Fallout 3 in Polish PSX Etreme magazine

terebikun said:
You might be able to, just won't affect the gameplay any. Kind of doubt the mutants will call you a noob and teabag your corpse afterwards, also.

Governor, you just made my day. :D Would be pretty neat to have a ghoul do a crotch-grab and shake his ass after he kills you, though. I mean, i would find it cool. Kind of cool. Not coool cool, but i suppose that would be totally gnarly and would leave me in a state of transitional awe and satisfaction. I was just killed by a frat boy ghoul! Even more awesome would be if he'd actually have a headset and would start telling me how big a pussy i am for getting killed.

terebikun said:
I'm almost positive they said there would be level scaling within limited parameters, but now I'm not sure. I'd prefer no level scaling, but if the paramaters are set nicely then whatever.

Agreed. No level scaling, or limited level scaling done right is the way to go.