Fallout 3 is actually decent

I pretty much agree with the original poster's sentiments. This, so far at least, feels like a very impressive game that falls short of the greatness that was Fallout 1, but still feels like it's in the same family. It might not be "Fallout" in the truest sense, but this game really seems like the younger, hipper, but far more immature cousin of Fallout.

After having played with VATS for a while, I seriously think that it's a great game mechanic. In fact, I think that as far as game mechanics go, this one really feels like Fallout. It feels like an upgraded version of called shots brought to the 3D realm, and despite me missing the ability to shoot people in the eyes (or the groin), I really had a moment of "Wow, this is Fallout."

I'm not even remotely a fan of the death in this game, however. I don't understand how shooting somebody with a pistol twice in the leg will effectively amputate the leg, nor do I understand how me shooting somebody repeatedly in the FACE (again, with a pistol) will, rather than cause his face to explode perhaps, instead decapitate him smoothly from the neck. This is really lame, and the UK IGN review that complains about this as feeling like a 13 year old's idea of what's "super cool" is spot on.

The writing isn't terrible. It's a lot better than what a lot of the negativity has said, but not quite as good as what some of the glowing reviews have said, either. It falls short of the maturity of Fallout, though I haven't yet found the swearing to be gratuitous. A few F-bombs have been dropped, but I even had a conversation with the Sherriff of Megaton and I don't think he used the word once. Though I stayed on his good side so who knows.

I really loved the Vault, but I don't like what they did with the story in the Vault once your Dad leaves. I also didn't like how fast they got to that part. I really would have liked to spend some more time in the vault. I spent maybe 2 hours in the Vault, and probably 75 minutes of that was spent during the escape, and I was really taking my time to savor everything about the vault. There wasn't really much you could do in terms of exploration up until it's time for you to make your escape, and I thought that was pretty disappointing. Had there been enough material to spend 3 hours in the Vault before having to leave I would have been more than happy with it. Even if they just upped the side-quests so that it was optional, I would have been happy with that. But alas.

I've only got in one fight outside the Vault so far (I only played for 3 hours though) and I have to admit I'm a little worried about the frequency at which you might be getting into random fights you can't talk your way out of. Then again, I got into a lot of random encounters in the original Fallout so maybe I just need to adopt the mindset that this is the equivalent, there's just no pop-up telling me this is a random encounter.

While I'm not enormously impressed with the writing so far, I am impressed with the amount of dialogue options available to you as a character. In this regard, I think it might actually surpass the original Fallout, in a good way. The fact that you can lie and claim you did a job you haven't bothered with at all and potentially convince somebody you did it is extremely cool. I talked my way out of taking the GOAT, though I felt a little jipped after that so I went back to a previous save so I could actually take it (though then I regretted I bothered, as the GOAT is pretty stupid).

Character creation is cool. I liked that my character didn't wind up turning out to look like a cave man like my character in Oblivion did. He actually looks pretty cool. I am, however, disappointed by the amount of hair options. There's like three times as many beards as there are normal hair styles, and most of the hair styles are pretty lame. What's up with that? I've heard you can get your hair cut later in the game though with extra options; if so, I can live with that.

One thing I'm not a fan of, is in the original Fallout they really laid your character sheet right out in front of you and let you tweak your stats right from the getgo and see the hard mechanical values of your choices. If you increased your Agility to 10 you saw that it gave you 10 Action Points. If you increased your Strength you saw exactly how much melee damage you'd do, and how much you could lift. It isn't the case in this game. In fact, when you read the "You're SPECIAL!" book they don't really even tell you what each option really does, let alone give you the hard values. If I ever try for a second play-through on this game I'll probably use an internet guide or something to tweak my stats, since Bethesda seems intent on sacrificing their hardcore tabletop RPG player crowd for "usability." This is the one area where I can definitely sing the tune to the "dumbing things up for the console kiddies crowd" song.

