all makes the combat modes in the game far more demanding far, beyond the usual random hammering of the shoot button. </blockquote>And GameZombie offers a video interview with the standard ditsy female journalist.