Fallout 3 has PC achievements & more tidbits

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
TGR is continuing its fragmentary coverage.<blockquote>“You cannot get them all on one play through. That we are doing some things with Karma and different levels of Karma that you can get along the way and so you cannot get, you know there are titles basically for different levels of Karma, how bad you are, how good you are or even for being neutral.”

He went on to explain: “And so you cannot actually play the game all the way through and get all of those in one play through. You have to play the game through once as one kind of character and then if you want you know, you know if you played through as the good guy and you want to get those other achievements you have to play through again and kind of be the evil guy and scoot people over and be mean to people. So it does encourage you, you know when you are playing the game trying some different stuff.”

What we didn’t expect to here was that the PC version will also be getting achievements: “We are doing achievements on the PC, we are planning to do games for Windows Live. It is not definitively in, but we are looking into doing that right now. We would very much like to offer that.”</blockquote>Older followers of Bethesda will remember they also said you can't join all the guilds in one playthrough in Oblivion. Bethesda has some weird ideas about what "can't do all" means, exactly. Also, Fallout 3 is big.<blockquote>“It’s a Content thing. It was one of those things like the world map is about the size that we expected but the amount of stuff that we ended up filling it with ended up being a lot more than we had originally planned.” He continued, “We are always big believers in play the game and see how it feels. And we play the game and like there does not feel like there is enough to do here, we need to put some more.”

“We are in this part of the world and like we should do something here with this and there needs to be two more quests in this town because I only have three things to do on my quest list. You know so we want you to always have you know three, four, five, six different quests that you are picking from. Like what is it I want to do now? Or multiple things you might be trying to do at the same time.”</blockquote>Link: Fallout 3: Home Plans, 360 Achievements and PC Windows Live.
Fallout 3: Bethesda “Bigger than we Expected” .
imho the fact that you know how many quests there are to be done will make the thing feel more closed and linear - since you dont feel like exploring

i remember discovering certain perks picked up during gameplay that werent an obvious goal - like gecko skinner, porn star and such

that was surprising and nice
Re: Fallout 3 has PC achievements.

That we are doing some things with Karma and different levels of Karma that you can get along the way and so you cannot get, you know there are titles basically for different levels of Karma, how bad you are, how good you are or even for being neutral....

...you cannot actually play the game all the way through and get all of those in one play through. You have to play the game through... you know if you played through...you have to play through again...kind of be the evil guy and scoot people over and be mean to people...

...you are playing the game trying some different stuff...

It’s a Content thing... And we play the game and like there does not feel like there is enough to do here, we need to put some more...

We are in this part of the world and like we should do something here with this and there needs to be two more quests in this town because I only have three things to do on my quest list...

You know so we want you to always have you know three, four, five, six different quests... Like what is it I want to do now?

Holy crap, and this guy, Peter Hives, is only Bethesda Software's Vice President for Marketing and Public Relations? With such oratorlike eloquence, he could become a president of the United States of America in no time. That's some Decider 2.0 talent, I tell ya.
It sounds like it's so easy for them to implement new quests.

"we play the game and like there does not feel like there is enough to do here, we need to put some more.”

“We are in this part of the world and like we should do something here with this and there needs to be two more quests in this town because I only have three things to do on my quest list."

I guess it says a lot about the overall level of complexity of the quests...
MrBumble said:
It sounds like it's so easy for them to implement new quests.

"we play the game and like there does not feel like there is enough to do here, we need to put some more.”

“We are in this part of the world and like we should do something here with this and there needs to be two more quests in this town because I only have three things to do on my quest list."

I guess it says a lot about the overall level of complexity of the quests...

Not necessarily. I think it says more about their design approach, which keeps coming across as Inconsistent City.

This "hey guys I have a good idea" and "hey guys lets add quests here" approach to design - if it's really how they design and not PR spiel - is terrible.
What we didn’t expect to here was that the PC version will also be getting achievements: “We are doing achievements on the PC, we are planning to do games for Windows Live.

What is this Windows live are they going to start charging money for all multiplayer games now?
I hate this Windows Live shit. It sucks from A to Z. While playing Gears of War, I realised, that they even didn't change the button graphics for the PC version. So you have small buttons with "X", "A", "B",... letters on it. lol, kay...
Von Drunky said:
What is this Windows live are they going to start charging money for all multiplayer games now?

Well Fallout 3 is not multi-player.

But, all this will do is ask you to sign up for a windows live silver account, that is free. Then you can look at your "Gamerscore" And try to impress your friends with it. And yes you can have a windows live account on xp or vista. The difference between gold and silver is that gold is required to play online games that are enabled with it, silver is not.

Windows live gold, however costs 50 bucks for a year, and to date i think only 3 games have used it at all(Halo 2 for the pc, Shadowrun, and Gears of war had live functionality and that same crappy matchmaking.) It pretty much is dead on the PC, and I can see them making it totally free soon. BTW if you own a 360 and pay for live gold there you already have a windows live gold account as well.