In the end, and again, this is only after playing for 3 hours, but I feel like this is a close cousin to Fallout, and I feel like it does it justice, but it definitely falls short. I feel like Bethesda does really, really care about Fallout, and I think that the details and attention put into the game stands up for itself in this regard. Anyone who thinks that Bethesda is just using Fallout as a cash cow and doesn't give a shit about it is lying, pure and simple. However, despite the fact that I am certain Bethesda cares about the franchise, I don't think they truly understand it. The retro 50's style in the original was prevelant without being truly obvious outside of a few areas, like the original cut scenes with the music and some of the pictures. It's much more obvious in Fallout 3, almost rubbed in your face. Bethesda has no sense of subtlety, which is something the original Fallout excelled at.

Even the combat, despite the fact that you saw heads explode and very graphic violence in the originals, it wasn't constant and it felt real. In Fallout 3, again, subtlety is gone, and it feels much more hyper-real, to the point that it doesn't actually feel real at all anymore. It seems like blood and gore for its own sake, rather than to give you a kind of feeling that supplemented the feeling of the rest of the game, that this was a gritty, real, lived in (and died in) world.

But these, in the end, really are nitpicks. The core of the game is good and solid, and while in no way do I think this game is worth the perfect scores a lot of reviews are giving it, I do think it's worthy of a lot of the really high scores it's getting. 8.8 is fair, 9.2 I think is very accurate, 9.6 is a bit exaggerated but I can understand it. Any higher than that seems a little retarded to me.
I agree that the game is decent but nowhere near that it feels like Fallout, to me fallout was turn-based, more tactical, better rpg experience etc. etc. etc.

However loading screen gave a me a smile as I remember original Fallout, it's ncie touch :)

Not having a proper 3rd person camera is the worst. One of my favorite bits in Fallout was hanging around with different clothes, however in F3 this is pointless because you can't freakin' see them!
Eh, I don't know that it's pointless, and I still think the clothing in this game is vastly superior to the 8 or 9 options of armor in the original game, but I agree that the 3rd person camera is fucked.

I get why they didn't center it, and if the 3rd person perspective was a bit more functional this would have been fine, but as it is the only reason to go into 3rd person is to look at yourself, and you can't even properly do that.

Somebody should mod that, if possible. Either center it, or have it auto-center when you hold down the middle mouse button. Because when you do that it's obvious you're not trying to aim anymore, you're trying to get a look at yourself and your surroundings. Also, I really wish they wouldn't snap the camera back to your backside once you release the middle mouse button. Pretty lame IMO.
Praising this game for being a "good game but a bad Fallout" is, even if truly your opinion, pretty much the dumbest thing you could do from the perspective of a Fallout fan.

oh wait i forgot: hi you mouse-eared aubergines, you

Qui bono? Bethesda, not you. Saying that you're pleased with a game that's merely good, despite it ruining the most intellectual and artistic aspects of the two original games, when expressed by a large enough percentage of Bethesda's audience to become the general sentiment regarding the game (and it seems to be the general sentiment of reviews up to now) gives the Monsters of Maryland carte blanche to continue mainstreaming Fallout into a console-focused clickfest with meagre RPG-elements thrown carelessly into the mix.
Do you think Bethesda owes you only a good time? That so long as you get a grin and giggles and can zone-out for a few hours a day, they've done an admirable job deserving of a support that will propel their agenda?
Next from EA, Call of Duty: All Quiet on the Western Front!
Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Auschwitz Ambush!
Bullfrog Presents: Magic Carpet 9/11!
It's a crass vulgarization, what Bethesda has done. I won't say that I think the Fallout series was an example of true art, but it was at least a pillar of a trend in interactive entertainment that one day might have led to artistic games, which have previously been the reserve of very few titles outside of the Interactive Fiction genre.
It's not about a single game being fun or boring - it's about what kind of minds and personalities you choose to have predominating in the field of computer entertainment. A vote for Bethesda is a vote for Uwe Boll and Bruckheimer.

