Fallout 3 in Polish PSX Etreme magazine

He probably means a Van Buren mod for FO2 or FO3, not actually finishing Van Buren itself.
Myryad said:
Fallout: Good ol' Ffashioned Walker:Texas Ranger Style Family Fun

If Chuck's in, I'm buying it no matter what.

As for Van Buren - is the engine from the tech demo usable enough for modders?
Per said:
* We will often have problems with lack of clean water or food. The Geiger counter will sound pretty often.
* Eating food is not mandatory, but food increases your HP. However, you should look out for radiated food. Sometimes you will have to wonder whether you should eat radiated food, even with low HP, since the consequences of radiation are even worse.

Sounds a bit awkward to me, but might become a nice (and more or less crucial) aspect of the game.

* Radiation is a much bigger problem in FO3 than in previous
games. It drastically decreases your combat abilities, and can even lower your skills permanently.
* Destructability of the environment will be unprecedented for RPGs.

Depending on how it plays in the game, very challenging, very good.

* The role of Charisma is lower than in previous games, Fallout 3 relies on combat much more than FO1 and FO2. However, we'll be able to use stealth throughout most of the game.

So what exactly will charisma do?

* If you have your weapon on your shoulder, you can run *snip* If you equip it, you can only walk.

Sounds like they lifted that a bit from Resident Evil 4 for the "survival effect". The RT battles must be a bit awkward if you can only walk. Or is it different in combat?

Maybe Brother None or Suaside can tell us more about this?

* There is no gambling, you cannot participate in slaver raids nor guard caravans.

No gambling, I don't care. But why choose to scrap slaver raids and/or caravans? They have a huge world at hand, what's the problem with creating some routes and "attacking critters" scripts? Also: nice way to find new places. Bad idea to leave them out.

The rest is rather solid and nothing I wouldn't have expected.
Preview said:
* Destructability of the environment will be unprecedented for RPGs.

Yeah, baby! Nothing screams 'RPG' like destructible environment!

Preview said:
* If you have your weapon on your shoulder, you can run and the NPCs are not aggressive. If you equip it, you can only walk.

I don't really get this part. :| If i run around with unholstered weapon i'll get shot, but if i walk with it it's fine? What if i'm attacked in the middle of a town by one NPC?

Preview said:
* Jumping has no influence on the combat system, it's just for avoiding some obstacles.

So no strafe-jumping? :,(

Preview said:
* Enemies will not adjust their levels to that of the player. If you come to a certain place when your level is too low, you're expected to die.

Hey, so no level scaling? I thought Pete (or Emil) said some areas will have level scaling. Eh?
In response to people talking about this on the BSGF
EmilPags said:
So is this Charisma has no effect on dialogue, or the game is mostly combat with little dialogue?


If you want to sweet talk your way through situations, a high Charisma is definitely valuable. As is, of course, a high Speech skill.

There's a ton of dialogue, as has been mentioned before. Lots more to say to individual people (true conversation trees), and lots of opportunities to talk your way through quests/gameplay situations.
* At age 16 we select our perks [Note: he probably means traits, unless they were merged with perks] - e.g. Bloody Mess or Good Speaker. Pete didn't want to say what the rest of the perks will be.

Wow, he really did mean perks.
Foolish mortal.

I've decided that nothing is beyond BS to further bring this game further from its roots.

The wife was planning on getting this for my b-day. I said, no way in hell.
Pope Viper said:
Foolish mortal.

I've decided that nothing is beyond BS to further bring this game further from its roots.

The wife was planning on getting this for my b-day. I said, no way in hell.

And right you.
Talk about a disappointing day.

I am busy telling my friends not to get me this.
I don't really get this part.

Much like the greatly realistic and immersive system of Assassin's Creed, no? Apparently running now means you have bad intentions. In my day it meant keeping in shape.

Bethesda is sure innovative, what with copying every game released in the last years.
FeelTheRads said:
I don't really get this part.

Much like the greatly realistic and immersive system of Assassin's Creed, no? Apparently running now means you have bad intentions. In my day it meant keeping in shape.

Bethesda is sure innovative, what with copying every game released in the last years.

I wouldn't care about someone jogging or running down the street. But if someone is sprinting full-speed bumping past people...what does that say? :P

Hehe, I have to agree with you though on Bethesda's "innovation". They sure have ripped off a lot of ideas and styles from games.
Hey! Who here thinks Fallout 3 is gonna tank? Show of hands!

:raises hand:
Just because my interest in it is low, doesn't mean other people won't buy it...

Seeing on the box "From the makers of Oblivion" alone will sell a bazillion copies.
Who wants to go game vandalising when this comes out.

And to clear confusion about what I meant earlier, yeah, I was wondering if town/character concepts/plot elements could be used in a F02 mod.
shihonage said:
Just because my interest in it is low, doesn't mean other people won't buy it...

Seeing on the box "From the makers of Oblivion" alone will sell a bazillion copies.

That's what is sad about the gaming industry today. You have most developers churning out crap to please the herds of sheep instead of actually thinking about what a good game is.