Fallout 3 HD Texture pack and more

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Are there any screenshots anywhere of the high resolution textures? Also, this might be my problem but the thumbnails on the pages for stuff like the Thermobaric Warhead mod are broken.
I'd be surprised the armour mod removes the stealth bonuses on recon armour, I'd have thought that'd be one of the ones that make sense.
It makes the game look better but don't even think of using this pack if you have the much dreaded video memory leak problem : prior to this mod I had to alt-tab the game every ten minutes. Now it's every two minutes...
MrBumble said:
It makes the game look better but don't even think of using this pack if you have the much dreaded video memory leak problem : prior to this mod I had to alt-tab the game every ten minutes. Now it's every two minutes...

Dreaded video memory leak problems??

first time i hear something like this, can you gimme some info about it, i am curious.
Drakehash said:
MrBumble said:
It makes the game look better but don't even think of using this pack if you have the much dreaded video memory leak problem : prior to this mod I had to alt-tab the game every ten minutes. Now it's every two minutes...

Dreaded video memory leak problems??

first time i hear something like this, can you gimme some info about it, i am curious.

He might be talking about this Memory leak.

It is one of the reasons if I am not mistaken why to many savegames in F3 can slow down your game heavily.
Drakehash said:
Dreaded video memory leak problems??

first time i hear something like this, can you gimme some info about it, i am curious.

There is a long thread on the bethsoft forums but apparently it has sunk since there was no point discussing it at nauseam with nobody finding a solution. What happens is that the game plays silky smooth ( steady 60 fps )and after 10 minutes, when you enter VATS or you enter a building or shoot somebody, then your FPS drop miserably down to 20 fps. You have to Alt Tab the game back to desktop for it to work smoothly again. As if the game didn't suck enough already, y'know...