So shush, you'll just encourage them, you sloth-toed garlic peelers, you. :crazy:
Lexx said:
I like Three Dog and the radio. It doesn't feels like 50ths but it is ok. Without the radio on I got bored very fast because it seems like there is no ambient music(?). Also does soemone know if it is possible to make the radio louder?
If you turn the radio off you'll get the ambient music, which isn't too bad. And under the audio options there are settings to turn up the volume on music and the radio. Radio defaults to only 40% or something, IIRC.
Played it for 8 hours yesterday. Found it extremely entertaining. I personally think it fits in well with the fallout universe in many ways. Am looking forward to playing it some more this afternoon.
Would people be cross and confounded if I started merging Fo3 general opinion threads? This place is getting a little cluttered.
I can't honestly think of a good thing to say about Fallout 3. Except that I happen to enjoy PA games and given the lack of greenery or the colour yellow (barring nuclear explosions and gunfire) it would seem that yes indeed, the game could be set some time after a nuclear holocaust.. or maybe an air raid.. okay so maybe just a couple of decades of natural rotting.

It's DC. Why there is anything left is beyond comprehension to me. That aside, I could accept the possibility that maybe they were saving most of the nukes for a rainy day.

I could keep bitching about the almost unfathomable amount of nonsense within Fallout 3 but that is unhelpful and the horse has had enough.

My real issue goes to gameplay and graphics.

1. It's not Isometric. (like it's hard to have two perspectives!)
2. It's not Turn-Based. (well that's just not cricket.. it's also not Fallout)
3. The graphics look several years old. Okay, not to belabour a point but if this game is supposed to be innovative for 2008, then it needs to have a 2008 graphics engine (or it's closest 2005 equivolent). I played Prey for the first time the other day (finished it twice in one day.. darn that unlockable Cherokee mode) and I was more impressed by the ingame graphics of that 2004 Doom 3 engine than I was by any Fallout 3 image or video.

Music doesn't so much bother me these days as I usually turn it off and turn up the Morrison. And I haven't seen good characters in a game since Deus Ex. And they weren't exactly perfect.
Per said:
Would people be cross and confounded if I started merging Fo3 general opinion threads? This place is getting a little cluttered.

We wouldn't know where to post then. We have to have the positive threads for people who hate it and think it's not Fallout but can find one or two things nice to say about it, and the negative threads for the people who think in general it's not a good game and it's certainly not Fallout and the really mean thread for, well, everyone else.
SoberCounsel said:
I can't honestly think of a good thing to say about Fallout 3. Except that I happen to enjoy PA games and given the lack of greenery or the colour yellow (barring nuclear explosions and gunfire) it would seem that yes indeed, the game could be set some time after a nuclear holocaust.. or maybe an air raid.. okay so maybe just a couple of decades of natural rotting.

It's DC. Why there is anything left is beyond comprehension to me. That aside, I could accept the possibility that maybe they were saving most of the nukes for a rainy day.

I could keep bitching about the almost unfathomable amount of nonsense within Fallout 3 but that is unhelpful and the horse has had enough.

My real issue goes to gameplay and graphics.

1. It's not Isometric. (like it's hard to have two perspectives!)
2. It's not Turn-Based. (well that's just not cricket.. it's also not Fallout)
3. The graphics look several years old. Okay, not to belabour a point but if this game is supposed to be innovative for 2008, then it needs to have a 2008 graphics engine (or it's closest 2005 equivolent). I played Prey for the first time the other day (finished it twice in one day.. darn that unlockable Cherokee mode) and I was more impressed by the ingame graphics of that 2004 Doom 3 engine than I was by any Fallout 3 image or video.

Music doesn't so much bother me these days as I usually turn it off and turn up the Morrison. And I haven't seen good characters in a game since Deus Ex. And they weren't exactly perfect.

You have some legitimate arguments, but the graphics argument really isn't one. The problem that you run into is the fact that Fallout 3 is based on the Oblivion engine because there's really not that many other engines out there that could support a huge world like Fallout 3, while still maintaining some quality graphics. Plus, Bethesda isn't exactly Mr. Innovative, so they are very unlikely going to switch or make a totally new engine for a single game.
superstartran said:
SoberCounsel said:
I can't honestly think of a good thing to say about Fallout 3. Except that I happen to enjoy PA games and given the lack of greenery or the colour yellow (barring nuclear explosions and gunfire) it would seem that yes indeed, the game could be set some time after a nuclear holocaust.. or maybe an air raid.. okay so maybe just a couple of decades of natural rotting.