So in the end, what does it mean? It means that the game will try to log you into windows live when you play, so it will tally your achievments. To me, it sounds like a form of copy protection:)
Von Drunky, LIVE mainly allows cross-platform (MS platforms, naturally) play, unique gamertags, friend lists and other crap like that. Might be a big thing on Xbox'es, I wouldn't know, but I never got an urge to try it on PC. I think the basic plan is free... Yep, just checked Wikipedia, it is... and the Gold plan costs money.

Games for Windows – Live Silver Membership Features
* Single gamertag
* Common gamer profile
* Common gamerscore
* Single player achievements
* Private chat via text and voice
* Common friends list and online presence
* PC only multiplayer including browsing a list of active PC games

Games for Windows – Live Gold Membership Features
* All Silver membership features
* Multiplayer matchmaking with friends
* TruSkill matchmaking
* Multiplayer achievements

Lol, that's even worse than I imagined it. TruSkill matchmaking? How l337... :roll:
So whats the deal with Gears of War for the PC, do i need to get a gold account to play online?
Von Drunky said:
So whats the deal with Gears of War for the PC, do i need to get a gold account to play online?

No, but if you have a friend playing, and you want to join the server they are on, you do.
Gears of War PC was my first and only encounter with "Windows Live!" and it works pretty smoothly ... as long as you're the one hosting the game.

However once you join someone else's game you will observe that things aren't as smooth as you'd expect them to be from a game made in the 21st century.

It seems to be a combination of lacking netcode and the fact that it appears to connect you to the other computer directly, instead of using an intermediate server (like closed Battle.Net).

This has no relevance to Fallout 3 however, since it won't have multiplayer anyway. All you'll get is the occasional cute pop-up about how you "achieved" various crap, and an update on your Live! account.
i sounds ok, i like the replay value it might add but then again there should be content in there to warrant 3 or 4 play throughs from the beginning just like the previous fallouts. (tactics not so much but you still had the class differences: sharpshooter, unarmed fighter and so on)

If the game has more content which is class specific i think that'll add a ton more replay value, throwing in a extra "quest" here or there wont do it. I mean if there were two jet-peddling gang leaders meeting up and a third party wants you to assassinate one of the leaders without being seen (sheriff wants to clean up the town or a business man stands to earn money) that specific mission should be sharpshooter specific.

I remember in oblivion you could become leader of all guilds it was just harder to achieve which is kinda pointless and all could practically be achieved in one play through, luckily enough for them the game was so big you just 'missed' things.

Take care, SB
“And so you cannot actually play the game all the way through and get all of those in one play through. You have to play the game through once as one kind of character and then if you want you know, you know if you played through as the good guy and you want to get those other achievements you have to play through again and kind of be the evil guy and scoot people over and be mean to people. So it does encourage you, you know when you are playing the game trying some different stuff.”

This sounds to me like there isn't much diversity in the quests themselves, but rather that you get brownie points for good or bad at the end of a quest and not much else. This could be jumping to conclusions, but thats what that quote says to me.

For example like you know, when, you know when you do stuff and complete a quest, you know, you can like refuse to accept a reward and get good brownie points, or like on the other hand, you can demand a bigger reward and get bad brownie points. This system like, totally warrants playing the game over again so you get the "good guy" merit badge or the "bad guy" merit badge.
Radnan said:
imho the fact that you know how many quests there are to be done will make the thing feel more closed and linear - since you dont feel like exploring

i remember discovering certain perks picked up during gameplay that werent an obvious goal - like gecko skinner, porn star and such

that was surprising and nice

As opposed to...not having open quests show up in the PipBoy? I guess you might feel more like exploring if you can't remember what quests you're on or who you have to talk to. Also, why do you think knowing what quests you have nixes the possibility of non-quest related/surprising/hidden material?
Brother None said:
“It’s a Content thing. It was one of those things like the world map is about the size that we expected but the amount of stuff that we ended up filling it with ended up being a lot more than we had originally planned.” He continued, “We are always big believers in play the game and see how it feels. And we play the game and like there does not feel like there is enough to do here, we need to put some more.”

“We are in this part of the world and like we should do something here with this and there needs to be two more quests in this town because I only have three things to do on my quest list. You know so we want you to always have you know three, four, five, six different quests that you are picking from. Like what is it I want to do now? Or multiple things you might be trying to do at the same time.”

Any one else feel a little uneasy here? When they say they filled it up with more than they originally planned? My magic 8 ball sez that this game will have 3 or 4 memorable quests, with good choices and consequences, but will be filled with so much useless mundane junk it will feel like oblivion.
Seems like they didn't really do a whole lot of quest planning until they already had the original ones in . Seems like one giant afterthought...
I assume Radnan is referring to this part:
We are in this part of the world and like we should do something here with this and there needs to be two more quests in this town because I only have three things to do on my quest list. You know so we want you to always have you know three, four, five, six different quests that you are picking from.
Which is pretty ambiguous. I can't understand what he's trying to say here. If (and I doubt it) he actually means that all the quests of an area will pop up in your list once you enter the area, that would indeed be retarded.