It's DC. Why there is anything left is beyond comprehension to me. That aside, I could accept the possibility that maybe they were saving most of the nukes for a rainy day.

I could keep bitching about the almost unfathomable amount of nonsense within Fallout 3 but that is unhelpful and the horse has had enough.

My real issue goes to gameplay and graphics.

1. It's not Isometric. (like it's hard to have two perspectives!)
2. It's not Turn-Based. (well that's just not cricket.. it's also not Fallout)
3. The graphics look several years old. Okay, not to belabour a point but if this game is supposed to be innovative for 2008, then it needs to have a 2008 graphics engine (or it's closest 2005 equivolent). I played Prey for the first time the other day (finished it twice in one day.. darn that unlockable Cherokee mode) and I was more impressed by the ingame graphics of that 2004 Doom 3 engine than I was by any Fallout 3 image or video.

Music doesn't so much bother me these days as I usually turn it off and turn up the Morrison. And I haven't seen good characters in a game since Deus Ex. And they weren't exactly perfect.

You have some legitimate arguments, but the graphics argument really isn't one. The problem that you run into is the fact that Fallout 3 is based on the Oblivion engine because there's really not that many other engines out there that could support a huge world like Fallout 3, while still maintaining some quality graphics. Plus, Bethesda isn't exactly Mr. Innovative, so they are very unlikely going to switch or make a totally new engine for a single game.

Well, the engine isn't necessrily at fault, but maybe the way they use it? I mean, Witcher managed to look great on an old engine, and FO3 manages to look bad on a newer one.
guys, rehashing the same problems doesnt really do much...

1) the animations suck, beth couldnt animate their way out of a paper bag

2) the graphics are not very good, all they have is newbie intern artists who just barely got their degree and they didnt take good ones because they would actually cost money

3) the music is limited and poor for the most part nor does it truely fit the spirit of the game

4) the AI is very poor and makes a ton of stupid mistakes. hell, RunUO has better AI possibilities. tons of stupid mistakes and poor pathfinding and their descision making is what you would expect from a 3rd grader

5) the dialogue is poor due to having limited screen space and making it very simple for people to understand because complex dialogue is too hard and having to have it all voiced

these are well known issues, and cant be fixxed by patches
Ausdoerrt said:
superstartran said:
SoberCounsel said:
I can't honestly think of a good thing to say about Fallout 3. Except that I happen to enjoy PA games and given the lack of greenery or the colour yellow (barring nuclear explosions and gunfire) it would seem that yes indeed, the game could be set some time after a nuclear holocaust.. or maybe an air raid.. okay so maybe just a couple of decades of natural rotting.

It's DC. Why there is anything left is beyond comprehension to me. That aside, I could accept the possibility that maybe they were saving most of the nukes for a rainy day.

I could keep bitching about the almost unfathomable amount of nonsense within Fallout 3 but that is unhelpful and the horse has had enough.

My real issue goes to gameplay and graphics.

1. It's not Isometric. (like it's hard to have two perspectives!)
2. It's not Turn-Based. (well that's just not cricket.. it's also not Fallout)
3. The graphics look several years old. Okay, not to belabour a point but if this game is supposed to be innovative for 2008, then it needs to have a 2008 graphics engine (or it's closest 2005 equivolent). I played Prey for the first time the other day (finished it twice in one day.. darn that unlockable Cherokee mode) and I was more impressed by the ingame graphics of that 2004 Doom 3 engine than I was by any Fallout 3 image or video.

Music doesn't so much bother me these days as I usually turn it off and turn up the Morrison. And I haven't seen good characters in a game since Deus Ex. And they weren't exactly perfect.

You have some legitimate arguments, but the graphics argument really isn't one. The problem that you run into is the fact that Fallout 3 is based on the Oblivion engine because there's really not that many other engines out there that could support a huge world like Fallout 3, while still maintaining some quality graphics. Plus, Bethesda isn't exactly Mr. Innovative, so they are very unlikely going to switch or make a totally new engine for a single game.

Well, the engine isn't necessrily at fault, but maybe the way they use it? I mean, Witcher managed to look great on an old engine, and FO3 manages to look bad on a newer one.

It's really not all that bad. Having a computer that is way too expensive does help that aspect though. Are you on the PS3 version? Because if you are that's probably why the game is butt ugly.

Plus you have to understand how much work they did in the artwork part. You can't just expect them to make a game that looks like Crysis or Farcry 2, while simultaneously create a world as expansive and as large as they have. Granted, some aspects are quite boring, but Fallout 3 does have quite a wonderful world to enjoy.

To be able to do what you want, would cost a monstrous budget that even Bethesda probably does not even have. The only three companies that I know that could field a budget like that are Blizzard/Activision, Electronic Arts, and Rockstar. And you know out of those three companies, two of them are Satan (Blizzard and EA).
I'm really enjoying it so far.

At first, I thought combat was going to be lame because I thought it was going to depend on reflexes but it really doesn't feel like that. Statistics really does seem to matter whether it's in VATS or real-time. My only gripe is that you can forever shoot at an enemy in real-time while in VATS you're limited to AP. The slow-mo is actually pretty cool. I'm not tired of it yet.

Ambient music I hate. Inon Zur you suck. Stick in the epic fantasy genre, OK?

Dialogue is OK. I wish there were more dialogue branches. The NPC's just seem to chatter on and on and on and on and on. However, there have been quite a few times where I laughed out loud and where I thought the dialogue was nicely written.

Atmosphere is great. I like traveling through the wasteland and then I'll see something that piques my curiosity and I'll walk over to it and then I'll see something else.

Quests so far have been good. There was only one that was just really, really, out of place. It had to do with vampire/vampire like beings!!!??? WTF.

Also, the absence of level-scaling is great. I traveled to places where I just got my ass-kicked and that was awesome.
Speaking about atmoshpere...

When I went out of the vault it was dark. There wasn't much to see. Only to listen.
And I really didn't wanted it to be that way...
...but I really thought almost instantly that I have just left that damn Imperial City Prison Sewers. I am serious. First of all there was something in music that just wasn't feel wastelandish but more elderscrollish.
Second thing was the fact that some [or many even?] of the environmental sounds [like wind] are exactle the same as in Oblivion were. And I am very sensitive to sounds so I usually recognize most of them [like voices and environmental sounds; simply if I play long enough they stayed inside my memory].

Then I met three woman in a row who spoke with the same voice. [Apart from the fact that this was Nord/Orc woman from Oblivion] those voices was the same. I do not mind when one actor makes voices for several people but there is such thing like changing voice, isn't it? Like one person is stuttering while speaking, second one has higher pitch, the other speaks slower or kinda murmur... etc. Then every NPC seems a bit different and generally it works fine. But Fallout 3 seems to resemble its predecessor, Oblivion and it tries very hard to resemble it as much as possible in that matter.

Then there was Mr Burke. It was very bad choice to use Lucien Lachance's [quite important Dark Brotherhood's member form Oblivion] voice for Mr Burke. Mr Burke speaks exactly the same way Lucien did. And I mean: exactly. Sound, similar choice of phrases, similar accent... Oh damn, I really wanted to ask him whether he works for Dark Brotherhood and they want to recruit me or what. Atmosphere? Very strange in not very positive way. Such choice proves devs' lack of imagination.

Unfortunately most of the so called 'fallouty' atmosphere is gone and I simply cannot think about Fallout 1 or 2 while playing FO3. That's generally good because I can avoid obvious comparisons to real Fallout games and try to aproach 'Fallout 3's case' on a 'another game to check' basis.

In fact after playing for a while I have just written [generally for myself as I usually make notes while playing games] about 5 pages of stuff regarding many various elements [things big and small] of the game that I dislike [or like for that matter], so I feel kinda unloaded and can go back to the game.
Unfortunately I cannot play long because there is something wrong/strange with camera. There is this damn tendency to make game immersive [whatever that means] and therefore camera must jump and act like someone's head is jumping. I do not care [I have and use imagination for immersion, I do not need FPP view]. But that's rather inconvenient. It was a bit of a problem in Morrowind and Oblivion but not very serious. In Fallout 3 I am not able to play FPP for long time because it gives me one big headache. It seems I can say that Fallout 3 makes me wanna puke. Literally.

Maybe there's something in settings that can fix this.
superstartran said:
You have some legitimate arguments, but the graphics argument really isn't one. The problem that you run into is the fact that Fallout 3 is based on the Oblivion engine because there's really not that many other engines out there that could support a huge world like Fallout 3, while still maintaining some quality graphics. Plus, Bethesda isn't exactly Mr. Innovative, so they are very unlikely going to switch or make a totally new engine for a single game.

Perhaps it's not just the engine, but the character animations. Dogmeat (big wtf for this one..) doesn't so much walk like a dog, but like that mechanical spider from Wild Wild West (.. which I now have the urge to watch).

Everything's so stiff and, well.. average for a 'next-gen' game. And the character models don't so much as walk on a nicely textured and procedurally generated landscape as they do glide over planes.. which has always been a problem with Bethesda games, (ever played Morrowind and fallen through the ground? I did.)

Perhaps I've been spoilt by Crysis (a yawn-fest) and Mass Effect (ditto).. Maybe I just figured for a game that's getting 10/10 reviews it would have 10/10 graphics.. not 6/10. :roll:
TheWesDude said:
1) the animations suck, beth couldnt animate their way out of a paper bag

I heard the lead animator for Oblivion and Fallout 3 flunked out of his animation course twice, but you know how these rumours start.
Is it just me, or does the killcam portion of VATs often last way too long?

I'll often cap someone, watch them crumple to the ground in slo-mo... and then have to sit through another 3-4 seconds staring at their stationary corpse (While I'm still being attacked, mind you).

I haven't gotten sick of the bullet time kills like I thought I would, but that extra time staring at nothing really isn't helping.
SoberCounsel said:
I can't honestly think of a good thing to say about Fallout 3. Except that I happen to enjoy PA games and given the lack of greenery or the colour yellow (barring nuclear explosions and gunfire) it would seem that yes indeed, the game could be set some time after a nuclear holocaust.. or maybe an air raid.. okay so maybe just a couple of decades of natural rotting.

It's DC. Why there is anything left is beyond comprehension to me. That aside, I could accept the possibility that maybe they were saving most of the nukes for a rainy day.

I could keep bitching about the almost unfathomable amount of nonsense within Fallout 3 but that is unhelpful and the horse has had enough.

My real issue goes to gameplay and graphics.

1. It's not Isometric. (like it's hard to have two perspectives!)
2. It's not Turn-Based. (well that's just not cricket.. it's also not Fallout)
3. The graphics look several years old. Okay, not to belabour a point but if this game is supposed to be innovative for 2008, then it needs to have a 2008 graphics engine (or it's closest 2005 equivolent). I played Prey for the first time the other day (finished it twice in one day.. darn that unlockable Cherokee mode) and I was more impressed by the ingame graphics of that 2004 Doom 3 engine than I was by any Fallout 3 image or video.

Music doesn't so much bother me these days as I usually turn it off and turn up the Morrison. And I haven't seen good characters in a game since Deus Ex. And they weren't exactly perfect.

So....it was not the first fallout game styled like Street fighter 4 then.
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
Is it just me, or does the killcam portion of VATs often last way too long?

I'll often cap someone, watch them crumple to the ground in slo-mo... and then have to sit through another 3-4 seconds staring at their stationary corpse (While I'm still being attacked, mind you).

I haven't gotten sick of the bullet time kills like I thought I would, but that extra time staring at nothing really isn't helping.

By the way, is there a way to skip that slow mo cinematic thingie, in options or,,, in any way. Without mods